Anything from 4E fighters that you would bring into this 5E game?I have heard that Martials have some cool stuff.
Why bother with 4E?
Here's some cool shit. And
more. I love this guy's brew, he made every martial interesting.
I'm not really talking about combat abilities right now, however, I'm talking about cool stuff you can do in dialogue and side content. Like I mentioned - paladin has to actually follow his oath and repent (expensively) if he sins. That's cool. The paladin can also break his oath entirely and become a blackguard. That's also cool. There is at least one time in the EA where you can resolve a social conflict purely through your reputation as a paladin, because people just assume that since you're a knight of justice, whatever your judgement is, it's the right one. Barbarian also has features like it - instead of doing a little sidequest to open Shadowheart's prison, you can just break the cage with your retard strength.
Fighter right now doesn't really have anything like it, and he should. Maybe when the hag kidnaps that girl and puts her in a cage over a raging river, maybe they could give you an option to leap into the air and knock the cage onto the ground. Or maybe when the grove's people are preparing for the goblin attack, you could train them Seven Samurai style, making them better in the coming battle. If fighter's sole schtick is being a guy who fights really good, he should be allowed to use his strength and training in dialogue too. Otherwise he's paladin/barbarian, but with less content.