Dungeon of the Endless
Finished on "Too Easy" (normal) difficulty mode. "Easy" (hard) is fucking impossible IMO.
- Interesting mix of game concepts (roguelike, rpg character progression and equipment, tower defense, RTS) and mechanics (TB exploration and resources progress + RTWP combat).
- You really have to git good in order to survive. Learning new ways of staying alive is fun and gives you dem feels of achievement.
- Basic gameplay is challenging and satisfactory.
- Game is unbalanced: "too easy" is very easy, turning into "challenging" in later levels (10-12), "easy" is impossible starting from level 7-8.
- Once your research everything you need, one of resources (science) becomes redundant
- Some heroes, minor modules and parts of equipment are 99% superior to others.
- Gameplay relies too much on the main resource (dust): if you get random dust bonus, your situation in the level will significantly improve (less spawns). On the other hand, if some fag reaches your
dungeon heart crystal and you loose some dust, you're screwed.