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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 RELEASE THREAD


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
D&D back in the day: Adventuring parties smiting demons and devils, killing orcs and saving villagers. Moral panic.

D&D today: intercourse with fiends in hell, making friends with mindflayers, allowing drow to live without slaying them on sight. No moral panic.



Jan 5, 2015
i just wanted to say that i didn't have to buy BG3 since this thread is filled with so much passion and emotion that im having a blast.
lots of anger, spite, cynicism, name calling, despair and sarcasm, makes me feel real fuzzy inside.

... I can't wait for Starfield!


Mar 16, 2015
D&D back in the day: Adventuring parties smiting demons and devils, killing orcs and saving villagers. Moral panic.

D&D today: intercourse with fiends in hell, making friends with mindflayers, allowing drow to live without slaying them on sight. No moral panic.

D&D back in the day is when Devils were banished in RL
D&D now is when Devils rule the world


May 5, 2012
Look at how hard the culture warrior losers are coping and screeching about BG3. Amazing

Kek I remember autists figuring out 3 of the front most group of women in that picture had done porn.
Jul 15, 2022
i just wanted to say that i didn't have to buy BG3 since this thread is filled with so much passion and emotion that im having a blast.
lots of anger, spite, cynicism, name calling, despair and sarcasm, makes me feel real fuzzy inside.

... I can't wait for Starfield!
You should have been here to watch the unfoldment of Fallout Frontier (or maybe you were). I crack up just reminiscing about that.


Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
D&D back in the day: Adventuring parties smiting demons and devils, killing orcs and saving villagers. Moral panic.

D&D today: intercourse with fiends in hell, making friends with mindflayers, allowing drow to live without slaying them on sight. No moral panic.

Christians are big on fucking with evil


Nov 21, 2021
People fail to realize the old games were actually watered down by mature content by design. But the setting is not. They cry about degeneracy, but they show ignorance. Larian did only the sensitive thing by implementing a game with the content, as the old creator of the setting meant. Is it just that Interplay and Bioware at the time were pretty selective with the content in order to deliver a teen-friendly experience? So yes, when you complain about degeneracy, you clearly have no clue what there is and was in Forgotten Realms or D&D, and you are projecting your own false perception of how it was.

The game is pretty good; it has more choice, consequences, and character agency than any RPG could only dream about. It looks pretty and plays well; the only complaint I have is the UI. But you can get used to it once you learn how it works.
Also again why are you here?
We get it you don't like the game but no ammount of whining, crying and pointing finger will make us like less the game. All you will obtain is being laughting stock.

Wtf are you talking about? D&D is what you make it. There is no inherent degeneracy in the lore. In fact if you think about it, wouldn't some of these Gods and their clerics and paladins be against degeneracy and fags and trans. Or that doesn't fit your head cannon faggot?
Haem no.

"As to sexual attitudes in the Realms, there is indeed local prejudice against individuals who have “different” or “unusual” sexuality—bigotry and a dislike of change and “what’s not usual” is everywhere and is (unfortunately) part of being human.
Specific religions often invoke temporary abstinence as punishments for transgressions against the creed of the faith, but other matters sexual are usually ignored in doctrine, rather than policed by doctrine (consecration or baptism of willing, old-enough-to-choose offspring being an important exception; this is urged and promoted by almost all Faerûnian faiths).
Yet in a polytheistic setting in which everyone “believes in” and worships (in some fashion, even if it’s only “Here’s a prayer, now please don’t bother me today”) ALL of the gods, clergy avoid endorsing discrimination against someone because of sex. Which doesn’t mean they won’t severely speak to someone they think does something inappropriate, like trying to fornicate with grieving individuals at a funeral, or anyone forcing their attentions on someone except a recipient receiving such attentions as part of a ritual to Loviatar or Sharess or Sune or Shiallia the recipient has agreed beforehand to take part in, and knows what this will mean [[in other words, self-chosen submission is acceptable, but being on the receiving end of forced and unwanted sex is not]].
Shiallia wants all creatures to reproduce and multiply, which means fertile females should engage in sex with partners of their choice, regardless of their marital state (and all devout worshippers of the goddess should help in the feeding and rearing of said offspring); it does NOT mean those fertile females have to accept the advances of every passing creature.
In general, “anything goes” in the wilderness, the settled status quo is most valued (and adhered to) in small villages and towns, and as places get larger and have more contact with the wider Realms (market towns, being on caravan routes), the more tolerant and varied sexuality can be found and is tolerated/ignored. Bisexual characters exist in the Realms and always have done, as have “out” homosexual characters, May/December partnerships, polygamy, and just about everything else.

Yet matters sexual are seldom the “big deal” in the Realms that it is in any real-world area dominated by one faith, where clerics of that faith presume to tell others “how to behave.” The polytheistic nature of the Realms is one reason for this, and another is the D&D® game itself, that with its array of sentient races, presents what some would call “bestiality” or other terms for “coupling with other races” as a fait accompli (otherwise, there would be no “half-elves” or “half-orcs”).

Yes, this has all been discussed before, but that’s okay. The computerized search-fu in the Keep is frail, but the minds of its scribes are sharp, quick, and apt to dredge up old lines from older scrolls when the need arises.
The beauty of fantasy roleplaying, and the Realms, is that anyone playing in it can include or leave out or ignore or gloss over what they want to or are most comfortable with. The darkness creeps in when one player or group tries to impose their preferences on everyone else.

Some festhalls, brothels, and clubs signal whom or what they cater to, but most don’t; locals just “know” (and tavernmasters and innkeepers will discreetly answer queries as to “where to go” without misleading or reacting with hostility to such questions; correctly guiding guests without making judgments is just part of their livelihood). Carved signboards are the most common advertisement (depicting entwined, kissing couples or triads or quartets, usually in no more detail than heads, arms, shoulders, and bared breasts, with the participants indicating what “goes” inside: for example, two men together, or a lizard man and a human female, with a free hand raised to hold a glass if it’s also a drinking club, or holding a hand of cards or a platter of food to indicate a gambling establishment or that food is served, and so on)."

Ed Greenwood.

I had to skim this because you wrote an entire novel but the fact there are multiple gods adds to my points. Wouldn't SOME of the gods and their paladins be against degeneracy? Some of these gods are about ORDER which obviously goes against a lot of this.

Why is there no option to play an anti fag and anti trans path? Because that would have faggots and degenerates all in their feels.
Simply because sex is not considered a sin in D&D. Even the most Lawful Gods don't regulate matters when it comes to sex. The good Christian D&D is a mental construct of some people who do self-insert into it.

There are Gods based on order no? Would a God of order support you fucking everything in sight or would they support sex within the constructs of marriage and reproducing? Some of you D&D nerds are bunch of creepy weirdos. Like D&D was about questing and adventuring, now it's taking your creepy ass kinks and making that a major part. The fact you want to resist any religion/faction/ect being anti degenerate shows how pathetic you are. That's not realistic in any setting for there to be no groups against that especially one based on medieval Europe. I like how you threw in the only people who would be against it are simple minded/backwards villagers. Lol at the LGBTQ weirdos
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
I didn't like the brothel when you get past the first gate guards btw. First time in the game where I actually felt like an ideology was being forced on me by the writers, given that all your dialogue options are "I love this place! Sex work is real work! Prostitution is great! There is no such thing as exploitation of women!". Also lol @ half the brothel patrons being female, modern (presumably male) game writers love doing that even though it simply bears no resemblance to reality and is actually harder to believe than the existence of dragons and shit.

Now this is bollocks. I was worried about how they handle a brothel and this is as bad as it can get.
The brothel in question is dedicated to Sharess, the goddess of Sensual pleasure. Is it normal that there is not explotation there again? This is another case of misunderstanding by those that don't know the realms or the lore.
I'm not a FR lore expert, but I'm giving you my impression as someone who just reached it in the game. The problems are:
- The player character has literally no way to express anything other than a positive opinion. This is despite the fact that, before you enter the place, a woman outside tells you there's a lot of debate around it. So in-universe, people are concerned, and yet you can't voice any of that concern yourself.

- One of the prostitutes inside mentions the exchange of money. Money for sex is inherently exploitative, IMO. You might disagree, but given that it's an RPG, I'd hope both of us would be able to express our opinions through our characters. If they don't want to approach this issue seriously, they shouldn't put something this sensitive in the game.

- This comes right after you meet some of the most impoverished people in the game, the refugees. Again, it's tone deafness to have "here's a massive group of homeless, destitute women" and "here's a brothel two meters away" and not think about the grim way those two things would connect IRL.

- Again, half the patrons are female. It's all larger-than-life fantasy, I know, and you don't typically find female raiders, slavers and thugs in real life either. But this is something I notice in a lot of modern games and it's always jarring in how little resemblance it bears to reality. It's also something I keep noticing over and over again in modern fiction, and it feels like propaganda to me, to whitewash the image of the sex industry and try to absolve the men who take part.

Hopefully if you've seen my prior posts in the thread, you know that I'm not a culture warrior, I can handle depictions of things I might not like in media, and I do like the game overall. This is one issue that's very serious to me personally though for a number of reasons and I was greatly disappointed in the flippant, tone-deaf, casual depiction it received in a game that's previously been much better than that, alongside the total lack of ways to roleplay your character.


Mar 28, 2014
If someone has issues with how game stutters a lot then switch to DX11, Vulcan seems too arcane magic for Larian to wield.


Apr 16, 2018
I didn't like the brothel when you get past the first gate guards btw. First time in the game where I actually felt like an ideology was being forced on me by the writers, given that all your dialogue options are "I love this place! Sex work is real work! Prostitution is great! There is no such thing as exploitation of women!". Also lol @ half the brothel patrons being female, modern (presumably male) game writers love doing that even though it simply bears no resemblance to reality and is actually harder to believe than the existence of dragons and shit.

Now this is bollocks. I was worried about how they handle a brothel and this is as bad as it can get.
The brothel in question is dedicated to Sharess, the goddess of Sensual pleasure. Is it normal that there is not explotation there again? This is another case of misunderstanding by those that don't know the realms or the lore.
I'm not a FR lore expert, but I'm giving you my impression as someone who just reached it in the game. The problems are:
- The player character has literally no way to express anything other than a positive opinion. This is despite the fact that, before you enter the place, a woman outside tells you there's a lot of debate around it. So in-universe, people are concerned, and yet you can't voice any of that concern yourself.

- One of the prostitutes inside mentions the exchange of money. Money for sex is inherently exploitative, IMO. You might disagree, but given that it's an RPG, I'd hope both of us would be able to express our opinions through our characters. If they don't want to approach this issue seriously, they shouldn't put something this sensitive in the game.

- This comes right after you meet some of the most impoverished people in the game, the refugees. Again, it's tone deafness to have "here's a massive group of homeless, destitute women" and "here's a brothel two meters away" and not think about the grim way those two things would connect IRL.

- Again, half the patrons are female. It's all larger-than-life fantasy, I know, and you don't typically find female raiders, slavers and thugs in real life either. But this is something I notice in a lot of modern games and it's always jarring in how little resemblance it bears to reality. It's also something I keep noticing over and over again in modern fiction, and it feels like propaganda to me.

Hopefully if you've seen my prior posts in the thread, you know that I'm not a culture warrior, I can handle depictions of things I might not like in media, and I do like the game overall. This is one issue that's very serious to me personally though for a number of reasons and I was greatly disappointed in the flippant, tone-deaf, casual depiction it received in a game that's previously been much better than that, alongside the total lack of ways to roleplay your character.

Based and differentiated take.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
I didn't like the brothel when you get past the first gate guards btw. First time in the game where I actually felt like an ideology was being forced on me by the writers, given that all your dialogue options are "I love this place! Sex work is real work! Prostitution is great! There is no such thing as exploitation of women!". Also lol @ half the brothel patrons being female, modern (presumably male) game writers love doing that even though it simply bears no resemblance to reality and is actually harder to believe than the existence of dragons and shit.

Now this is bollocks. I was worried about how they handle a brothel and this is as bad as it can get.
The brothel in question is dedicated to Sharess, the goddess of Sensual pleasure. Is it normal that there is not explotation there again? This is another case of misunderstanding by those that don't know the realms or the lore.
I'm not a FR lore expert, but I'm giving you my impression as someone who just reached it in the game. The problems are:
- The player character has literally no way to express anything other than a positive opinion. This is despite the fact that, before you enter the place, a woman outside tells you there's a lot of debate around it. So in-universe, people are concerned, and yet you can't voice any of that concern yourself.

- One of the prostitutes inside mentions the exchange of money. Money for sex is inherently exploitative, IMO. You might disagree, but given that it's an RPG, I'd hope both of us would be able to express our opinions through our characters. If they don't want to approach this issue seriously, they shouldn't put something this sensitive in the game.

- This comes right after you meet some of the most impoverished people in the game, the refugees. Again, it's tone deafness to have "here's a massive group of homeless, destitute women" and "here's a brothel two meters away" and not think about the grim way those two things would connect IRL.

- Again, half the patrons are female. It's all larger-than-life fantasy, I know, and you don't typically find female raiders, slavers and thugs in real life either. But this is something I notice in a lot of modern games and it's always jarring in how little resemblance it bears to reality. It's also something I keep noticing over and over again in modern fiction, and it feels like propaganda to me, to whitewash the image of the sex industry and try to absolve the men who take part.

Hopefully if you've seen my prior posts in the thread, you know that I'm not a culture warrior, I can handle depictions of things I might not like in media, and I do like the game overall. This is one issue that's very serious to me personally though for a number of reasons and I was greatly disappointed in the flippant, tone-deaf, casual depiction it received in a game that's previously been much better than that, alongside the total lack of ways to roleplay your character.

The problem is that the writers have no experience with any hardship beyond my latte is cold. They haven't been in danger or survived anything worse than a broken fingernail. They are also self centered narcissists that can't think about anyone else but themselves. Just look at the Instawhore, Twatter, and TikTok posts they make. They have the depth of a puddle in personality. They equate perversion and degeneracy as real love when it's so far removed from it that it's not even funny.
Aug 10, 2023
People fail to realize the old games were actually watered down by mature content by design. But the setting is not. They cry about degeneracy, but they show ignorance. Larian did only the sensitive thing by implementing a game with the content, as the old creator of the setting meant. Is it just that Interplay and Bioware at the time were pretty selective with the content in order to deliver a teen-friendly experience? So yes, when you complain about degeneracy, you clearly have no clue what there is and was in Forgotten Realms or D&D, and you are projecting your own false perception of how it was.

The game is pretty good; it has more choice, consequences, and character agency than any RPG could only dream about. It looks pretty and plays well; the only complaint I have is the UI. But you can get used to it once you learn how it works.
Also again why are you here?
We get it you don't like the game but no ammount of whining, crying and pointing finger will make us like less the game. All you will obtain is being laughting stock.

Wtf are you talking about? D&D is what you make it. There is no inherent degeneracy in the lore. In fact if you think about it, wouldn't some of these Gods and their clerics and paladins be against degeneracy and fags and trans. Or that doesn't fit your head cannon faggot?
Haem no.

"As to sexual attitudes in the Realms, there is indeed local prejudice against individuals who have “different” or “unusual” sexuality—bigotry and a dislike of change and “what’s not usual” is everywhere and is (unfortunately) part of being human.
Specific religions often invoke temporary abstinence as punishments for transgressions against the creed of the faith, but other matters sexual are usually ignored in doctrine, rather than policed by doctrine (consecration or baptism of willing, old-enough-to-choose offspring being an important exception; this is urged and promoted by almost all Faerûnian faiths).
Yet in a polytheistic setting in which everyone “believes in” and worships (in some fashion, even if it’s only “Here’s a prayer, now please don’t bother me today”) ALL of the gods, clergy avoid endorsing discrimination against someone because of sex. Which doesn’t mean they won’t severely speak to someone they think does something inappropriate, like trying to fornicate with grieving individuals at a funeral, or anyone forcing their attentions on someone except a recipient receiving such attentions as part of a ritual to Loviatar or Sharess or Sune or Shiallia the recipient has agreed beforehand to take part in, and knows what this will mean [[in other words, self-chosen submission is acceptable, but being on the receiving end of forced and unwanted sex is not]].
Shiallia wants all creatures to reproduce and multiply, which means fertile females should engage in sex with partners of their choice, regardless of their marital state (and all devout worshippers of the goddess should help in the feeding and rearing of said offspring); it does NOT mean those fertile females have to accept the advances of every passing creature.
In general, “anything goes” in the wilderness, the settled status quo is most valued (and adhered to) in small villages and towns, and as places get larger and have more contact with the wider Realms (market towns, being on caravan routes), the more tolerant and varied sexuality can be found and is tolerated/ignored. Bisexual characters exist in the Realms and always have done, as have “out” homosexual characters, May/December partnerships, polygamy, and just about everything else.

Yet matters sexual are seldom the “big deal” in the Realms that it is in any real-world area dominated by one faith, where clerics of that faith presume to tell others “how to behave.” The polytheistic nature of the Realms is one reason for this, and another is the D&D® game itself, that with its array of sentient races, presents what some would call “bestiality” or other terms for “coupling with other races” as a fait accompli (otherwise, there would be no “half-elves” or “half-orcs”).

Yes, this has all been discussed before, but that’s okay. The computerized search-fu in the Keep is frail, but the minds of its scribes are sharp, quick, and apt to dredge up old lines from older scrolls when the need arises.
The beauty of fantasy roleplaying, and the Realms, is that anyone playing in it can include or leave out or ignore or gloss over what they want to or are most comfortable with. The darkness creeps in when one player or group tries to impose their preferences on everyone else.

Some festhalls, brothels, and clubs signal whom or what they cater to, but most don’t; locals just “know” (and tavernmasters and innkeepers will discreetly answer queries as to “where to go” without misleading or reacting with hostility to such questions; correctly guiding guests without making judgments is just part of their livelihood). Carved signboards are the most common advertisement (depicting entwined, kissing couples or triads or quartets, usually in no more detail than heads, arms, shoulders, and bared breasts, with the participants indicating what “goes” inside: for example, two men together, or a lizard man and a human female, with a free hand raised to hold a glass if it’s also a drinking club, or holding a hand of cards or a platter of food to indicate a gambling establishment or that food is served, and so on)."

Ed Greenwood.

I had to skim this because you wrote an entire novel but the fact there are multiple gods adds to my points. Wouldn't SOME of the gods and their paladins be against degeneracy? Some of these gods are about ORDER which obviously goes against a lot of this.

Why is there no option to play an anti fag and anti trans path? Because that would have faggots and degenerates all in their feels.
Simply because sex is not considered a sin in D&D. Even the most Lawful Gods don't regulate matters when it comes to sex. The good Christian D&D is a mental construct of some people who do self-insert into it.

There are Gods based on order no? Would a God of order support you fucking everything in sight or would they support sex within the constructs of marriage and reproducing? Some of you D&D nerds are bunch of creepy weirdos. Like D&D was about questing and adventuring, now it's taking your creepy ass kinks and making that a major part. The fact you want to resist any religion/faction/ect being anti degenerate shows how pathetic you are. That's not realistic in any setting for their to be no groups against that especially one based on medieval Europe. I like how you threw in the only people who would be against it are simple minded/backwards villagers. Lol at the LGBTQ weirdos
Order does not imply be against sex , you mix up order with Christian principles, and D&D was always a little degenerate to begin with. Only individuals who enjoy inserting their own values into fictional settings are likely to be thinking that. Sexual activity is not inherently sinful in D&D and is a natural aspect of both religious and ordinary life. Again, those who complain about degeneracy in D&D have no idea what they're talking about. D&D also offers prestige classes that use sex as a technique of manipulation and that not even in fifth edition. D&D is not based as a whole in Medieval Europe even forgotten realms have variety on the setting depending where you are. D&D is not an historical game.
Again answering to Lemming sex is not considered a Sin in the D&D universe.


Sep 6, 2022
How are there so many faggots on the codex lol?

Imagine arguing that checking on a friend or co worker who looks bummed at a party is showing romantic interest? Bunch of fucking weirdos
Yeah,it is a den of impressive faggotness in here. Most of the staff are also faggots or some weird degenerates,even a pedo.

I get liking the game because there are a lot of good aspects but the way they handled romance is the most dog shit way to do it ever in an rpg. And that's not an exaggeration, this game literally has the worst romance system in gaming history.

It's garbage that you can't have a single bro in the game because every male party member takes any effort to build comradery as an invitation to sodomize them. Where's the male friend who just wants to go on an adventure and crack some skulls? Bioware never goofed this hard on romance and party interactions.

The party and romance and system alone takes the game from a potential 9 to 7.

Nigga it is a larian game,why the fuck did you expect an ok writing ?! They are just making the same retarded garbo game for a third time. All the companions for now are identical,there is no difference between them. One fucks a goddess,another fucks a demon,the other one gets fucked by an elder vampire,etc etc . They all have some super powerful hidden shit. Also the game is garbo lol,it is not 7 let alone 9 buahahaha. There is not a single solid system in it.



Jun 5, 2013
Vita umbratilis
I played KotC2 on release, and it was a mess. Maybe it's better now, I don't know, but more complicated rules don't make up for a sadistic joke of a campaign. PS: fighters get to do a lot of fun stuff in BG3.
Passing on KotC2 after playing and beating KotC1. I seriously hate how encounter design that heavily relies on your -randomly- assigned starting position to not completely fuck you. Hope you like reloading. There are too many other games I want to play before trying 'part deux' of the same designer.
Yeah, it's like he doubled down on the worst aspects of KotC1 and expected this to work out well. What a dumbass
Yea Pierre should have realized players don’t care about challenge or difficulty, they want to have sex damnit! You can’t sex pogs!


Jun 5, 2023
Again, you people have the wrong idealized version of D&D in your minds.

No, old lady it's you that has the wrong idealized version of D&D. You love DANDINO and you hate the original and homebrew settings that have been going on since 1975. The problem is with you.
Pretty much this. I've never played D&D in FR or any of the settings WotC rewrites nor any of their modules. It's always been homebrew with whatever the DM has in mind. It's better that way too.


Jun 5, 2023
I played KotC2 on release, and it was a mess. Maybe it's better now, I don't know, but more complicated rules don't make up for a sadistic joke of a campaign. PS: fighters get to do a lot of fun stuff in BG3.
Passing on KotC2 after playing and beating KotC1. I seriously hate how encounter design that heavily relies on your -randomly- assigned starting position to not completely fuck you. Hope you like reloading. There are too many other games I want to play before trying 'part deux' of the same designer.
Yeah, it's like he doubled down on the worst aspects of KotC1 and expected this to work out well. What a dumbass
Yea Pierre should have realized players don’t care about challenge or difficulty, they want to have sex damnit! You can’t sex pogs!
King Crispy is this true?


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
I'm completely ignorant of what D&D is and so I'll run my mouth.

You'd be surprised since Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson were both Christians. Staunchly at that. Let me show you how wrong you are with the TSR Code of Ethics circa 1984.


Point 4. All scenes of horror, excessive bloodshed, gory or gruesome scenes, depravity, lust, sadism, and masochism shall not be permitted.

Point 6. Profanity, obscenity/smut, vulgarity or words or symbols which have aquired undesirable meanings - judged by contemporary standards - are prohibited.

I draw your attention to point 10. Nudity in any form is prohibited. Suggestive and salacious scenes are unacceptable.

Point 11. Illicit sex relations are not to be portrayed or discussed and sexual abnormalities are unacceptable.

Point 12. Rape or seduction are never to be portrayed or discussed.

Notice point 13. It clearly says Sex perversion or any inference to same is strictly forbidden.

So you just lied about what is D&D. 6 of 13 points says that you're a goddamn liar.

Did you have anything intelligent to add that actually pertains to the history of the D&D game?
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
Again answering to Lemming sex is not considered a Sin in the D&D universe.
It's not about "sin", and I'm not religious. This is such a wildly point-missing response. I have no problem with sex - I have sex, believe it or not. I have a problem with material, economic exploitation, and the way this is depicted in-game.

If they're all worshippers of a pleasure goddess, why does money come into it? And if there's no debate in-universe, why does the first person you meet in the place, a woman stood outside, tell you that there's a lot of concern and debate about the place? Maybe she doesn't know the FR lore, despite living there?

Yes, though, the prostitutes are all displayed as overly horny. This, again, is a form of either horrible tone-deafness or a deliberate attempt by writers to portray the sex industry in a certain way. Studies consistently show that around 95% of actual prostituted women in real life want to leave but are unable to do so due to either physical force or economic coercion, and without wanting to get too personal or into a debate about it, I'm very painfully aware of this fact from the experiences of several people very close to me.

The fact it comes right after you meet a massive group of homeless women makes it so awfully-placed, too, like the writers are just braindead-unaware of the implications.

And yes, this is set in a fantasy world with different rules and different norms, and not in a slum in Manchester in real life. But fiction is a reflection of reality, and I'd expect to see this issue handled with more tact and sensitivity, for the same reason I'd expect to see similar issues like rape or mental illness handled with sensitivity.

You could also write a Slave Guild where stereotypically-accented black people happily slave away and talk about how liberating and fun they're finding the whole experience, and justify it with "look, they're all saying they want to be here, this is a fantasy setting", but surely that'd make you wonder what the fuck the writers are thinking and what kind of messages you're meant to be taking away from the game.
Aug 10, 2023
I'm completely ignorant of what D&D is and so I'll run my mouth.

You'd surprised since Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson were both Christians. Staunchly at that. Let me show you how wrong you are with the TSR Code of Ethics circa 1984.


I draw your attention to point 10. Nudity in any form is prohibited. Suggestive and salacious scenes are unacceptale.

Point 11. Illicit sex relations are not to be portrayed or discussed and sexual abnormalities are unacceptable.

Point 12. Rape or seduction are never to be portrayed or discussed.

Notice point 13. It clearly says Sex perversion or any inference to same is strictly forbidden.

So you just lied about what is D&D. Four of 13 points says that you're a goddamn liar.

Did you have anything intelligent to add that actually pertains to the history of the D&D game?
Dude look at the manuals. And also Forgotten realms was created by Ed Greenwood.

Belial and Fierna from the manual of 3.5 Book of Vile darkness.
They are father and daughter and sex partners.
The document you put is no more followed from a long time.
There is even worse stuff in all the manual scattered around the various edition and don't let me talk about the novels.


Nov 11, 2017
Codexers look at sixty dollar price tag for kotc2: lol pogz…miss me wit dat shieeet muthafugga

Codexers look at bg3: thank you daddy I will spend 150 on double deluxe edition for my cuck mindflayer bestiality fantasies



I'm pretty sure KotC2 is a passion project and has its moments but to put that even in a competition with a behemoth like BG3 ... retarded.
It's the best D&D CRPG ever made, the most complete implementation of the 3.5 ruleset ever put to the computer. It has grapple attacks, disarming attacks, trip attacks, shove and push and pull, your fighters actually become utility characters who can do more than just attack. Systems-wise it is the PERFECT tabletop D&D 3.5 simulator.

The campaign is so hardcore it will filter 90% of players though. To be fair, especially later fights can become too much about winning initiative and nuking the enemy before they nuke you, but the whole second level of the dungeon was the most intense and tight dungeon crawling experience I ever had.

This game is worth every penny. It's a masterpiece of game design. For hardcore CRPG players, this is leagues above the casual-friendly BG3.

KotC2 is a grognard's game.

"especially later fights can become too much about winning initiative and nuking the enemy before they nuke you"

wow crazy deep tactical goodness!



Nov 21, 2021
People fail to realize the old games were actually watered down by mature content by design. But the setting is not. They cry about degeneracy, but they show ignorance. Larian did only the sensitive thing by implementing a game with the content, as the old creator of the setting meant. Is it just that Interplay and Bioware at the time were pretty selective with the content in order to deliver a teen-friendly experience? So yes, when you complain about degeneracy, you clearly have no clue what there is and was in Forgotten Realms or D&D, and you are projecting your own false perception of how it was.

The game is pretty good; it has more choice, consequences, and character agency than any RPG could only dream about. It looks pretty and plays well; the only complaint I have is the UI. But you can get used to it once you learn how it works.
Also again why are you here?
We get it you don't like the game but no ammount of whining, crying and pointing finger will make us like less the game. All you will obtain is being laughting stock.

Wtf are you talking about? D&D is what you make it. There is no inherent degeneracy in the lore. In fact if you think about it, wouldn't some of these Gods and their clerics and paladins be against degeneracy and fags and trans. Or that doesn't fit your head cannon faggot?
Haem no.

"As to sexual attitudes in the Realms, there is indeed local prejudice against individuals who have “different” or “unusual” sexuality—bigotry and a dislike of change and “what’s not usual” is everywhere and is (unfortunately) part of being human.
Specific religions often invoke temporary abstinence as punishments for transgressions against the creed of the faith, but other matters sexual are usually ignored in doctrine, rather than policed by doctrine (consecration or baptism of willing, old-enough-to-choose offspring being an important exception; this is urged and promoted by almost all Faerûnian faiths).
Yet in a polytheistic setting in which everyone “believes in” and worships (in some fashion, even if it’s only “Here’s a prayer, now please don’t bother me today”) ALL of the gods, clergy avoid endorsing discrimination against someone because of sex. Which doesn’t mean they won’t severely speak to someone they think does something inappropriate, like trying to fornicate with grieving individuals at a funeral, or anyone forcing their attentions on someone except a recipient receiving such attentions as part of a ritual to Loviatar or Sharess or Sune or Shiallia the recipient has agreed beforehand to take part in, and knows what this will mean [[in other words, self-chosen submission is acceptable, but being on the receiving end of forced and unwanted sex is not]].
Shiallia wants all creatures to reproduce and multiply, which means fertile females should engage in sex with partners of their choice, regardless of their marital state (and all devout worshippers of the goddess should help in the feeding and rearing of said offspring); it does NOT mean those fertile females have to accept the advances of every passing creature.
In general, “anything goes” in the wilderness, the settled status quo is most valued (and adhered to) in small villages and towns, and as places get larger and have more contact with the wider Realms (market towns, being on caravan routes), the more tolerant and varied sexuality can be found and is tolerated/ignored. Bisexual characters exist in the Realms and always have done, as have “out” homosexual characters, May/December partnerships, polygamy, and just about everything else.

Yet matters sexual are seldom the “big deal” in the Realms that it is in any real-world area dominated by one faith, where clerics of that faith presume to tell others “how to behave.” The polytheistic nature of the Realms is one reason for this, and another is the D&D® game itself, that with its array of sentient races, presents what some would call “bestiality” or other terms for “coupling with other races” as a fait accompli (otherwise, there would be no “half-elves” or “half-orcs”).

Yes, this has all been discussed before, but that’s okay. The computerized search-fu in the Keep is frail, but the minds of its scribes are sharp, quick, and apt to dredge up old lines from older scrolls when the need arises.
The beauty of fantasy roleplaying, and the Realms, is that anyone playing in it can include or leave out or ignore or gloss over what they want to or are most comfortable with. The darkness creeps in when one player or group tries to impose their preferences on everyone else.

Some festhalls, brothels, and clubs signal whom or what they cater to, but most don’t; locals just “know” (and tavernmasters and innkeepers will discreetly answer queries as to “where to go” without misleading or reacting with hostility to such questions; correctly guiding guests without making judgments is just part of their livelihood). Carved signboards are the most common advertisement (depicting entwined, kissing couples or triads or quartets, usually in no more detail than heads, arms, shoulders, and bared breasts, with the participants indicating what “goes” inside: for example, two men together, or a lizard man and a human female, with a free hand raised to hold a glass if it’s also a drinking club, or holding a hand of cards or a platter of food to indicate a gambling establishment or that food is served, and so on)."

Ed Greenwood.

I had to skim this because you wrote an entire novel but the fact there are multiple gods adds to my points. Wouldn't SOME of the gods and their paladins be against degeneracy? Some of these gods are about ORDER which obviously goes against a lot of this.

Why is there no option to play an anti fag and anti trans path? Because that would have faggots and degenerates all in their feels.
Simply because sex is not considered a sin in D&D. Even the most Lawful Gods don't regulate matters when it comes to sex. The good Christian D&D is a mental construct of some people who do self-insert into it.

There are Gods based on order no? Would a God of order support you fucking everything in sight or would they support sex within the constructs of marriage and reproducing? Some of you D&D nerds are bunch of creepy weirdos. Like D&D was about questing and adventuring, now it's taking your creepy ass kinks and making that a major part. The fact you want to resist any religion/faction/ect being anti degenerate shows how pathetic you are. That's not realistic in any setting for their to be no groups against that especially one based on medieval Europe. I like how you threw in the only people who would be against it are simple minded/backwards villagers. Lol at the LGBTQ weirdos
Order does not imply be against sex , you mix up order with Christian principles, and D&D was always a little degenerate to begin with. Only individuals who enjoy inserting their own values into fictional settings are likely to be thinking that. Sexual activity is not inherently sinful in D&D and is a natural aspect of both religious and ordinary life. Again, those who complain about degeneracy in D&D have no idea what they're talking about. D&D also offers prestige classes that use sex as a technique of manipulation and that not even in fifth edition. D&D is not based as a whole in Medieval Europe even forgotten realms have variety on the setting depending where you are. D&D is not an historical game.
Again answering to Lemming sex is not considered a Sin in the D&D universe.
Do STDs not exist in this world? Unplanned pregnancies? Of course having sex all the time with lots of partners is against order. Not to mention the distraction it would cause for holy paladins and priests.
Aug 10, 2023
People fail to realize the old games were actually watered down by mature content by design. But the setting is not. They cry about degeneracy, but they show ignorance. Larian did only the sensitive thing by implementing a game with the content, as the old creator of the setting meant. Is it just that Interplay and Bioware at the time were pretty selective with the content in order to deliver a teen-friendly experience? So yes, when you complain about degeneracy, you clearly have no clue what there is and was in Forgotten Realms or D&D, and you are projecting your own false perception of how it was.

The game is pretty good; it has more choice, consequences, and character agency than any RPG could only dream about. It looks pretty and plays well; the only complaint I have is the UI. But you can get used to it once you learn how it works.
Also again why are you here?
We get it you don't like the game but no ammount of whining, crying and pointing finger will make us like less the game. All you will obtain is being laughting stock.

Wtf are you talking about? D&D is what you make it. There is no inherent degeneracy in the lore. In fact if you think about it, wouldn't some of these Gods and their clerics and paladins be against degeneracy and fags and trans. Or that doesn't fit your head cannon faggot?
Haem no.

"As to sexual attitudes in the Realms, there is indeed local prejudice against individuals who have “different” or “unusual” sexuality—bigotry and a dislike of change and “what’s not usual” is everywhere and is (unfortunately) part of being human.
Specific religions often invoke temporary abstinence as punishments for transgressions against the creed of the faith, but other matters sexual are usually ignored in doctrine, rather than policed by doctrine (consecration or baptism of willing, old-enough-to-choose offspring being an important exception; this is urged and promoted by almost all Faerûnian faiths).
Yet in a polytheistic setting in which everyone “believes in” and worships (in some fashion, even if it’s only “Here’s a prayer, now please don’t bother me today”) ALL of the gods, clergy avoid endorsing discrimination against someone because of sex. Which doesn’t mean they won’t severely speak to someone they think does something inappropriate, like trying to fornicate with grieving individuals at a funeral, or anyone forcing their attentions on someone except a recipient receiving such attentions as part of a ritual to Loviatar or Sharess or Sune or Shiallia the recipient has agreed beforehand to take part in, and knows what this will mean [[in other words, self-chosen submission is acceptable, but being on the receiving end of forced and unwanted sex is not]].
Shiallia wants all creatures to reproduce and multiply, which means fertile females should engage in sex with partners of their choice, regardless of their marital state (and all devout worshippers of the goddess should help in the feeding and rearing of said offspring); it does NOT mean those fertile females have to accept the advances of every passing creature.
In general, “anything goes” in the wilderness, the settled status quo is most valued (and adhered to) in small villages and towns, and as places get larger and have more contact with the wider Realms (market towns, being on caravan routes), the more tolerant and varied sexuality can be found and is tolerated/ignored. Bisexual characters exist in the Realms and always have done, as have “out” homosexual characters, May/December partnerships, polygamy, and just about everything else.

Yet matters sexual are seldom the “big deal” in the Realms that it is in any real-world area dominated by one faith, where clerics of that faith presume to tell others “how to behave.” The polytheistic nature of the Realms is one reason for this, and another is the D&D® game itself, that with its array of sentient races, presents what some would call “bestiality” or other terms for “coupling with other races” as a fait accompli (otherwise, there would be no “half-elves” or “half-orcs”).

Yes, this has all been discussed before, but that’s okay. The computerized search-fu in the Keep is frail, but the minds of its scribes are sharp, quick, and apt to dredge up old lines from older scrolls when the need arises.
The beauty of fantasy roleplaying, and the Realms, is that anyone playing in it can include or leave out or ignore or gloss over what they want to or are most comfortable with. The darkness creeps in when one player or group tries to impose their preferences on everyone else.

Some festhalls, brothels, and clubs signal whom or what they cater to, but most don’t; locals just “know” (and tavernmasters and innkeepers will discreetly answer queries as to “where to go” without misleading or reacting with hostility to such questions; correctly guiding guests without making judgments is just part of their livelihood). Carved signboards are the most common advertisement (depicting entwined, kissing couples or triads or quartets, usually in no more detail than heads, arms, shoulders, and bared breasts, with the participants indicating what “goes” inside: for example, two men together, or a lizard man and a human female, with a free hand raised to hold a glass if it’s also a drinking club, or holding a hand of cards or a platter of food to indicate a gambling establishment or that food is served, and so on)."

Ed Greenwood.

I had to skim this because you wrote an entire novel but the fact there are multiple gods adds to my points. Wouldn't SOME of the gods and their paladins be against degeneracy? Some of these gods are about ORDER which obviously goes against a lot of this.

Why is there no option to play an anti fag and anti trans path? Because that would have faggots and degenerates all in their feels.
Simply because sex is not considered a sin in D&D. Even the most Lawful Gods don't regulate matters when it comes to sex. The good Christian D&D is a mental construct of some people who do self-insert into it.

There are Gods based on order no? Would a God of order support you fucking everything in sight or would they support sex within the constructs of marriage and reproducing? Some of you D&D nerds are bunch of creepy weirdos. Like D&D was about questing and adventuring, now it's taking your creepy ass kinks and making that a major part. The fact you want to resist any religion/faction/ect being anti degenerate shows how pathetic you are. That's not realistic in any setting for their to be no groups against that especially one based on medieval Europe. I like how you threw in the only people who would be against it are simple minded/backwards villagers. Lol at the LGBTQ weirdos
Order does not imply be against sex , you mix up order with Christian principles, and D&D was always a little degenerate to begin with. Only individuals who enjoy inserting their own values into fictional settings are likely to be thinking that. Sexual activity is not inherently sinful in D&D and is a natural aspect of both religious and ordinary life. Again, those who complain about degeneracy in D&D have no idea what they're talking about. D&D also offers prestige classes that use sex as a technique of manipulation and that not even in fifth edition. D&D is not based as a whole in Medieval Europe even forgotten realms have variety on the setting depending where you are. D&D is not an historical game.
Again answering to Lemming sex is not considered a Sin in the D&D universe.
Do STDs not exist in this world? Unplanned pregnancies? Of course having sex all the time with lots of partners is against order. Not to mention the distraction it would cause for holy paladins and priests.
Paladins and Priests are often not Chaste.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Dude look at the manuals. And also Forgotten realms was created by Ed Greenwood.

Belial and Fierna from the manual of 3.5 Book of Vile darkness.
They are father and daughter and sex partners.
The document you put is no more followed from a long time.
There is even worse stuff in all the manual scattered around the various edition and don't let me talk about the novels.

That's Wizards of the Woke that bought TSR in 2000 you moron. You made the claim that D&D has always had sex in it. It didn't because it was prohibited by TSR's on code of ethics that I linked to. You can do math can't you? You can read a calendar can't you? I don't give a flying fuck about Wizards, but you made the claim that D&D has always had sex in it. You truly are stupid.

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