The official twitter responded on the "politically charged" issue. Doesn't mean much on its own, but at least they care about fans' concerns enough to answer.
Still worried about "mental illness problematic/punching up" stuff though.
yep, this goes to my point on that article where they tried to play up the politics angle. this is (mostly) about clickbait.
yeah, they SJW writer is worrying, but hopefully she'll be reigned in.
I don't mind political commentary if they use the setting as a way of expressing that, so long as it A) makes sense B) isn't DIRECTLY in your face about it, and B) the player can side against their views without a narrative slap for doing so.
Ok example: Androids are like slaves, commentary on what it means to be human, commentary on slavery, commentary on the holocaust. The player has the option to enslave the droids, free them or remain neutral.
Bad example: having actual black guys in the game screaming about white privelege, cultural appropriation, 400 years of slavery etc. The player has either no choice but to listen to it, or is punished for reacting negatively. Eg, the suffragettes in Red Dead.
Again, good example: a character is gay, you're free to react how you will, the game doesn't center on it, the character isn't forced in your face. Eg, the gay hunter in Witcher 3. You culd listen to his story or skip it, comfort him or basically tell him he's weird for being gay.
Bad example: A character is gay, he's a main character, he's constantly talking about being gay/bi/whatever, or even hits on the main character. Good luck getting rid of him. Eg, DA:Inquisition, where every other character was over the top gay or bi.
Unless it's Roots: The Game, or Good Times: The Game, or Milo Yianopolis The Black Dick Loving Homo: The Game, you shouldn't be beating people over the head with politics, giving them a long, forced narrative about political topics etc.
If they can control themselves, I will probably still be able to enjoy the game. If not, well, there's always "not physically removing it from an inventory" because I don't want to pay to be tortured, even if my wish to play a Vampire game exceeds my wish not to suffer LGBTBBQ politics.