Phrases like "Vampire: the Masquerade is not a fascist-friendly game. If you are a neo-Nazi, an alt-righter, or whatever you're calling yourself nowadays..." etc., etc., etc. doesn't clue you in on the fact they are forcing you to play their way or get lost? Also, note how they claim it is the right that is calling themselves those perjoratives and not something stuck on the right by the left as labels they can easily demonise.
A neo-Nazi and alt-righter is exactly that, no matter what they call themselves. Shitheads like that belong demonized. It is irrelevant which side coined the term. Exactly the same with SJWs. Personally, I just demonize all shitheads, no matter which extremist side they are on.
And what that phrase clues me in is that the writer is quite likely not someone who likes racists, homophobes, etc. Great, now I know the writer is not an idiot from that specific side of the spectrum (they might still be an idiot from the other side, of course).
In no way do they force me to play their way, especially not if on the very same article they say that you absolutely should be able to depict and play a racist, etc. because those people exist and playing them can even be a valuable experience.
That is PnP to begin with, in the end, the DM decides what to do, not some guideline written by someone with an opinion
In the video game, I fully do expect that you are forced to play someone who is not a racist/sexist/homophobe. But that is just to be expected, because afaik no RPG like that allows you to do that.