I disagree with Starwrecker about the Malks in VTMB. World Of Darkness canon gives a very broad definition of Malk behavior... up to and including being stark raving bat-shit crazy. It doesn't say that ALL Malks behave that way, but it does say that SOME Malks are completely off-the-wall. Some are even completely unintelligible, spending much of their time babbling absurd nonsense, and occasionally getting into arguments with stop signs (hee hee). Troika were obviously drawn to the nuttier side of Malk behavior, mainly because of all the opportunities they provide for comic relief and political incorrectness. The first time I played a Malk in VTMB, I was laughing my ass off the whole way through. The female Malks are particularly hilarious (eg: "I'll save the juices of our love in a plastic bag").
That aside, one thing I'm gratified to see is this: I'm glad they opted for a sequel, instead of a remake of VTMB.
For many years now, we've had posts from all sorts of people who kept wishing that someone would do "a modern remake" of VTMB. And I have always been the lone voice of dissent in those conversations, saying that I would rather leave VTMB as it is, and just go for a self-contained sequel instead. One of the reasons everyone loves VTMB is because it's so quirky -- and so much a product of its time. I've always felt that a remake, no matter how well intentioned, would wind up losing half the charm of the original production. The original VTMB belongs in a hall of fame somewhere. A classic doesn't need a remake.