t's just that gaymers who refuse to git gud complain about muh bloat and muh overtuning.
This isn't truth.
Even I who loved NwN2: MotB and NwN1:HotU found WoTR too bloated and epic. In warhammer, many people prefer 30k over 40k and pre age of Sigmar in fantasy due the bloat. I used to prefer high and epic level adventures, but after playing Strategic Simulation games and Dreamforge Interteinement games, I started to enjoy much more mid level. You know, a mindflayer colony is a terrifying enemy in Dark Sun : Wake of the Ravager. A mindflayer colony is a cakewalk in NwN1:HotU. In high/epic level, or you have epic super duper masterform destruction babaus in every street or you have a cakewalk.
And is not as if Kingmaker was not an high level adventure. You can kill Godlike beings there. Most AD&D vydia adaptations don't go past lv 15. Wake of the ravager lv cap = 15. Ravenloft Strahd possession + Stone prophet and Menzoberranzan lv cap = 13 (* not hard lv cap, but doing everything in the game gives enough xp to lv 13). Spelljammer : Pirates of the realmspace lv cap = 11. Meanwhile in WoTR, you can reach lv 40 or 20/10 mythic...