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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader Pre-Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Possibly Retarded
Dec 5, 2020
Event Horizon.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Not really. I am arguing against boring terrible writing. If you want a counter example, take SWTOR. I liked playing a Light Side Inquisitor there. Now did that entail that I was a goody two shoes who was sniffing daisies like Ferdinand the bull? No, he was just more subtle and manipulative, not murdering everything at the drop of the hat "CUZ I CANZ!". There can be more to racism and evil than "HURR DURR KILL YUZ!".
From what I have seen you have more moderate options as well. Which makes sense, with you being a Rogue Trader. An inquisitor is another position where I can see you having such leeway.

I mean, murdering everything at the drop of the hat is something you OUGHT to expect from a Warhammer 40,000, so it is only natural for the option for that to be there. In fact, most games in the universe go for a straight up loyalist approach, with only some "I will work with you instead of murdering you, xeno scum, because that's the only way to fight off Chaos", because anything else could be considered heretical in the eyes of the Imperium and its representatives (depending on their approach). Alliances are temporary and xeno trade is considered a grey area at best (meaning the local lord tolerates it) or outright outlawed (which is Imperium's official stance. Which is kind of funny, considering the first thing an inquisitor's aide does is hand to you a xenos artifact. But Warhammer 40,000 is contradictory like that, which mirrors life to some degree).

By the way, in SW:TOR you also had "HURR DURR KILL YUX!" staple options for the Sith Warrior. Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agents were both more nuanced in their options, which - again - is natural for these classes.
Yes, and those "KIEL YU" options are just as insufferably retarded and a waste of time. I can see it being appropriate in very specific circumstances, like someone really backstabbing you hard, but otherwise on some random stranger you know nothing about? Even as a rabid racist piece of shit and even if you have that secret murderous craving of a Chikatilo level psychopath you usually are not just murdering someone on the spot because that can lead to severe repercussions down the lane that can really bite you in the rear.
Worse there are usually no further consequences in games usually because either the developers are incredibly lazy or time constraints. If someone with as much prominence as a RT is running around murdering every Xenos in sight, what are the chances that they will either wilfully try to engage in earnest diplomatic endeavours or not setting you up hard. As a GM, I would be delighted to tear such a character a new one for his infinite retardation and lead such a mindless fucktard into a well planned ambush and make sure that he suffers greatly for being such an empty headed cretin.
That is the other problem I have with these decisions, apart from losing a companion there are hardly any repercussions, if any. Meanwhile in "reality" most of the time these characters do have loved ones and acquaintances, some might even be reasonably powerful and well connected, yet you can just murder them and go merrily on your way and people still pop up like "Excuse me sir..." and you can go "KIEL YU" just happily ever after on and on.
All in all, it is nothing but lazy and retarded writing.


Zionist Agent
Feb 2, 2007
If someone with as much prominence as a RT is running around murdering every Xenos in sight, what are the chances that they will either wilfully try to engage in earnest diplomatic endeavours
I don't know what kind of setting you think 40k is, but the Imperium has a standard policy in place to genocide any sentient species they can get away with. The Tau were marked for extermination when they were a one-planet species, and only random luck saved them from such a fate.

The Imperium views this as a just way to get rid of the any budding competition.

Naturally, Rogue Traders can run the gamut of zealous religious fanatics, greedy opportunists, heretics and reasonable pragmatists, but killing an alien on sight would not be seen as anything out of the ordinary for a (just, pious, moral) Imperial citizen.

As a GM, I would be delighted to tear such a character a new one for his infinite retardation and lead such a mindless fucktard into a well planned ambush and make sure that he suffers greatly for being such an empty headed cretin
And everyone at the table would rightfully call you a butthurt liberal cuck, and to fuck off and watch some Star Trek sissification porn.


Sep 4, 2015
Yes, and those "KIEL YU" options are just as insufferably retarded and a waste of time.
yes. and you know why? because if you by some accident happened to be near one of the eldar precious little worlds they wouldn't bother to even start talking before killing you.


Sep 6, 2022
because if you by some accident happened to be near one of the eldar precious little worlds they wouldn't bother to even start talking before killing you.
Yvraine would disagree with you.
But then again, she is busy doing stuff, the stuff being Robby G.


Sep 4, 2015
papa smurf is useful - he's regent.
notice how even on screenshot it's eldar wommyn approaching mon-keigh simp planning to use him.
it's never other way around - they have zero interest in what YOU want.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
because if you by some accident happened to be near one of the eldar precious little worlds they wouldn't bother to even start talking before killing you.
Yvraine would disagree with you.
But then again, she is busy doing stuff, the stuff being Robby G.


Nouveau Riche
Apr 19, 2012
Yvraine and her sub faction are a weird case and skub for that reason. We are supposed to believe dark eldar of all people can turn a new leaf after being told of some prophecy.
Teehee i have tortured and raped millions of people in the worst ways possible for centuries whilst living a purely selfish and hedonistic lifestyle but i'm totally good and clean now, trust me, i don't even wear people's faces as bras anymore (hell until yvraine's backstory I didn't even know it was possible for eldar to just bounce from being a craftworld banshee to a wych so casually).

Was the same bs in warhammer fantasy when GW made the dark elves, high elves and wood elves became one race again with no big issues whatsoever, resolving millenia of animosity and divergence with just a handshake.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Yvraine and her sub faction are a weird case and skub for that reason. We are supposed to believe dark eldar of all people can turn a new leaf after being told of some prophecy.
Teehee i have tortured and raped millions of people in the worst ways possible for centuries whilst living a purely selfish and hedonistic lifestyle but i'm totally good and clean now, trust me, i don't even wear people's faces as bras anymore (hell until yvraine's backstory I didn't even know it was possible for eldar to just bounce from being a craftworld banshee to a wych so casually).

Was the same bs in warhammer fantasy when GW made the dark elves, high elves and wood elves became one race again with no big issues whatsoever, resolving millenia of animosity and divergence with just a handshake.

It was worse since the high elves and dark elves hated each other way more than the eldar/dark eldar.

Then again, it's just like a space elf to shrug and say "oh well."

Another reason they should be purged.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Yet there is still no reason why some factions hate each other lol. Also i am not big on warhammer cringe knowledge....aka lore. So how come humies are the dominant species around the galaxy ???

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
Eldar are alien and thus have alien psychologies. Hence why the Imperium stresses to never trust the Xenos. They are that morally flexible. They are manipulative and they don't give a shit about others.

An Eldar could easily go from being the supreme chef of a Craftworld to becoming a Corsair to living among Exodites for a few hundred years to fighting in the arenas of Commorragh.


Nouveau Riche
Apr 19, 2012
An Eldar could easily go from being the supreme chef of a Craftworld to becoming a Corsair to living among Exodites for a few hundred years to fighting in the arenas of Commorragh.

I'm going to maintain those eldar who spend time arena fighting are extreme cases though.

Yeah dark eldar and eldar might not quite have the same beef that dark elves and high elves have in fantasy but DE are still murderous amoral sadistic psychopaths grown out of artificial wombs who regard craftworld eldar as a delicacy (they feed on pain and suffering and eldar "feel" more then other races after all). The idea that Commoragh is just inundated with a constant influx of young eldar stopping there on their intergalactic gap year and don't just capture and torture them for shits and giggles doesn't hold up, Commoragh is a brutal place even if you are a native.
I'd buy the idea of an extreme minority of particularly fucked up eldar ending up over there but i don't see it as something they can typically walk back from, their craftworld would shun them as fucked up deviants forever. Unless GW fucks up the lore here even further, i'll maintain Yvraine's life path is the exception, not the rule.

Yet there is still no reason why some factions hate each other lol. Also i am not big on warhammer cringe knowledge....aka lore. So how come humies are the dominant species around the galaxy ???
Which factions are you referring to specifically?

Otherwise I'll try and sum it up as simple as possible in bullet point fashion:

-skipping a lot of bs, eldar were the dominant species of the galaxy whilst humans were still monkeying around on earth
-eldar civilization implodes due to sheer decadence, creating the chaos god slaneesh, 99% of space elves die
-humanity rises and becomes space faring, goes through a star trek utopia phase, becoming friends with every alien race they meet
-star trek utopia phase ends when galactic travel breaks down and almost all alien species take advantage to utterly buttrape humans, setting the scene for their future xenophobia
-earth becomes mad max as it was reliant on its colonies to keep it supplied with raw materials and food
-the emperor finally reveals himself, basically the god of humanity (i dont think you care about the technical explanation for his origins so skipping that), makes an army of proto space marines and proceeds to conquer earth and unify it under his rule, stomping out religion whilst he is at it (dude was big into atheism at this point)
-emperor kills his proto space marines and makes real space marines (additions like longer lifespans and resistances to environmental effects made them more suitable for intergalactic campaigns)
-emperor leads his space marines on a space jihad to exterminate (almost) all aliens and absorb whatever leftover human breakaways existed
-humans now rule the galaxy


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
An Eldar could easily go from being the supreme chef of a Craftworld to becoming a Corsair to living among Exodites for a few hundred years to fighting in the arenas of Commorragh.

I'm going to maintain those eldar who spend time arena fighting are extreme cases though.

Yeah dark eldar and eldar might not quite have the same beef that dark elves and high elves have in fantasy but DE are still murderous amoral sadistic psychopaths grown out of artificial wombs who regard craftworld eldar as a delicacy (they feed on pain and suffering and eldar "feel" more then other races after all). The idea that Commoragh is just inundated with a constant influx of young eldar stopping there on their intergalactic gap year and don't just capture and torture them for shits and giggles doesn't hold up, Commoragh is a brutal place even if you are a native.
I'd buy the idea of an extreme minority of particularly fucked up eldar ending up over there but i don't see it as something they can typically walk back from, their craftworld would shun them as fucked up deviants forever. Unless GW fucks up the lore here even further, i'll maintain Yvraine's life path is the exception, not the rule.

Yet there is still no reason why some factions hate each other lol. Also i am not big on warhammer cringe knowledge....aka lore. So how come humies are the dominant species around the galaxy ???
Which factions are you referring to specifically?

Otherwise I'll try and sum it up as simple as possible in bullet point fashion:

-skipping a lot of bs, eldar were the dominant species of the galaxy whilst humans were still monkeying around on earth
-eldar civilization implodes due to sheer decadence, creating the chaos god slaneesh, 99% of space elves die
-humanity rises and becomes space faring, goes through a star trek utopia phase, becoming friends with every alien race they meet
-star trek utopia phase ends when galactic travel breaks down and almost all alien species take advantage to utterly buttrape humans, setting the scene for their future xenophobia
-earth becomes mad max as it was reliant on its colonies to keep it supplied with raw materials and food
-the emperor finally reveals himself, basically the god of humanity (i dont think you care about the technical explanation for his origins so skipping that), makes an army of proto space marines and proceeds to conquer earth and unify it under his rule, stomping out religion whilst he is at it (dude was big into atheism at this point)
-emperor kills his proto space marines and makes real space marines (additions like longer lifespans and resistances to environmental effects made them more suitable for intergalactic campaigns)
-emperor leads his space marines on a space jihad to exterminate (almost) all aliens and absorb whatever leftover human breakaways existed
-humans now rule the galaxy
Ahh i know that much lore lol. I mean....half the galaxy is populated with humans. What happened to all the other aliens to leave all that empty space free ???? It makes no sense for all that shit to be free and unoccupied. And yeah i do know about the war in haven and all the nekron lore and shit. Still it makes no sense for humies to be star trek fagz and never hear about any bad aliens out there and just expand throughout the whole galaxy lol. Also the humise got fucked during their civil war. Running around just fighting everyone seems like a retarded thing that a dumb make believe writer will come with. Warhammer is just too stagnant with all the generic grimdark shit,the story doesn't move in any direction and everyone have a plot armour or a plot resurrection potion lol. It feels like spanish soap opera with emo goths as the actors lol. There is a zero reason why eldars and humies would be at war lol.


Dec 3, 2008
An Eldar could easily go from being the supreme chef of a Craftworld to becoming a Corsair to living among Exodites for a few hundred years to fighting in the arenas of Commorragh.

I'm going to maintain those eldar who spend time arena fighting are extreme cases though.

Yeah dark eldar and eldar might not quite have the same beef that dark elves and high elves have in fantasy but DE are still murderous amoral sadistic psychopaths grown out of artificial wombs who regard craftworld eldar as a delicacy (they feed on pain and suffering and eldar "feel" more then other races after all). The idea that Commoragh is just inundated with a constant influx of young eldar stopping there on their intergalactic gap year and don't just capture and torture them for shits and giggles doesn't hold up, Commoragh is a brutal place even if you are a native.
I'd buy the idea of an extreme minority of particularly fucked up eldar ending up over there but i don't see it as something they can typically walk back from, their craftworld would shun them as fucked up deviants forever. Unless GW fucks up the lore here even further, i'll maintain Yvraine's life path is the exception, not the rule.

Yet there is still no reason why some factions hate each other lol. Also i am not big on warhammer cringe knowledge....aka lore. So how come humies are the dominant species around the galaxy ???
Which factions are you referring to specifically?

Otherwise I'll try and sum it up as simple as possible in bullet point fashion:

-skipping a lot of bs, eldar were the dominant species of the galaxy whilst humans were still monkeying around on earth
-eldar civilization implodes due to sheer decadence, creating the chaos god slaneesh, 99% of space elves die
-humanity rises and becomes space faring, goes through a star trek utopia phase, becoming friends with every alien race they meet
-star trek utopia phase ends when galactic travel breaks down and almost all alien species take advantage to utterly buttrape humans, setting the scene for their future xenophobia
-earth becomes mad max as it was reliant on its colonies to keep it supplied with raw materials and food
-the emperor finally reveals himself, basically the god of humanity (i dont think you care about the technical explanation for his origins so skipping that), makes an army of proto space marines and proceeds to conquer earth and unify it under his rule, stomping out religion whilst he is at it (dude was big into atheism at this point)
-emperor kills his proto space marines and makes real space marines (additions like longer lifespans and resistances to environmental effects made them more suitable for intergalactic campaigns)
-emperor leads his space marines on a space jihad to exterminate (almost) all aliens and absorb whatever leftover human breakaways existed
-humans now rule the galaxy
Ahh i know that much lore lol. I mean....half the galaxy is populated with humans. What happened to all the other aliens to leave all that empty space free ???? It makes no sense for all that shit to be free and unoccupied. And yeah i do know about the war in haven and all the nekron lore and shit. Still it makes no sense for humies to be star trek fagz and never hear about any bad aliens out there and just expand throughout the whole galaxy lol. Also the humise got fucked during their civil war. Running around just fighting everyone seems like a retarded thing that a dumb make believe writer will come with. Warhammer is just too stagnant with all the generic grimdark shit,the story doesn't move in any direction and everyone have a plot armour or a plot resurrection potion lol. It feels like spanish soap opera with emo goths as the actors lol. There is a zero reason why eldars and humies would be at war lol.

Some of this is because over time the 40k lore has gotten more and more focused on a handful of key actors, rather than a grand sweeping universe with people in it, where sectors can live and die entirely without knowing the greater scheme of things. 40k writers have a habit of shrinking the scale of the setting by trying to explain and connect everything. Genestealers were just a thing you found, now they're tyranids. Same with zoats. All mysterious ruins are necrons. Half the minor races just don't appear anymore.

During the initial expansion of mankind into the greater galaxy, they were wildly successful due to a few factors; mankind was mostly backfilling into space that had been left depopulated by the results of the War in Heaven, and eventually, robots. During this time humans tried to coexist with the Eldar, who were in their decline but had not yet Fallen, but the Eldar considered humanity to be little more than children playing in a scrapyard. At some point the robots turned on mankind and had to be destroyed in a war that splintered humanity into thousands of tiny independent fiefdoms, because at this time the navigators barely existed and humanity relied on computers to navigate the Warp. And so the Eldar laughed.

Then there was The Fall, the Eldar Empire broke, big E popped up and started conquering, mankind figured out using psykers to travel the Warp, and now they were on a crusade to reunite and then again backfilling the broken remnants of an Empire left over from the Fall. So basically mankind got lucky, and developed a "fuck aliens, they never helped us, we'll do this ourselves" mindset.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
The only acceptable boobs in the setting are from the big-boobed space nuns.

No you can't see them. Or touch them. Or do anything with them. Be happy they exist.

The Emperor protects. His boobs. Those are his.


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
Shield of Faith is really just the sheer strength of the Emperor simping for his Nun waifus.
This is now canon.

I can't wait for the next codex to reveal that one of the SoB religious ceremonies is to dress up in a bikini and sit around in a hot tub, with a servo skull broadcasting it straight to the Emperor himself.


Dec 13, 2019
Yes, and those "KIEL YU" options are just as insufferably retarded and a waste of time. I can see it being appropriate in very specific circumstances, like someone really backstabbing you hard, but otherwise on some random stranger you know nothing about? Even as a rabid racist piece of shit and even if you have that secret murderous craving of a Chikatilo level psychopath you usually are not just murdering someone on the spot because that can lead to severe repercussions down the lane that can really bite you in the rear.
Again - this is an OPTION. An option that is well justified in lore of the setting (as others explained before me, so I don't think I need to elaborate more on this). You can play as non-compromising servant of the Imperium or you can take a more... radical* ( :smug: ) approach. That said, I would like to see more options to "bait and switch" (aka change your mind mid-conversation), for various reasons.

Also, you need to take into consideration that you're a Rogue Trader, meaning you DO have the power to murder someone on the spot, especially if it's a nobody or someone lower than you on the totem pole. Even the local Lord of FootBall ( :smug: ) tiptoes around you, because of the power and influence you possess merely by being a Rogue Trader.

* Inquisitors who tend to be flexible in their methods tend to be called radicals.

Worse there are usually no further consequences in games usually because either the developers are incredibly lazy or time constraints. If someone with as much prominence as a RT is running around murdering every Xenos in sight, what are the chances that they will either wilfully try to engage in earnest diplomatic endeavours or not setting you up hard. As a GM, I would be delighted to tear such a character a new one for his infinite retardation and lead such a mindless fucktard into a well planned ambush and make sure that he suffers greatly for being such an empty headed cretin.
I wouldn't be surprised if shutting down a diplomatic route would mean no support (or would mean increased interference) from the xenos. Then again, I also wouldn't be surprised if having a diplomatic relations with the xenos could bite you in the ass at some point (at least enough for you to be a nuisance). There are already theories related to diplomacy and the possiblity of having a Space Marine in your party, and I assume there could be more subtle things, provided developers decide to go down that path (and they should - as a Rogue Trader you ought to have the option to do criminal stuff too. It's part of the fun).

That is the other problem I have with these decisions, apart from losing a companion there are hardly any repercussions, if any. Meanwhile in "reality" most of the time these characters do have loved ones and acquaintances, some might even be reasonably powerful and well connected, yet you can just murder them and go merrily on your way and people still pop up like "Excuse me sir..." and you can go "KIEL YU" just happily ever after on and on.
All in all, it is nothing but lazy and retarded writing.
That's more the problem with hand-crafted narrative in general - you can't have repercussions going too far or too deep without having a proper system (and even then something may go not as planned, so it's a risk developers tend not to take), and most hand-crafted games don't have enough time/resources to implement meaningful reprecussions by hand.


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Storyfag ain’t wrong, if the Emperor was still against religion he wouldn’t be blessing the sisters of battle with divine abilities and faith wouldn’t be a genuinely effective tool against chaos.

Isn't this just wrap doing wrap things? Any big emotional investment in anything will manifest something in the wrap from I understand? Faith is genuine tool because the wrap exist.


Dec 24, 2018
Storyfag ain’t wrong, if the Emperor was still against religion he wouldn’t be blessing the sisters of battle with divine abilities and faith wouldn’t be a genuinely effective tool against chaos.

And it’s not like he hasn’t had the chance to set the record straight even as a corpse.
Pretty sure he ain't exactly the same as he was. Before he had some humanity in him. Now he became a warp entity. The only things that stops him from turning into proper chaos god of humanity, zealotry and xenophobia is the cybernetic corporeal anchor that is his body. But it's strange to think that all that time humanity pumped him with worship energies didn't affect him in the slightest. I very much doubt that the chaos thing people refer to as the Emperor is similar in mind and goals to original demigod person.

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