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World of Darkness Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 from Hardsuit Labs


May 6, 2019
Strap Yourselves In
The Tremere have Auspex also so that's not new.

The same as Bloodlines 1, but "darker". They're trying to find a middle path. But it's good news for people who weren't expecting them to do the "full alternate dialogue" Malkavian at all.

Yeah, this powerset just reaffirms my feeling that this will be Dishonored in gameplay. I was talking more about the dialogue system itself. I doubt that they can use full VTMB system to a tee nowadays.

You mean dialogue trees??? The only thing unusual about the dialogue system in Bloodlines is that they mixed up the fonts.

Yeah, I do. There's nothing unusual for 2004, sure, but how many AAA or AA RPGs in the past five years have had dialogue trees of decent depth?

Kyl Von Kull

The Night Tripper
Jun 15, 2017
Jamrock District
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
The Tremere have Auspex also so that's not new.

The same as Bloodlines 1, but "darker". They're trying to find a middle path. But it's good news for people who weren't expecting them to do the "full alternate dialogue" Malkavian at all.

Yeah, this powerset just reaffirms my feeling that this will be Dishonored in gameplay. I was talking more about the dialogue system itself. I doubt that they can use full VTMB system to a tee nowadays.

You mean dialogue trees??? The only thing unusual about the dialogue system in Bloodlines is that they mixed up the fonts.

Yeah, I do. There's nothing unusual for 2004, sure, but how many AAA or AA RPGs in the past five years have had dialogue trees of decent depth?

Paradox published an RPG less than three years ago with immense dialogue trees. If they cared enough to fund it for Tyranny, they’ll fund it for this beloved property they’re trying to resurrect. [glares silently]

I really wouldn’t worry about this. I know the dialogue wheel has become ubiquitous, but limited dialogue wheels are something you see in games with a voiced protagonist, which Bloodlines 2 won’t have. I can’t think of an RPG with the dialogue wheel and a nonvoiced protagonist. It’s just that every recent AAA RPG has had a voiced PC and that obviously creates an incentive for the developers to limit your dialogue options. Not the case here.


Oct 5, 2017
which one wore it better?





May 6, 2019
Strap Yourselves In
Paradox published an RPG less than three years ago with immense dialogue trees. If they cared enough to fund it for Tyranny, they’ll fund it for this beloved property they’re trying to resurrect. [glares silently]

I really wouldn’t worry about this. I know the dialogue wheel has become ubiquitous, but limited dialogue wheels are something you see in games with a voiced protagonist, which Bloodlines 2 won’t have. I can’t think of an RPG with the dialogue wheel and a nonvoiced protagonist. It’s just that every recent AAA RPG has had a voiced PC and that obviously creates an incentive for the developers to limit your dialogue options. Not the case here.

I'd argue that Tyranny, DoS1,2, etc have a much lower cost for both the character and environment art (and level design) than a first-person game due to the isometric perspective. Nothing has to have as much detail and you don't even have to have actual environmental 3D so you have more budget for dialogues and other stuff.


May 1, 2018
Also, where are my Lasombra?

I don't think they'll put them in Bloodlines 2 at all, they'll most likely be one of the clans kept aside for Bloodlines 3, which they said in the previous Q&A is something they'd want to use to show off the more non-standard clans and bloodlines. Don't expect to see anything other than Gangrel and Nosferatu added for this game after launch in those free Clan DLCs they talked about. In fact, now that I look at it, it seems a very shady business practice, withholding two of the basic variety of clans as free DLC - probably for a positive PR spin. Then again, this might be the cynic in me being bitter about the withholding of other clans from the game. Who knows? Paradox might yet surprise us. I just don't expect it to be a pleasant surprise.


May 27, 2011
Shit, I keep forgetting that Lasombra are Camarilla now. 15 year old me would be so happy. I should get back in touch with him.


Aug 10, 2012
Torment: Tides of Numenera



Malkavians have been traditionally ostracized by the Seattle Kindred. While a few managed to claim territory in less desirable districts, very few have ever managed to rise to the levels of the other clans. Because of this, there is a persistent bias against the Malkavian clan that still exists into modern nights.


None of the many nicknames for Clan Malkav - "Lunatics", "Jesters", "Visionaries", "Madmen", and so on - is as fitting as "Oracles". To be of the Clan is to understand things nobody else does; and to be affected by that understanding. Among the clan, this shows itself in psychosis, depression, compulsive disorders, or uncounted other mental illnesses. This hasn't kept the Clan of the Moon from finding a place in Kindred society. Advisers, strategists, preachers, hunters and yes, rulers; all Malkavians walk their very own path.



All Malkavians see further than a mortal could. No Malkavian is left untouched by what they see. Their signature Discipline allows the clan’s members to impart an imperfect version of their psychosis on others, with often drastic results.

• Haunt (Blood Cost: 2), the first active Dementation power, imparts an unseen spectre in the victims’ minds. Unable to control themselves, they’ll try to flee in a panic. The • • and • • • • • slots upgrade Haunt.

• • • Berserk (Blood Cost: 4), the second active power, fills the vampire’s targets with an uncontrollable rage, causing them to lash out at anything nearby - even the air itself, if no better target is available. The • • • • and • • • • • slots enhance Berserk.

Use of Dementation, while thoroughly unsettling, is not a Masquerade Violation.


Nothing stays hidden to those who gain the Discipline of Auspex. Their senses expanding beyond the boundaries of their bodies, these Kindred slip ever deeper into their condition.

• Aura Sense (Blood Cost: 2), Auspex’ first active, makes the vampire spot NPCs even through walls, read crowds at a glance, and mark individuals, staying aware of them even over long distances. It also reveals the weaknesses in the marked NPC’s attack and defense. The • • and • • • • • slots enhance Aura Sense.

• • • Psychic Projection (Blood Cost: 2), the second active, forces the vampire’s mind from their body. Untethered, they will explore the area in astral form, remaining free to use Aura Sight to mark any character they spot. Even more: The vampire’s own senses have developed to such an extent that they may end up telepathically overwhelming the senses of others for a short while. The • • • • slot enhances Psychic Projection.

Use of Auspex is not a Masquerade Violation.
Last edited by a moderator:


Oct 1, 2008
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
It should be fairly obvious, then, that the Malkavians are going to be a challenge for the team. On the one hand, a few loud voices in the community are convinced that the Malks won’t be in Bloodlines 2, and if they are they’ll be ruined by political correctness gone, ahaha, mad. On the other, there’s a very good argument that in 2019 a character whose signature trait is mental illness is probably not going to come off well. As I write this, it seems to me that Malkavians are very much like a simulated nuclear war, in that the only winning move is not to play. But that doesn’t sound like it was an option.

The mark of great art has always been the overwhelming desire to avoid controversy and/or hurt feelings. :roll:

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