If they had worthy singleplayers instead of garbage I'd consider upgrading it a tier.
"if this car was a plane it could fly"
Fighting games are a beautiful combination of knowledge, reactions, execution, mindfulness and competition. If this flies over your head because of confusing "like" with "quality", that's a shame.
It's clear he doesn't understand fighting games and never got good at one. But if you look at older FGs they put more emphasis on single player content. He's the guy who buys an FG, plays through the arcade with a character he likes, a few multiplayer games spamming hadouken or wahtever and it starts feeling repetitive. I actually think most casuals are like him. But he does have a point, and imo it's the reason why FGs are struggling nowadays. Lack of good and meaningful single player content.
Let's look at GG AC+R. It not only has an incredibly varied and balanced character rooster, the story mode has different paths and multiple endings for every character. I'm not saying it's an amazing experience, but if you look at the latest game, Strive... Strive has a cinematic story mode that plays itself over the course of 4 hours and is incredibly cringe. But the gameplay is incredibly dumbed down and simple. Every character plays the same, you have ez mode combos that are 4-5 hits into 40% dmg. Slow down on hit, you can use RC in neutral and cancel out of every move. The speed is slower... The ranking system is purposely designed so that everyone can reach the highest rank.
What I noticed in the past years is that Fighting game companies are trying to appeal to players like Ash. So called "casuals". In making the gameplay dumbed down as fuck. But players like him only care about spending some time in single player. If the gameplay is complex and well balanced, or incredibly simple and boring... a player like Ash will not care about that. A fighting game for him needs better singleplayer content, because it's the only thing that will keep him interested for a while. Older games were better at this. He gives a shout out to Budokai Tenkaichi (just as an aside, the DBZ games don't have a "shitton of depth"), because you can replay the different stories, you have a ton of unlockables etc. But if you play a "real" DBZ fighting game like the recent dragon ball fighterz, you get a lame and cringe story mode and online pvp. Characters are DLC, and unlockables are random tiny avatar clothes. Then you have something like Soul Calibur 2, and the weapon master mode. I don't think any game came close to implementing something similar.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that modern FGs fundamentally misunderstand how to make FGs appealing to casuals like Ash. No, it's not by making the gameplay slow and dumbed down... it's by adding an interesting story, interesting characters, tons of unlockables, and different game modes. About the only game in recent memory that attempted this was SF6 with the world tour mode. Which isn't that good because the actual story is anime cringe, but it was a better attempt than usual. And it's fun to run around the map with your custom character for a while. For instance SFV released with just story mode and 16 characters and was a total disaster at launch.
And speaking of interesting stories... most FGs these days are legacy franchises. That keep reusing the same characters from 20 years ago. So the stories are often convoluted, pointless and just bad. Let's look at Guilty gear from the late 90's early 00's. A character like Chipp used to be a drifting drug addict with anger issues, who was a total asshole. Even as alte as AC+R story he insults most people he comes across. He used to be an "american ninja" that used lighting pentagrams and devil faces in his moves. He was a dangerous asshole that you don't want to mess with. In Xrd he becomes a total retard, that somehow wants to become president of a country with 2 people in it or something. It's supposed to be funny, but it's just... retarded. And gone are the pentagrams, he now is doing Naruto handsigns and he's completely japanese. The Man. The guy responsible for everything, and the big villain of the franchise, who was always in shadows in the old artworks... Is revealed to be an anime catboy wizard that has been misunderstood or something. Do we even have a villain in modern GG? Or Street fighter6?
If you buy a DBZ game you get the same repeated story beats over and over again. Even a game with an ''original'' story like DBFZ just recycles the same old beats. Haha Yamcha is weak, haha Goku is stupid... etc. Mortal kombat is recycling it's characters and story mode ad nauseam and doesn't know what to do with it. It just got another reboot where Liu Kang is god or something, and Raiden is a mortal. But they can't let go of the legacy characters. Why not make something new at this point? Modern fighting games are creatively bankrupt.
They keep dumbing down the gameplay, which has been proven that it doesn't work in retaining people playing PVP. They keep ignoring singleplayer content, and an interesting story. Unlockables become DLC. The characters are getting worse and more convoluted. But they are too scared too make new characters or even new FG franchises. SF6 is probably the best attempt at a new FG in recent years... but it has it's own issues. I know the market is unforgiving but at some point a new game will have to take a risk. And as the last point, old FGs used to be incredibly stylish. A good character select screen with good character designs could go a long way. Nowadays everything is more sterile as far as the UI design goes, and the character designs are less edgy and badass.