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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
Give me one reason I shouldn't be excited and I'll give you one much more important reason I don't give a fuck what you think.
Clearly you do care or you wouldn't bother responding to me.

By the way nice pedophilia worshiping profile picture you have. You've come to the right place, you'll fit right in with the vermin in here.


Jul 16, 2014
Give me one reason I shouldn't be excited and I'll give you one much more important reason I don't give a fuck what you think.
Clearly you do care or you wouldn't bother responding to me.

By the way nice pedophilia worshiping profile picture you have. You've come to the right place, you've fit right in with the vermin in here.
No dipshit. Clearly I'm drunk or I wouldn't bother responding to you.

And yes, I have brought up the past of my avatar more than once. Your wit and wisdom knows no start.
Jan 21, 2023
wouldn't that be the best for us as a CRPG site?
They are objecting to good design such as reactivity, the abundant choice of character building, not against production values - cinematics and full VO.

In terms of C&C, reactivity and production values this is obviously leagues above any rpg released so far and will raise the bar. Hence the whining.

Now they are the face of the genre and they're there thanks to sticking to "old fashioned" stuff like turn based combat. So much for the progress that real time shit would've brought to the genre.
Hard to argue with these statements. Whether they have voiced it or not, I assume some devs are especially salty after in one way or another snubbing the "grognard" audience. Turns out they actually knew far better that audience than the one they were unsuccessfully trying to capture, and doing so on grognard KS money. They should be feeling... not a little silly now.

In any case it's hilarious listening to "the grapes are sour anyway", and "let's not set expectations that all grapes will be tasty" from people whose projects just couldn't do it, didn't know how to.

I'm the last person to praise D:OS/2 but it was obvious that there was a tech and a production pipeline being refined there for years.
The obvious comparison is PoE and D:OS. D:OS "won" the argument even though both games had the same fundamental philosophy, even to the point of referring to Baldur's Gate as an influence (much to Swen's chagrin, but still). The problem with Pillars wasn't just a thing of tech, it was it lacked something that BG and DOS kinda share, and that it's kinda difficult to grasp, but it's summed up by this:


D:OS is silly and probably downright stupid, but it wasn't the number crunching or the build potential that kept people interested in Baldur's Gate, or at least it wasn't the sole factor.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
Look everyone, another QUEER has joined our conversation. Make sure to make they / them feel welcome!

I have to say, I do like how you are all adopting these faggy profile pictures. It's making you all so much easier to identify.


No dipshit. Clearly I'm drunk or I wouldn't bother responding to you.
Yet you sound exactly like everyone else in this thread who are defending this trash game. That says a lot, thanks for putting this sad situation into perspective.


Jul 16, 2014
Look everyone, another QUEER has joined our conversation. Make sure to make they / them feel welcome!

I have to say, I do like how you are all adopting these faggy profile pictures. It's making you all so much easier to identify.


No dipshit. Clearly I'm drunk or I wouldn't bother responding to you.
Yet you sound exactly like everyone else in this thread who are defending this trash game. That says a lot, thanks for putting this sad situation into perspective.
You are correct. It is a sad situation when a partially incompetent drunken asshole makes you look so pathetically stupid. Not sure what your point is, but here we are.


Just like Yves, I chase tales.
May 3, 2018
The land of ice and snow.
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
I can see the newspaper headlines on the 3rd of August: Larian spares life of Dan Simpson by not making NPC routines a la StarDew Valley.

Also, in 20 years, some sperg would code that in as a mod, and the next Lilura will be here to give her authoritative glowing reviews.

It's like poetry. It rhymes.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
I can see the newspaper headlines on the 3rd of August: Larian spares life of Dan Simpson by not making NPC routines a la StarDew Valley.

Also, in 20 years, some sperg would code that in as a mod, and the next Lilura will be here to give her authoritative glowing reviews.

It's like poetry. It rhymes.
I told my brother that BG3 has no day / night cycles and he legitimately thought I was trolling him.

For some context, he doesn't know DOS/DOS2. But he knows Baldur's Gate.

The Larian fags are so wrapped up in the gay porn and romances and beings faggots for Larian's combat system and the stupid reddit memes, they completely overlook the obvious shortcomings of this game.
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Oct 31, 2017
I can see the newspaper headlines on the 3rd of August: Larian spares life of Dan Simpson by not making NPC routines a la StarDew Valley.

Also, in 20 years, some sperg would code that in as a mod, and the next Lilura will be here to give her authoritative glowing reviews.

It's like poetry. It rhymes.
I have faith she'll be back in twenty years to be the authority on how to play Baldur's Gate 3.

Darth Valer

Jul 5, 2023
I want to know why you think this is okay? What exactly is the payoff here for having NPC's stand around in place all day waiting for you to interact with them, like some fucking lifeless MMO?

The answer is; there is no Payoff. Except you pat yourselves on the back and say to yourselves "Schedules are a nice idea, but doing them well. It might just be too much work for those poor devs. I don't want them to have to crunch!"

This is why you get called faggots every day.

Personally I would've really liked a day / night cycle and NPC schedule, but basically I accept their absence because of the faggotry thing you mentioned. Aside from the problem of synchronization between characters in/out of combat, having NPCs acting in a believable manner around daytime would've probably added too many permutations. They would have either had to create additional lines of dialogue (and voice acting and cinematics) for people reacting to you waking them up, or entering their house uninvited, or use some form of lower-end contextual dialogue (like there is in EA for neutral NPCs reacting to crimes or aggressions) that would've lowered the bar for average interaction quality in the game.
It probably would've added additional ways to resolve quests, further increasing the stuff to keep in mind and the complexity of their structure.

To me it's a monumental loss, but the game was clearly too ambitious already from EA patch 1, and even without these features the scope of the game has devs from other studios screeching and whining on the internet. My best hope is that the game will be such a success that they'll feel comfortable going even more all in in their next game and trim off all the vomit inducing stuff they've accepted to go with in BG 3.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
My best hope is that the game will be such a success that they'll feel comfortable going even more all in in their next game and trim off all the vomit inducing stuff they've accepted to go with in BG 3.
Very optimistic at best.

Larian talked about these systems for DOS1. They've worked on 2 more iterations since then (the 2nd being BG3) and with the biggest budget they've had so far, they still haven't done it.

Nobody in the mainstream is asking about these features. Instead they are praising the game to high heaven for the cinematic dialogue. So I only expect them to double down in that direction for their next game. It's over.
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Sep 22, 2016
Unless you're an alt of SpoonFULL , sorry to have inadvertently brought up whatever you're sperging about. That's who I was referring to.

And just for your knowledge, I have a big sign above my bed that says: It has been __ days since I've been called a faggot. My record is 5 bitch.
I was referring to that other faggot, Non-Edgy Gamer who cited my commented about BG3 not having AI from Sims 2 or Oblivion, which by the way, both have better AI than BG3 has out-of-combat. Which BG3 has none. Sims 2 and Oblivion came out in 2004 and 2006 respectively. That's almost 20 years ago if you're really this fucking shit at maths.

Video games and cRPG's in particular are not evolving. Larian are doing the same boring shit Dragon Age and Mass Effect was already doing with it's cutscene dialogue 15 years ago. Tell me one good reason why I should be excited about BG3 and I'll give you 10 reasons why I'm not excited. This game is a huge disappointment since the moment it was first shown in a live stream with Swen running around a beach straight out of Original Sin while he stacked wood boxes and shot at puddles of oil with a fireball.

You can make a masterpiece in two ways: you can either innovate, or you can execute stuff which has been done before to a level of polish and perfection which is unprecedented. Old school Blizzard is known for doing the latter, and the reality is that it takes more skill to do polish than innovation.

Larian knows what they want to do with their games, what they want people to buy their games for, and they decided that going the increased immersion Oblivion style simply isn't that high of a priority. Time and effort spent on "out of combat AI" is time and effort which could be spent on making quests with multiple ways to resolve. And that's the secret to why Larian is so successful, they don't try to chase trends and just make what that amazes people.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
What’s with the obsession with NPC schedules

Shit like that is for “m-muh immersion”-pussies - an rpg crowd so emasculated they make storyfags look like manly heterosexuals
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