Owlcat Games
acum 12 minute
You have already uncovered some of the mysteries of the Koronus Expanse, but now it is time to turn your attention to the less explored, yet no less exciting places you may encounter on the journey through Warpspace in the Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader closed alpha.
How did you guys like our new article?
Article was quite nice, the world building that we've seen outside of the game has been good and hopefully the game itself will have the same quality. I just hope that each of these locations is fully fleshed out enough to actually feel interesting and immersive, versus just a few background swaps and hardly any content. Not to accuse your or Owlcat, it's just that it's not uncommon for games that feature a lot of locations to run out of time/money to properly develop them.
Got it, thanks for your feedback!
I was more so musing aloud. Actual feedback would be that it is literally better to have one location that is very fleshed out versus three locations that aren't properly fleshed out, even if the total amount of content (quests, encounters, etc) is the same (even if the content is the same it would actually still mean the three locations is more content due to the art required for the backgrounds and the music and other things, etc, etc, you get my point though).
Don't get me wrong, having not enough content isn't a good thing, but the reaction of people who play the game will be
"wow that area was amazing. I wish the game had more areas for me to enjoy! Kind of sucks that it's "short" but I look forward to seeing more"
versus having a lot of areas with not really a lot of content/fleshing out, which will elicit a reaction of
"wow this game was filled with areas that were rather uninteresting and boring. I don't feel immersed and the devs obviously don't know how to do proper world building and area design."
And forgive me the overly wordy explanations. I don't know how educated you are about RPGs and the differences between good and bad design decisions, so I make sure to explain things as simple as possible so that you can understand them, while if I was talking to another Codexer I'd assume they'd understand the obvious truth behind my words.
But yeah, we expect that the game will not only have a lot of areas but said areas will be fleshed out, but as a general rule of thumb, it's better to five "quests" over ten areas than it is to have an area with only five "quests".
Also, another bit of feedback would be to not underestimate the value of noncombat related content. I love combat as much as the next guy (I've put over a thousand hours into Underrail at this point, an RPG filled to the brim with combat) but games that only feature combat get exhausting, and it takes away from the awesomeness that is combat. Ofc, said noncombat content needs to be interesting, but to describe it would actually require a lot of effort so I'm hoping this is something that the developers already know. But yes, noncombat content is great, and don't necessarily shy away from areas that might have content that is primarily noncombat. When done well, this really enhances the quality of a game while also having the added benefit of appealing to a wider audience.
Got it, thanks for your feedback!
But you haven't gotten
Peachcurl's excellent feedback regarding the differences between vox arrays and astropathic choirs? Poor form,
Owlcat_Eyler, poor form
Oh and Storyfag is right. Stuff like what
Peachcurl mentioned might be minor and autistic, but I am not exaggerating, that shit actually matters and if enough stuff like that is added to the game, it really enhances it overall and it's the kind of thing that YouTubers and people on forums will praise and use to hype the game up. It literally takes an intern five minutes to make such a correction, so if after fact checking, it turns out to be correct, it would behoove you to make such a correction.
There are countless examples of people actually caring about shit like this if you don't want to take my word for it.
EDIT: Oh, and there is also such a thing as an area being oversaturated with content (see BG2 as an example of this). When this is the case, than yes, it is better to add a new area with said content than to add the content to a preexisting area. There is a line here, but it is usually pretty easy to tell when it's being crossed. Again, only mentioning this because you might misconstrue/misunderstand what I'm saying.