Number of Full-Time Developers: Approx. 20: 1 of me, 3 programmers, 6 designers, 7 artists, 1 writer, 1 associate producer, 1 tech
Number of Contractors: Approx. 6: 2 writers, 4 testers
Development Time: 6 months of preproduction and 28 months of production
Release Date: June 23, 2000
Target Platform: Windows 95/98/NT/2000 plus third-party Macintosh and Linux ports
Critical Development Hardware: Ranged from dual Pentium Pro 200s with 8GB hard drives, to Athlon 800s with 9GB fast SCSI, and everything in between. More than 100 video cards were cycled through during development.
Software Used: Visual Studio, Lightwave, Lotus Notes
Notable Technologies: Unreal engine and associated tools such as UnrealEd and ConEdit (our proprietary conversation editor)