one of the vampire daddies took tactical nukes and space lasers to the face
Considering the fact that his level of mastery over his Clan's signature Discipline allows him to quite literally reshape reality itself on a whim and his reaction times are akin to a modern high-end CPU, the stupid part is that he actually died from said nukes and lasers when the more """realistic""" outcome would've been he just turns them all to flowers or soap bubbles or something.
But I get your point. Gehenna was supposed to be the one last, final, severely, extremely retarded HUZZAH to years and years of absurd metaplot bloat, and that's where the setting should've stayed. Not revived only to get cannibalized by bunch of absolute goddamn morons who wouldn't know good writing if it took a shit in their Pumpkin Spice Lattes.
and vampires aren't even supposed to be at the top of the food chain
Eh, each of the Settings is written from the POV of the species it's about. In Werewolf, wolves are king, in Mage, Mages shape reality, in Demon blah blah blah. They were never meant to be compared directly side-by-side, I think.