It's a game for the masses. I guess those have to exist as well.People censoring themselves to avoid offending social media vocal minorities instead of just focusing on making good fucking products for the people actually buying their shit deserve to lose money.Several of those issues seem to be due to or fear of twitter commentary. Which makes it even more obvious that they have no grand plan aside from using the mystery box approach.
Then we get developers moaning about games like Elden Ring n BG3 setting "unfair standards", how dare those cunts making decent products with only a fraction of our resources! Blasphemy!
It's a bit sad but with the way things are going in the industry I don't think we will ever get a MMO with the DA:O tone you mentioned earlier in the thread. I would be happy if we get anything like DA:O, but again - that doesn't seem to be happening. People seem to be convinced that video games are for children only and they don't need to tackle serious topics.
Comparing the intro cinematic of Reign of Chaos to the one in Dragonflight would make you think that they were going for a horror story with Warcraft 3. Which is so far from what War3 actually is. It really boggles the mind how the entirety of that rough appeal has just been evaporated. I would say this applies for the rest of Blizzard's games. All of them seem to be more focused to appeal to a younger audience. And that also includes Diablo - a game where you actually fight the devil.
Anyway, if WoW is purposely designed to be more appealing to children Blizz are doing a stellar job with the game.