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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Anything from 4E fighters that you would bring into this 5E game?I have heard that Martials have some cool stuff.
Why bother with 4E? Here's some cool shit. And more. I love this guy's brew, he made every martial interesting.

I'm not really talking about combat abilities right now, however, I'm talking about cool stuff you can do in dialogue and side content. Like I mentioned - paladin has to actually follow his oath and repent (expensively) if he sins. That's cool. The paladin can also break his oath entirely and become a blackguard. That's also cool. There is at least one time in the EA where you can resolve a social conflict purely through your reputation as a paladin, because people just assume that since you're a knight of justice, whatever your judgement is, it's the right one. Barbarian also has features like it - instead of doing a little sidequest to open Shadowheart's prison, you can just break the cage with your retard strength.

Fighter right now doesn't really have anything like it, and he should. Maybe when the hag kidnaps that girl and puts her in a cage over a raging river, maybe they could give you an option to leap into the air and knock the cage onto the ground. Or maybe when the grove's people are preparing for the goblin attack, you could train them Seven Samurai style, making them better in the coming battle. If fighter's sole schtick is being a guy who fights really good, he should be allowed to use his strength and training in dialogue too. Otherwise he's paladin/barbarian, but with less content.
Maybe warriors could have something about binding a weapon, giving it a name, depending on what deeds you do you could give it abilities?
Or just skip the middle man, and warriors could get some minor abilities or alternative animations or so on depending on how they complete certain quests (feats of strength).


Feb 16, 2021
Maybe warriors could have something about binding a weapon, giving it a name, depending on what deeds you do you could give it abilities?
Or just skip the middle man, and warriors could get some minor abilities or alternative animations or so on depending on how they complete certain quests (feats of strength).
Trouble is, the game already has weapon abilities. Everyone can use them. Maybe fighters could use them a little bit more, or they could have their exclusive weapons, I don't know. Fighter being boring in combat is not really the crux of my complaint - fighter can be allowed to be a little bit boring in a video game, where you also control 3 other characters with a lot of buttons.
Next edition (One DnD, as they've chosen to call it) will also have something of the like, but WotC is yet to present their version of a fighter. BG3 is clearly the testing ground for a lot of changes they are doing in One DnD (paladin getting their oath at level 1 as opposed to 3, weapon abilities, extra features for totem barbarian, sorcerer getting bloodline spells). But it's not released yet, and won't be done playtesting for a long time, while BG3 needs to be out by august.


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
More like Sorrowstrike of the Demon Abyss of Black Darkness
betty is shorter and cuter
I would just be an asshole and name it this :

Jugemu Jugemu Goko no Surikire Kaijarisuigyo no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Ku Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yabura Koji no Bura Koji Paipo-paipo Paipo no Shuringan Shuringan no Gurindai Gurindai no Ponpokopi no Ponpokona no Chokyumei no Chosuke

And then give it to some poor bastard. Oh, and make it so that you have to say the sword's entire name to use its powers.
That's a fucking cursed weapon right there. It doesn't even do anything horrible to you, it's just really annoying to use.
Last edited:


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
nigger, you missed most obvious and worst offender - she's not wearing chainmail bikini, like proper barbarian wommyn.
That feeling when you are old enough to remember when chain bikini was the terrible design that all nerds railed against, only to no see it be the holy grail all "nerds" want back.
Its like watching people be nostalgic for Halo.
Those nerds are now running the asylum. The people protesting aren't just nerds.


Feb 16, 2021
Also, one more thing - right now to atone for his sins, paladin has to donate 2000 gold to an evil demon guy to show that he's sorry and won't do that again. It's a very hefty sacrifice, but I'd like if it was an alternative for actual quests of atonement. Like, EA right now has a band of fallen paladins just like you. Maybe you could be instructed to confront them. But maybe it's a little bit too easy - you will likely end up fighting them one way or another, while the gold tithe is an actual kick to your groin.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
But maybe it's a little bit too easy - you will likely end up fighting them one way or another, while the gold tithe is an actual kick to your groin.
Also historically accurate. And if you think the tithe is very unholy and not morally correct, you can rebel against the temple and become a protestant Blackguard.


Feb 16, 2021
He's the Jacob Marley figure, who comes to haunt you if you are a naughty boy. According to himself he's the first paladin in history (and also the first oathbreaker), and so he oversees everyone who falls. He asks you which particular brand of insanity drove you to broke your oath, and after you explain his reasons, he gives you an opportunity to become an oathbreaker. Alternatively, you can redeem yourself, but that requires a tithe. His whole existence is purely gameplay convenience.
Him being a demon is my guess, because he looks like a narzugon.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
But maybe it's a little bit too easy - you will likely end up fighting them one way or another, while the gold tithe is an actual kick to your groin.
Also historically accurate. And if you think the tithe is very unholy and not morally correct, you can rebel against the temple and become a protestant Blackguard.
White Mantle 547.0? So original. Now you're Soyerizing yourselves. You've got Assassin's Creed if you want to bask in historically accurate Church Gone Bad shit.


Mar 16, 2015
So do we know how much money was put into this product? And how much money was spent on remaking Boo in glorious 3d?


Feb 7, 2018
A very unlikeable fellow who would faint if he ever read a single thread here, who has one voice he can do for every character, so you always know its him if you hear him, Critical Roles Matt Mercer is the voice of Minsc



So do we know how much money was put into this product? And how much money was spent on remaking Boo in glorious 3d?
I would guess so much money that the game is going to be delayed until late 2024. They have to animate all those new Minsc sodomy scenes after all.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Look here cuckboys, character creation in Patch 9:

Nobody forcing you to be a tranny in my game!

Let's consider all the woke tropes present in the video
1. Women warriors
2. Women with STR scores comparable to men
3. Bald women
4. Way too much bloom

nigger, you missed most obvious and worst offender - she's not wearing chainmail bikini, like proper barbarian wommyn.

bg2 already was woke shit - they replaced wommyn warrior leotard from first game with dress.

It's as if "modern" audiences and writers don't understand the point of barbarians or just armour in fantasy settings in general.
Yes, they wear little armour, that's the bloody point. They're either so backward, so cocky, so skilled, so hopped up on drugs, have some mystical shit or all of the above that armour is just unnecessary or unappealing to them.
The point of armour is to stop you from dying if you get hit. If you have other means of damage mitigation then you don't need armour. Simple as.
Armour is important in reality because we don't really have other ways of damage mitigation. The same could not be said of a fictional setting.

But no, everyone needs to be in a burlap sack because of "muh male gayze" or "reelizm."
Then if you criticize shit like combat wheelchairs in the setting they'll go "but it'z fantazy tho"

In some Robert E. Howard stories, Celts are generally rapresented as being a people who shun wearing protection and prefer to fight near naked because they consider wearing armor a form of cowardice.

In Kings of the Night, one of Howard's greatest stories, the Celts actually scoff at the Norsemen who in the story are covered by metal from head to toe. In reality, both the Celts and the Vikings serve a vital function in the oncoming battle, the Celts for their mobility, the Vikings for being the only ones able to face the full charge of a Roman legion and not budge, but this is a kind of hightly structured warfare that most barbarians wouldn't usually find themselves in. The ethos of the Celts works of them because their wars are disorganized and wild, but fighting a foe like the Romans was a different matter, all thought perhaps the ferocity of the barbaric Celts may have still prevailed over the plate armor and heavy shields worn by the Romans.

I don't see why a game shouldn't be able to take into consideration both the archetype without however ignoring realism altoghether, like Howard did in that story. Barbarians wearing little armor should be both a pro and a cons for them, but they SHOULD be wearing very little because that's the entire point of even having a barbarian as a class.


Sep 6, 2022

Like I said, armor is not usually your main priority as a barbarian berserker.
It's "how can I shove my axe more efficiently in that orc's skull while I rage like a bloodthirsty maniac?" .

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