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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
...on the other hand, it pales in comparison to western developers
I actually disagree with this at this point. What's the last Western game you saw that showed tranny cock in character creation? Cyberpunk? If Larian isn't Western, I doubt CDPR is.
Well, you can also be super straight in BG3 and kill anyone. But it is the one woke, while the rest aren’t?
This is a fair point though, I guess. The freedom the player is given does negate some of the woke. Though the fact that the game world treats, say, evicting unwelcome refugees as an evil act neutralizes some of that freedom.


Jul 21, 2019
Ok, let’s not do revisionistic bullshit here, please.
I'm not, I never played Divinity 2 or Dragon Commander.

Did not notice any woke shit in Divine Divinity, or OS1/2. Also, they could do day & night cycles in Divine Divinity, but find it too difficult now? The fuck happened?
Multiple reasons, like having 10x more NPCs, cinematics that don’t look good if lighting’s not done manually and subclasses like Shadow monks or Assassins being a thing in a game where most fights happen under the sun.

It’s easy to add day and night if you don’t have mechanics tied to it outside of vision cones.


Jul 21, 2019
...on the other hand, it pales in comparison to western developers
I actually disagree with this at this point. What's the last Western game you saw that showed tranny cock in character creation? Cyberpunk? If Larian isn't Western, I doubt CDPR is.
Well, you can also be super straight in BG3 and kill anyone. But it is the one woke, while the rest aren’t?
This is a fair point though, I guess. The freedom the player is given does negate some of the woke. Though the fact that the game world treats, say, evicting unwelcome refugees as an evil act neutralizes some of that freedom.
Well, you are throwing them out to be killed by monsters, so it’s quite evil


Repressed Homosexual
Jul 10, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Pathfinder: Wrath
If you kill the fag NPCs you'll be locked out of quests, loot and XP.

I seriously doubt if you go on a poofter slaying rampage they'll just make them worth loads of XP and give you the items you'd get normally otherwise everyone would do it.
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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Well, you are throwing them out to be killed by monsters, so it’s quite evil
It's a lawful neutral act. You aren't throwing them out "to be killed" you are just throwing them out. What happens after that is up to nature. Hence, why so many druids are on the fence about it.

If a cop throws a homeless person who broke into your home out, they aren't throwing him out "to die in the street", are they? If it's a high crime area, can they no longer throw them out of your home? If someone who owns a property evicts a tenant, are they inherently evil?


Jul 21, 2019
If you kill the fag NPCs you'll be locked out of quests, loot and XP.

I seriously doubt if you go on a poofter slaying rampage they'll just make them work loads of XP and give you the items you'd get normally otherwise everyone would do it.
In EA rampage nets the best items and most exp. Join goblins- kill everyone in grove with them- betray and kill goblins.


Jul 21, 2019
Well, you are throwing them out to be killed by monsters, so it’s quite evil
It's a lawful neutral act. You aren't throwing them out "to be killed" you are just throwing them out.

If a cop throws a homeless person who broke into your home out, they aren't throwing him out "to die in the street", are they? If it's a high crime area, can they no longer throw them out of your home? If someone who owns a property evicts a tenant, are they inherently evil?
The very first thing they show you is folks getting torn apart by goblins and wolves because they walked beyond walls, bro. You are killing those refugees, don’t be a bitch about it and take those evil points with pride.


† Cristo è Re †
Jun 20, 2011
The freedom the player is given does negate some of the woke.

Good news then.

Would've beheaded Astaron on count of him being a vampire anyway - why would you want one in your party? He'll potentially turn on you at some point.

Fact that he's an annoying flamer as well just gives you two reasons.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
If you kill the fag NPCs you'll run out of NPCs
ftfy :M
The very first thing they show you is folks getting torn apart by goblins and wolves because they walked beyond walls, bro. You are killing those refugees, don’t be a bitch about it and take those evil points with pride.

Again, nature takes its course. Welcome to Neutrality.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Would've beheaded Astaron on count of him being a vampire anyway - why would you want one in your party? He'll potentially turn on you at some point.
I'd like to point out that Astarion is bisexual, as are all the NPCs apparently. He's flamboyant in his personality, but not a homosexual. Not more so than any of the others anyway.


Apr 24, 2012
Little Vienna
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Original Sin 3 is attracting Diablo 4 players, this will be the biggest mishmash of shit ever created. We will get the bioware mental cases, blizzard retards and larian cucks. And that is not even close to how with just 10 minutes of reading larian dialog makes me want to blow my brain.


Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Mar 28, 2015
Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿErdogānīye
Issue with PoE1/2 is that to be a spiritual successor to BG1/2 it tries to be epic
IDK, I think the issue was that it wasn't a compelling narrative for the protagonist from the start.

Things just happen, you go places... and you're supposed to care about them why?

E.g., the game starts, you get the craps, everyone gets slaughtered in front of you. Some guy kills the companion you've now known for 5 minutes (who is probably the only companion that bothers trying to establish a rapport with the player, and who actually has a reason to come with you) accidentally with some weird ritual, and then everyone wanders off and you go to some village. Why care about this village? WHy care that any of that just happened? IDK? Reasons? And the story continues from there. Quests just come up and you do them just because. NPCs join you because. And then it becomes epic etc.

It's just poor writing for a game imo. You could be epic or focused, but if you don't get the player interested and involved, it's useless.

I'd say Tyranny did a much better job, even if it did use the trope of aggrandizing the player to get their attention.

I don't think there is an issue with PoE1's opener, having everyone in a caravan killed and going to closest settlement to get your bearings is normal. How it is done with magic religion storm is related epic scale.

You are also not necessarily involved in what happens in that settlement unless you just ask around and look for jobs. That's same as why you would care for anything or do any quests for anyone in say Beregost in BG1. So asking why you would do any quests is basically just deconstructing the genre as a whole. I do quests in Gilded Vale because I got curious what is up with the tree with bunch of hanged people and the supposed baron of the vale. I do quests in Beregost because I went out of my way to talk to people.

In a way though BG2 is quite good at giving you a real motivation to do quests for material reasons explicitly, more games could use this sober approach to adventuring. Instead of it all being for some direct emotional cause. PoE2 also has this, as you need a ship to cross to ending island but the narrative is just bad.

I honestly think the "main motivation" is overrated in general and RPGs are at their best when you are just exploring or adventuring for no reason instead of chasing some extremely high stakes and urgent macguffin.


Aug 13, 2017
Would've beheaded Astaron on count of him being a vampire anyway - why would you want one in your party? He'll potentially turn on you at some point.
I'd like to point out that Astarion is bisexual, as are all the NPCs apparently. He's flamboyant in his personality, but not a homosexual. Not more so than any of the others anyway.
because of this body type nonsense it makes sense to make everyone gay so no discrimination

"Sorry Im only attracted to body type B"


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Would've beheaded Astaron on count of him being a vampire anyway - why would you want one in your party? He'll potentially turn on you at some point.
I'd like to point out that Astarion is bisexual, as are all the NPCs apparently. He's flamboyant in his personality, but not a homosexual. Not more so than any of the others anyway.
Companions being playersexual is the norm, I think. But also I have no idea what anyone's preference is, because I only have eyes for my wife.


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
Would've beheaded Astaron on count of him being a vampire anyway - why would you want one in your party? He'll potentially turn on you at some point.
I'd like to point out that Astarion is bisexual, as are all the NPCs apparently. He's flamboyant in his personality, but not a homosexual. Not more so than any of the others anyway.
because of this body type nonsense it makes sense to make everyone gay so no discrimination

"Sorry Im only attracted to body type B"
They're all "playersexual".

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
Original Sin 3 is attracting Diablo 4 players, this will be the biggest mishmash of shit ever created. We will get the bioware mental cases, blizzard retards and larian cucks. And that is not even close to how with just 10 minutes of reading larian dialog makes me want to blow my brain.
And they'll all come here because the Codex is so welcoming of them. Rest in Piss


Aug 10, 2005
I'd like to point out that Astarion is bisexual, as are all the NPCs apparently. He's flamboyant in his personality, but not a homosexual. Not more so than any of the others anyway.

Are you excusing him or something? Being a flaming fag AND competing with you for pussy, that's the worst of both worlds. I'd take an honest quiet homo type over these disgusting "flamboyant" faggots any day.


Jun 17, 2012

Totally torn on whether to buy this game or not.

On one hand, I hate the amount of woke-ness that has seemingly infected Larian...

...on the other hand, it pales in comparison to western developers, who are also seemingly threatened by BG3's gameplay mechanics "setting a new industry standard".

As if you couldn't despise these people any more.


Ok, let’s not do revisionistic bullshit here, please. Larian was always woke. Divinity 2 had a quest where you had to change gender in order to complete a stage play quest. Dragon commander had a date sim built-in and etc.

Whether game is worth- just pirate it and buy later if you like it.

How is having a dating sim "woke"? The contents of said dating sim in Dragon Commander were almost anachronistically super-straight by current standards. If anything I remember a lot of 4channers laughing over it in a positive way. My vague recollection of the choices were basically: hot blonde elf titty girl, lifts-her-tail lizard, and the meme of a skeleton with pumpkins inserted into her ribcage to increase bust size. The social decisions in the game allowed you to be a fag, sure, but they also allowed you to ban faggotry entirely, so again, not woke.

Dragon Commander's realm decision side of the game was honestly pretty awesome, it was the gameplay in the RTS meat of the game that sucked dick.

Divinity 2 predates wokeism as a movement entirely and it was played for laughs, just like it was in BG (no, it was never meant to be a good thing back then to change genders).

Well, you can also be super straight in BG3 and kill anyone. But it is the one woke, while the rest aren’t?

Please tell me you aren't actually this dense. The difference is what perspective the game's choices are written from, and how it is executed. Dragon Commander panders to straight sensibilities. I'm not a fan of pandering in general, but it is what it is. BG3 panders to the LGBT lobby.

This discussion is so old I can't be bothered to restate it for everyone, just go back and read years of discourse in any thread concerning politicization in games, or admit you like Bruce are engaged in concern trolling.
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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I don't think there is an issue with PoE1's opener, having everyone in a caravan killed and going to closest settlement to get your bearings is normal. How it is done with magic religion storm is related epic scale.
I understand that it's normal. It's just not terribly interesting because it barely involves the player. You're just a guy that has weird stuff happening around him.
You are also not necessarily involved in what happens in that settlement
Which is my point. Compare that to BG2's opening: You're immediately involved in the politics of the city: cowled wizards, vampires, thieves. And all of it relates to you. You have incentive to explore your new surroundings and find some kind of foothold.

Or even BG1: you have two potential allies waiting at the Friendly Arm, you have Gorion's body to the north. There's a reason for you to go to both.

There's no such hook in PoE's start.
I do quests in Beregost because I went out of my way to talk to people.
I guess BG1 didn't offer too much motivation to do sidequests either, so that's valid. But at least it had several sources of motivation to propel the player on the main quest, and encouraged exploration (e.g., find the bandit camp, go to the gnoll fort).

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