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Mar 28, 2014
That's just because of the initial steam sales though. It dropped sales like crazy just after a few days when everybody figured out just how rotten the game actually was.

yep preordered it and was hyped as fuck. Got bend over and thoroughly fucked

Either way if they work on new X i think they learned their lessons and they won't do anymore pseudo X games for consoles to cancel it and release it on pc.


Apr 9, 2013
yep preordered it and was hyped as fuck. Got bend over and thoroughly fucked

Either way if they work on new X i think they learned their lessons and they won't do anymore pseudo X games for consoles to cancel it and release it on pc.

How would they learn their lesson? So far they have not even admitted that there is a problem:

There is an Interview with Bernd Lehan on German Gamestar.de.

He is in complete denial mode. X:Rebirth has sold more than any other X game before. Most buyers are happy with the game, unfortunately some people have problems with bugs.

Until the end of 2012, there was no free movement in stations. It was just landing and direct interaction. They only added station movement in 2013.

One of the main reason for the problems is that the gamers have high-end systems. In the Egosoft office, they only had middle class systems, and it worked well on them, and therefore they didn't feel the need to test on high-end systems. Unfortunately the game doesn't work as well on the gamers high-end systems.

The user interface works well. He wouldn't have changed the user interface even if he had had one more year development time.
The only problem with the game he admits is bugs. Everything else works well. According to him, unfortunately the game design is at the moment sometimes destroyed by bugs.


Mar 28, 2014
How would they learn their lesson? So far they have not even admitted that there is a problem:

updates to xrebirth tell other story.

They basically dumped most of old UI and replaced it with slick ui. wheel menu is still there but you don't need to use it as often.
They also confirmed they work on next X game which will be closer to previous x games.

As for above. Damage control. They know they fucked up.


Mar 31, 2008
yep preordered it and was hyped as fuck. Got bend over and thoroughly fucked...
I already had it in my Steam cart just before release, because I thought of all the fun I had with X3:TC. Not sure what kept me from pressing the final button. This was a close one.


Dec 15, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech

New updates:

1. Version 4.0 is basically finished (its already in public beta by now)
2. New DLC (Home of Light) announced, with a few new Areas, return of the Khaak and additional stuff (see below)
3. Suggestionforums in the DevNet are open again. If you have DevNet Access of Lvl 3 or above, you should see the boards, where you can make suggestions for the next game. If you don't have access to it, sign up for it, its free and only lvl 5 requires a real NDA.

Changelog for v4.0 and DLC:

Home of Light (HoL) is an exciting expansion of the X Rebirth universe and makes the best use of the many new features of X Rebirth 4.0:

• (HoL) Much larger universe: The Home of Light expansion will bring three entire new systems, including the central Home of Light, known from the X3 games, with a massive new economy.

• (HoL and 4.0) Bulletin Board System (BBS): The new BBS system collects all currently available missions in space for an easier overview.

• (4.0) Trade improvements: Graphs showing market developments over time, a best deal finder and many UI improvements to make trading easier.

• (4.0) New engine technology: Extend your ship with a Jump Drive and other new technology to travel through the universe quicker than ever.

• (HoL) Trade stations: A new station type allows you to stock large amounts of any wares you like. Buy up goods when they're cheap and sell when the price is high, or when your competitors' stations mysteriously explode.

• (4.0) Customizable weapon upgrades: Craft weapon modifications to improve your favourite weapons.

• (HoL and 4.0) New enemies, new weapons, new missions, new and mysterious phenomena.

• (HoL and 4.0) Many new secrets to explore in the outskirts of the ever-growing X universe.

It was about time they brought the BBS back...


Dec 15, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
Well, we are basically back at the starting point of the series, X - Beyond the Frontier, which also had only one ship to derp around with.
We won't be getting multiple ships to fly in this iteration (so no "x-tension rebirth), but it will be in the next game.

BtF to X2 took around 4 years, so we probably/hopefully get a proper X4 in 2017.


May 25, 2006
It is good that they have realized that dumbing-down X-Rebirth was just a plain bad idea, and are now apparently heading in the right direction for the future. I wish that they had understood this before making Rebirth though, so that we could have had a true X game from the start. So much effort was wasted on features that nobody wanted...


Mar 28, 2014
Well, we are basically back at the starting point of the series, X - Beyond the Frontier, which also had only one ship to derp around with.
We won't be getting multiple ships to fly in this iteration (so no "x-tension rebirth), but it will be in the next game.

BtF to X2 took around 4 years, so we probably/hopefully get a proper X4 in 2017.

Yeah rumor goes that they work currently on proper X game.

Such an underrated game, cant wait to restart with 4.0

Underated ? Overrated. It looks good, has amazing art and industrial design but play rubish more than X3 which is really hard to wrap you head around how such a thing is possible. Sure they fixed few things but underlying mechanics are still there from 1.0 that make game unplayable for me for longer period of time. It is still game about capital ships and nothing else which is shit, no customization in ships weaponloads, no shield management and so on. 4.0 is soon to come and yet there is no fleet management system, no station management, and so on.

It is good that they have realized that dumbing-down X-Rebirth was just a plain bad idea, and are now apparently heading in the right direction for the future. I wish that they had understood this before making Rebirth though, so that we could have had a true X game from the start. So much effort was wasted on features that nobody wanted...

Nah they have right ideas behind it but they simply didn't work and then they focused on consoles release which failed due to game performance (i had i5-3700 and game run like 20fps at launch) they started to backtrack.
Naturally they couldn't fix underlying stuff because that would require redesign of game.

Honestly i want them to make proper shot at X4. I honestly don't care about cockpits in X game. Make it just proper space economy sim with shitload of customization and structure to play wargames in space.


Jul 10, 2010
Yes. Ignoring taxi missions, my feet on the warship dashboard listening to ambient space music whilst funding intergalactic uprising with my merchant empire.

Please allow planetary bombardment and flinging asteroids at enemy space stations, once one has the space creds and requisite influence.


Jul 21, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
The Home of Light expansion can be pre-ordered NOW at a 20% discount
for just 7.99 € on Steam.

X Rebirth Update 4.0 will be released for free.

Coming in early 2016 will be the new X Rebirth complete package, including The Teladi Outpost and Home of Light for just 49.99 €. Available on Steam, GOG, or directly from egosoft.com.



Jul 21, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
Honestly i want them to make proper shot at X4. I honestly don't care about cockpits in X game. Make it just proper space economy sim with shitload of customization and structure to play wargames in space.

Cockpits, while not important, are in any case better than the shit that the fanboys have been asking for over 10 years:
- I want to be able to land and walk on planets (why? immershun?)
- I want to be able to walk on space stations (now they fucking can from what I heard)
- a lot of other retarded shit aimed at 5-year olds and not adding in any way to the gameplay from what I remember from the forums.

For your comment, I would not be too unhappy if someone else made a shot at X4.


Sep 28, 2011
Modders did a pretty good job on the cockpits. (in x3)

- I want to be able to land and walk on planets (why? immershun?)
- I want to be able to walk on space stations (now they fucking can from what I heard)
To look for pennies, why else. See me sig.

For your comment, I would not be too unhappy if someone else made a shot at X4.
Egosoft can still do it. They just need to remove their heads from their asses and remember what made the series in the first place.
Last edited:


Jul 21, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
To look for pennies, why else. See me sig.

OK, I did not remember it is this bad, because I still haven't played it.

Following Perkel's recommendations, some time ago I played the X-tended mod for something like 120 hours. A few conclusions from what I still remember:

- The mod has more stuff than in any X game so far, but nothing totally revolutionary.
- The main questlines bug out too easily without any notification to the player; I only managed to complete the Leviathan plot. I realised too late that there was a bug and did not want to go back to really old saves.
- Cash early in the game is too easy to get by scavenging the remains after someone else's battle.
- Lost race reps are very difficult to get back up because the core sectors turns hostile when you go to sectors where you are not loved, and pirates are nowhere to be seen. Also, stations and ships turning neutral after good deeds has about 70 % rate of success or staying hostile forever unless fixed with a script.

Still, not bad overall, but it did not keep me sufficiently interested to play until I would have had a serious fleet to for example attack the Khaak in their own sectors. Maybe I have played enough X games (probably somewhere around 1000 hours in total across X2-X3AP

Egosoft will probably still try once more because, well, can they do any other kind of games?


Dec 15, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
They have to, space games is really everything the company can.

Their last non-X Game was back in MS-DOS Times.


Jun 18, 2009
The Home of Light expansion can be pre-ordered NOW at a 20% discount
for just 7.99 € on Steam.

X Rebirth Update 4.0 will be released for free.

Coming in early 2016 will be the new X Rebirth complete package, including The Teladi Outpost and Home of Light for just 49.99 €. Available on Steam, GOG, or directly from egosoft.com.

Advantages of having a very niche, dedicated audience, I guess.

How's Rebirth after all that patching?


Sep 20, 2015
The inability to fly anything except the Albion Skunk is what really killed any enthusiasm I had for this game. While nice, no amount of UI improvements, universe expansions, or other bells-and-whistles can overcome this fundamental deficit.

I can imagine someone enjoying this game as it is, but not if that someone had any love for X3.


Dec 15, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
Advantages of having a very niche, dedicated audience, I guess.

How's Rebirth after all that patching?

I can very well picture people buying it again (or the first time) since it now is available on GOG.com.

The Egosoft Audience has some very stern haters of steam, enough that they produced steam-free executables for every game they made.

The inability to fly anything except the Albion Skunk is what really killed any enthusiasm I had for this game. While nice, no amount of UI improvements, universe expansions, or other bells-and-whistles can overcome this fundamental deficit.

I can imagine someone enjoying this game as it is, but not if that someone had any love for X3.

I'll give it a new try when the DLC is out, since that one will include new gamestarts.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Yeah, well, they've lost a good half of their "hardcore audience." My account on the EGOSOFT forums is over a decade old now, and I was actively posting up until around 2012. My last visit until now was sometime in late 2013.


Dec 15, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
Have the devs managed to make something decent out of this trainwreck? Because the base game was one of the biggest pile of shit in gaming history.

Decent space game, but not an X4.
If you want X4, stay away from it.

Infos about new features:


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