Oh, no, we can't have that. Dr. Frank-N-Furter is a sweet, sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania (aka outer space), which means s/he's an alien and that will portray ALL trannies and transvestites in a "negative light" (I'd burst with joy if I turn out to be an alien). We can't have any representation which deviates from The Narrative.
>demonizing already demonized and vulnerable minorities is looked upon poorly and this is somehow stiffing the true freedom of artistic expression(what great talent is there in writing a shock value freakshow with no deeper understanding of anything)
you might think you are clever or whatever but literally all of your posts are completely soulless and speak of you as a person with a purely mechanical understanding of the world, you larp someone with an interest in art(especially when it comes to video games) but it's all just soundbites in your posts
beyond that you are a retard and I have found you annoying for years
"""the """narrative"""""""" starts shifting a tad away and you start screeching how it's suddenly impossible to deviate from, of course in the same breath with which you complain about "reactionaries"
that kind of depiction is "problematic" because it is crass, shallow, and vulgar on top of being absolutely clueless
there is nothing brave or valuable(art wise) in doing something like that
shortly before both sides get thrown out of helicopters
based tbh
radical anti ideology(visible) mercenary army would be a good centrist defense force
too bad most of them are too cucked to envision that