I played the game, I will skip the technical problems we all know its fucking RAW, missing animations, missing customization ( I hope they fucking include the variant rules from 5E and the advanced customization because if they are going to use core 5E and nothing else this game is going to be a disaster)
My first thoughts is the introduction don't respect the terms of being a level 1 adventurer, all this shiny chaos happening around you not respecting the player almost treating me as a kid with ADHD, is it for the sake of feeding you with the information that you are "epic" for getting your face fucked by a mindflayer and that requires dire urgency to get solved?
The gameplay is ok actually, 5E system with some Larian shenanigans, its retarded fun to push people from ledges I know its retarded but nonetheless fun. Still have the old treatment of D20 systems how to improve you TO HIT bonuses in order to be successful. But sadly 5E have some heavy declines that is not taking into consideration positioning so sneak attack becomes some extra button to press and advantage and disadvantage bonuses you will have to rely on Larian combat designer subjective so who knows? I will end up being a fucking rainbow of optimism but maybe if we hammer the need of tactical combat and positioning we might get some neat in house rules for this game?
Companions, I will use DoS 2 as comparison, Fane, Ifan and Beast were ok, they had their own goals, some artificial drama sprinkled but passable. Red Prince was a stuck up noble kind, but that was expected from that character. Sybyll daddy issues I mean slave issues and Lohse being your waifu bard etc etc.
But hell why every companion in this game seems llike they are Red Prince but on Super Saiyan mode? Its like codex made a caricature of Larian companion writing and Larian said all right we are going to greenlight this.Dunno if its the face expression of the models or the voice tone, but they all talk like they are constantly sniffing their own farts and laughing about it ,they are insufferable cunts, enough for me to wish a mod or option to boot this game with then not existing at all, let me customize my henchmens at least they will be quiet and not giving retarded feedback.
Itemization has been discussed before, hope they drop the retarded MMO coloring, dont want the game UI telling to USE THIS ITEM BECAUSE IS ORANGE
So for one side I got joy from being D20 being translated into video games but there is lots of stuff that requires some rethinking, discarded and/or remade