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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader Pre-Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Dec 15, 2020
I made Argenta execute psycker bitch that put my ship and my crew at danger.

There's no excuse to keep her around anymore, she's all fucked up at that point and dangerous to anyone around, and I have responsibilities - my ship, my crew and my empire.

I love that this game have choices like this - it doesn't matter if I like Idira or not, I am established person with responsibilities, not some warlord who can do as he pleases.
yeah it's really good that the game allows you to execute the women of colour in your crew(and only the women of colour)

it's especially cool if it is a blond haired blue eyed superwoman doing the execution

nothing problematic about that at all



Old time handsome face wrecker
Dec 1, 2010
San Diego
Codex 2014
So my assumption re: Space Marines in this game is that you can't have one in the party because he would just be too powerful. I mean, aside for all the lore reasons why he wouldn't be in your party, he would also be horribly unbalanced. Right?
I barely know anything about this game, but given how there's a Space Wolf on the splash art, I think the chances are pretty good you'll get an Astartes at least temporarily.

Lore-wise it's not unreasonable for Rogue Traders to get marine "consultants" or whatever if their aims coincide.

Early-game a marine would be OP. Lategame when your characters gets a bunch of fancy stuff and are regularly counter-torturing dark eldar for giggles?

Eh, probably not so much.
This is good to know. My whole dog in this fight is that I am totally gay for Space Marines and I would love a Space Marine RPG, perhaps in the vein of a Dawn of War II style tactical game with much heavier RPG elements, a longer story, etc. It would be awesome.

But, it looks like I'm not going to get one of those. So, maybe I can get a decent approximation with this game?


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
people edge-posting that executing all black women is great

people saying larping extreme racism in a vidya game is "problematic"

only one thing they agree on: if you think both are pants-on-head retarded, you secretly agree with the other side
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A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
If the game doesn't give you the option of at least some kind of xenocide, people are gonna question how lore-accurate it is.

"Grrrr I'm evil and you must DIE!". It does not get any less retarded even under the guise of "Imperial racism".
Completely normal in the Imperium tbh. Any human could put 20 Eldar babies in a meat grinder and people would think literally nothing of it. In fact they would applaud you for it.
Eldar canonically have caused the death of millions/billions of humans just to save a few of their own. So fair's fair.


Jul 15, 2022
Then I wonder why the devs bothered to make such character,
To justify a party on a heretic playthrough. To show the player Theodora isn't on the up and up.
and you have the option to "become that king's herald" or to declare Exterminatus and purify that entire planet.
Or you can challenge the Warp entity itself, defeat it, gain the title "God Killer" and claim the planet as your own. I also like how when the governor reveals his corruption, you have the option to immediately execute him.
I see they're continuing the trend from Wrathfinder, where they give you regular options to fight certain NPCs but at least in this case it seems to be justified (imperial racism). In Wrathfinder it often was just the (Evil) option which often just went like "Grrrr I'm evil and you must DIE!".
In this case it's justifiable because the Eldar are trying to drag on the conflict between the Slaaneshi governor and the human rebels so as to kill as many Imperials as possible. Sure, Yrliet didn't originally know that the Farseer knew about the Chaos corruption, but any good Imperial would have killed her once they realized what she was.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
because eldar would do the same to human babies.
Which is weird lol,that is one of the main drawbacks of warhammer,there is no diplomacy. The biggest one is how stagnated the lore is because it is a board game and everyone should be on one level,more or less.
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Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
because eldar would do the same to human babies.
Which is weird lol,that is one of the main drawbacks of warhammer,there is no diplomacy. The biggest one is how stagnated the lore is because it is a board game and everyone should on one level,more or less.
You should read about the Tau, they'll be your favorite Xenos!


Possibly Retarded
Dec 5, 2020
I can't get over how stupid you guys are on Warhammer 40 k!!!

In other news expect Amazon to make Warhammer the great Woke as they bring out their series.
No idea on the Netflix series or the special one being made or is going to be made. Or just a rumor I used hang with Coolnews.

One thing that is good about the Amazon they have a lot of money for it.

Quite a bit going on with the Warhammer Universe.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
because eldar would do the same to human babies.
Which is weird lol,that is one of the main drawbacks of warhammer,there is no diplomacy. The biggest one is how stagnated the lore is because it is a board game and everyone should on one level,more or less.
You should read about the Tau, they'll be your favorite Xenos!
LoL no,they are massive cucks. Humans are the best. But it is boring when X enemy tries something and humans do some shit and everything ends up the same. You don't actually get a glorious chad crusade where you see humans wiping out some of their big enemies. Also there is zero reason why eldars and humans shouldn't be allies in some cases or neutral at worst. The whole setting does lack progress,nobody invents new weapons to kill their enemy or expand.


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
because eldar would do the same to human babies.
Which is weird lol,that is one of the main drawbacks of warhammer,there is no diplomacy. The biggest one is how stagnated the lore is because it is a board game and everyone should on one level,more or less.
You should read about the Tau, they'll be your favorite Xenos!
LoL no,they are massive cucks. Humans are the best. But it is boring when X enemy tries something and humans do some shit and everything ends up the same. You don't actually get a glorious chad crusade where you see humans wiping out some of their big enemies. Also there is zero reason why eldars and humans shouldn't be allies in some cases or neutral at worst. The whole setting does lack progress,nobody invents new weapons to kill their enemy or expand.
Have you slept through the recent events? We got all that and more.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
because eldar would do the same to human babies.
Which is weird lol,that is one of the main drawbacks of warhammer,there is no diplomacy. The biggest one is how stagnated the lore is because it is a board game and everyone should on one level,more or less.
You should read about the Tau, they'll be your favorite Xenos!
LoL no,they are massive cucks. Humans are the best. But it is boring when X enemy tries something and humans do some shit and everything ends up the same. You don't actually get a glorious chad crusade where you see humans wiping out some of their big enemies. Also there is zero reason why eldars and humans shouldn't be allies in some cases or neutral at worst. The whole setting does lack progress,nobody invents new weapons to kill their enemy or expand.
Have you slept through the recent events? We got all that and more.
I am not in to warhmmer,to be honest. Every now and then i see some new shit and it is still the same. I take it that there is some new book from some author that only warhammer cringefagz know about some such thing.


Sep 4, 2015
nigger, even in games humies were allied with eldars out of necessity. problem is as all elves fags will betray you at first opportunity.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
nigger, even in games humies were allied with eldars out of necessity. problem is as all elves fags will betray you at first opportunity.
Having a short allience for a few missions is one thing. Staying out of each other ways and having diplomacy is different. Also don't know how much canon are the game.


Sep 4, 2015
stopped caring about tabletop long ago but iirc there were allies system in some editions. best frens forever, like most imperium armies, allies in need, like humans with some less retarded xenos, desperate allies, against some apocalyptic enemy like tyranids, etc.


Sep 4, 2015
nigger, even in games humies were allied with eldars out of necessity. problem is as all elves fags will betray you at first opportunity.
Having a short allience for a few missions is one thing. Staying out of each other ways and having diplomacy is different. Also don't know how much canon are the game.
nigger, imperium is millions of worlds and thousands of wars at all times. there is no such thing as ally to all imperium. you can fight together with some eldars against tyranids and on another world killing each other.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
nigger, even in games humies were allied with eldars out of necessity. problem is as all elves fags will betray you at first opportunity.
Having a short allience for a few missions is one thing. Staying out of each other ways and having diplomacy is different. Also don't know how much canon are the game.
nigger, imperium is millions of worlds and thousands of wars at all times. there is no such thing as ally to all imperium. you can fight together with some eldars against tyranids and on another world killing each other.
Why not ??? Why can't humans just get their shit together and go arse rape some retards with their armies??? They are in constant stagnation where nothing happens lol. All those millions of worlds and there is not single chap that could invent a new gun ?!?!?!?! lol the whole lore is retarded in that aspect. And that is there because it is table top game. There is a need for a warhammer 50k where the emperor is revived and goes on some arse raping jihad lol. Also all that grimdark shit gets boring,because it lacks contrast. If everything is grimdark then everything is normal in a way.


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
There is a need for a warhammer 50k where the emperor is revived and goes on some arse raping jihad lol.

Things seem to be heading that way.

Also all that grimdark shit gets boring,because it lacks contrast. If everything is grimdark then everything is normal in a way.

This point has some merit.

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