First impressions of the new DLC: meh. As usual they shit all over the established lore and mechanics.
-Finally the game has the same amount of races as X2 on launch, 20 years ago (lul)
-2 Boron factions although their ships are identical, and there's no "Sentinel" or "Vanguard" versions etc.
-Typical for X4, the racial characteristics of ships are almost non-existent. Boron ships were always the slowest but by far the biggest in terms of cargo value. Not anymore.
-Nice to have the Boron music again, although slightly remixed.
Some Reddit-tier cringe:
-Borons are SUPER friendly, annoyingly so. They are supposed to be distrustful of all outsiders except the Argon.
-The Kingdom of Boron is now called the
Queendom. This is despite not being a word and the home system is still called KINGDOM END.
Some V6.00 general notes (you get this even without the DLC):
-Performance is much improved, especially on SETA

-Xenon are
UBER-buffed. A single K can take out several Osakas. And they're far more intelligent. If they see you building a station or bringing in a large fleet, they will swarm like wasps. Keeping them out of a system is a major pain now.
-You can live-stream views from factories and ships anywhere in the universe. Yay Egosoft, way to bring back a feature from the original game from 1999

. Unlike in X:BTF though, you can't rotate or zoom the camera, it's a CINEMATIKKK view.
-AI is much, much improved. Navigation, combat, everything is way less retarded now (although there are exceptions - such as a lone carrier flying off to engage the Xenon destroyer and leaving its fleet of 3 AssGuards behind). Turrets actually try to hit things now.
-Biggest AI improvement seems to be in station/build storage traders. They actually go more than 2km away now and actually buy the stuff that's most needed (muh advanced electronics).
-Carriers are now even more useless than before, and so are swarms of 200+ fighters. They get instamelted even OOS. The only useful fleet at this point is a bunch of Asgards.
-Massive incline: All those shitty "deliver a fleet" missions now have a preset. Meaning when you go to a shipyard/wharf, there is already a preset for exactly the kind of ship you need to deliver. No more waiting hours, scouring the universe for resources, assembling the fleet, waiting more hours for them to reach the right place, only to discover you missed some tiny detail.
-Xenon still cheat - they don't have to deliver a colossal amount of resources to build their uber-solar power plants, it just magically apears, even if you are blockading all gates.