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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader Pre-Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Art direction is fine you fucking idiots or does THIS look non-cartoony and 100% srs bsns to you

I have no fucking clue I haven't looked. Got more illustrations matching the video game?
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 22, 2020
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
PnP Rogue Trader is most certainly open to fairly light-hearted gameplay experience if the players want to go for that. Of the whole Fantasy Flight Games series of PnP systems, Rogue Trader is the only one in which you can have lets say an Ork who constantly does Orky stuff as a member of the party and it doesnt look completely retarded and out of place. In my experience, people often treated it as a more relaxed game in comparison to highly grimdark and serious Dark Heresy/Only War/Deathwatch or potentially fucked up and assholeish Dark Crusade.

Of course it is entirely possible to have grimdark and serious adventures in Rogue Trader too, I GMed a few and played in more. In any case I dont really see the point in this fascination with the art style being too caroony or w/e. The content of the game is completely fine and the implementation of lore is very good. As someone who at least skimmed through pretty much all the publications that FFG released for their 40K line and used most of the systems heavily for many years I have zero problem with how the game presents itself. I also have no doubt that the devs know the setting very well and know how it works.

The game in general works pretty well considering its alpha (had zero bugs or crashes after some 20 hours), the problems with the game are to most part technical and can be fixed should the devs be willing (ie objective descriptions as I mentioned previously and such things), the game could use a tutorial and better explanation of systems in general, but than again the introductory part of the game is not even in the alpha so far.


Dec 13, 2019
the combat is just generic turn based focus firing to burst down enemies before they can act, same shit different toilet basically.
One good thing to say about combat is that misses can impact the battlefield when you miss and hit someone else (or vice versa).

In any case I dont really see the point in this fascination with the art style being too caroony or w/e.
This reminds me of a similar discussion, but about Cyberpunk 2077 - the game being too bright and sunny for a Cyberpunk setting.


Possibly Retarded
Dec 5, 2020
Warhammer 40k with Rain!!!
This game is Awesome! Look at it Rain! Wooooo!!!

As I watch people play the game I notice that combat seems bit to easy. People are just killing enemies left and right.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
I'm sure someone will make a lovely ENB that turns saturation and brightness to 0 and adds 300% sharpening

(I wish I was kidding)


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
In any case I dont really see the point in this fascination with the art style being too caroony or w/e.
This reminds me of a similar discussion, but about Cyberpunk 2077 - the game being too bright and sunny for a Cyberpunk setting.

C2077 was overfocused on design (cars, guns, clothing, lifestyle) not science

In true cyberpunk technology doesn't necessarily lead to a higher quality of life

Therefore C2077 is contemporary futurism, not cyberpunk


Jun 3, 2018


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
Doesn't look like a Saturday morning cartoon.

Neither does the game.

Shiieeet! This screenshot looks so generic and clean, it's like a cleaning crew came in and fucked up the whole place with some top of the shelf cleaning product. I can smell it from here.

In the grim darkness of the far future there is only Ajax lavender scent.
Arright but... this is the bridge, right? Why would what's essentialy an obscenely rich noble's throne room be dirty?

Johnny Biggums

Oct 4, 2020
I noted previously that I know very little about 40k. From my perspective, clearly the luj1/Trans-financial-man side of this art style argument has vigorously blown out the infinitron/Humbaba side's holes. That said, I can get over the art style feeling wrong, but what I can no longer support are owlcat's mandatory minigames. Make it incline or remove it. I'm practically a captive audience for isometric CRPGs, so Owlcat is just spurning my money now with this stuff.


Dec 6, 2021
I noted previously that I know very little about 40k. From my perspective, clearly the luj1/Trans-financial-man side of this art style argument has vigorously blown out the infinitron/Humbaba side's holes. That said, I can get over the art style feeling wrong, but what I can no longer support are owlcat's mandatory minigames. Make it incline or remove it. I'm practically a captive audience for isometric CRPGs, so Owlcat is just spurning my money now with this stuff.
The specific brain disease they have that makes them shoehorn in a second, completely unnecessary and always very shitty game on top of the already-massive existing one is very odd. It probably warrants intensive academic study.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block

Shiieeet! This screenshot looks so generic and clean, it's like a cleaning crew came in and fucked up the whole place with some top of the shelf cleaning product. I can smell it from here.

In the grim darkness of the far future there is only Ajax lavender scent.

Arright but... this is the bridge, right? Why would what's essentialy an obscenely rich noble's throne room be dirty?

Bruh, even the Golden Throne of Terra where the half-alive corpse of the Emperor is seated is deteriorating into dirt. Let alone some bridge, somewhere. You understand this universe is OLD.

Also this Rogue Traders are obscenely rich meme needs to die. Yes, *some* of them are rich and powerful. But not all of them. Many Rogue Traders command a single derelict ship. Read the fucking rulebook.


Mar 6, 2017

Shiieeet! This screenshot looks so generic and clean, it's like a cleaning crew came in and fucked up the whole place with some top of the shelf cleaning product. I can smell it from here.

In the grim darkness of the far future there is only Ajax lavender scent.

Arright but... this is the bridge, right? Why would what's essentialy an obscenely rich noble's throne room be dirty?

Bruh, even the Golden Throne of Terra where the half-alive corpse of the Emperor is seated is deteriorating into dirt. Let alone some bridge, somewhere. You understand this universe is OLD.

Also this Rogue Traders are obscenely rich meme needs to die. Yes, *some* of them are rich and powerful. But not all of them. Many Rogue Traders command a single derelict ship. Read the fucking rulebook.
What a retarded statement, our RT IS rich and powerful
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 22, 2020
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
Meanwhile in Koronus Expanse....

I am getting a bit worried about Pasqal tbh fam, he just cant keep his mechanendrites to himself and even this poor Lexmechanic doesnt really enjoy it:


I guess he is just being friendly to his tech-bro, but then if I couple this with the fact that he had zero problems undressing to show off his... augmentations... is making me a little suspicious of his true intentions.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Meanwhile in Koronus Expanse....

I am getting a bit worried about Pasqal tbh fam, he just cant keep his mechanendrites to himself and even this poor Lexmechanic doesnt really enjoy it:

I guess he is just being friendly to his tech-bro, but then if I couple this with the fact that he had zero problems undressing to show off his... augmentations... is making me a little suspicious of his true intentions.

I couldn't resist.


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