If leftists were left alone you would have "Venezuelans" all over the world instead of well fed, high-quality-blood Swiss.
you are such a retard, man (the church of aod schism, 2019, colorized)
how can you use the words "were left alone" and then refer to a country under several sanctions that had literally billions in gold stolen from them in shady international deals that amount to pretty much a siege, like there was literally a coup attempt not so long ago lmao
Your entire response is extremely like STEMcel core "analysis" that misses the point. Stories about vampires are art, they are metaphorical from their very inception(stake your landlord) adjusting the way you tell these stories to better fit themes relevant to the current zeitgeits is completely normal and precisely what should happen. Nitpicking the "realism" of some of these changes is like blue hat tier.
Especially since the nitpicking is not even particularly good. The Camarilla is like, what, 600 years old? What great antiquity! It was borne out of a time of chaos when the inquisitions and young rebellious vampires were making a huge mess of things resulting in radical changes to cainite society.
It is also not resistant to change, given that it literally just changed very rapidly in response to the
second inquisition starting shit again and bombing the most important Tremere base.
The entire current metaplot(I have my objections to v5 but this game is using it is canon so that's what we are working with) is a time of great change in vampire society from the way the more elder vampires have gone into hiding to the appearance of the withering. We have literally just undergone what many believed to be the end of the world(which also was the reason why thin-blood were hated - they were seen as portent of gehenna, not your "conclusion" about them being somehow a hindrance to the ability of elders to feed) what better time for a shakeup in society?
Also like incorporating modern themes isn't about 500yo elders respecting your pronouns. It's about young vampire attempting to assert their cultural baggage AGAINST the more conservative old vampire elements.(usually)
You are also somewhat clueless about your conception of "arrogance" "evil" and "tolerance". There is a perfectly good argument that elder vampire who have grown so alien from the base concepts of humanity will give absolutely zero fucks and not be at all offended by the LGBTQ elements of society as they would see them as just a part of the vulgar human experience no different from securing a future for while children with your big tiddy goth gf.
I am also not convinced that any elder worth their salt would really be SHOCKED by a trans person given that one of the most prominent vampire figures in the world has been doing gender fuckery for ages now. Like literally one of the most important political meetings in vampire history was concluded by this person "throwing his own genitals into the Ventrue's face". The Ventrue's name? Hardestadt the leading figure in the founding of the Camarilla.
Sascha Vykos, born
Myca Vykos
- Male (originally)
- Female (frequently)
- Genderless (currently)
triggered yet, reactionarytard?
(if you give me autism rating infinitron you must give him one too btw, this is what I mean about like your cutting policy punishing dissident opinions mainly as the popular ones get posted without any reaction or derail)
This. SJW themes in this setting makes no sense whatsover.
how many white wolf publications have you read?
like buddy boy there is a reason why SJWs and queers are a good portion of this long established setting's fanbase
Like, fuck off.
This is not your setting to bitch about. You enjoyed one fucking video game based on it and now you go bitching about how the SJWs are radically changing the whole thing over when always and forever this game was primarily aimed at the degenerate librul cucks who put on nail polish and eye makeup to larp how mean the world was to them while hissing at each other.