I like how after so many editions the class balance is shit in dnd from what I remember in Solasta hard to go wrong with fighter their extra action is op.
In 5E they tried their best to make pure classes more attractive and get away from the crazy multiclass chains of late-3.5E and Pathfinders.
That's why games based on DND will never be good again. The tabletop is created for roleplaying and has to be normie and casual friendly, so anyone can invite friends and have a family friendly fantasy fun session with easy to understand rules and classes - cRPGs on the other hand, until AI gets improved and we can have legit AI DM controlling the experience, will never offer good roleplaying. Like 99% of fun in these comes from combat, and character-building autism, the gameplay loop of doing quests and gaining xp, then figuring out how to best utilize your levels and equipment to have the strongest possible character. If you force people into brainless single class premade "builds" that do it for them, then you just kill one of the main reasons to play the game, especially when DND already doesn't offer much fun when it comes to equipping your characters, since 99% of magic items are uninspired +1 +2 +1d6 fire damage, etc. trash, so when you also remove multiclassing autism, you're pretty much left with the game that doesn't need any decisions from you and basically plays itself.
DND with every new edition, becomes less and less suited to cRPGs, and RPG developers still deciding to use it, are doing nothing but bringing decline to the genre.