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Blizzard announced "Classic" World of Warcraft


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
I only subbed in wow once, in last year. Will I gonna lost my lv 72 frost mage and lv 76 affliction warlock when Cata is launched? Because I played in private servers vanilla, tbc, wotlk and cataclysm. Liked every expansion except cata. Like Warlocks at lv 10 with felguards, a demon which not even high level warlocks in vanilla could permanently control and only very high level fully dedicated demonologists could control in TBC. The lack of class quests, reagents for spells and so on. Not menitoning all wokeness.

When I'm using the soul which I stole from a creature to summon a demon, the most important thing is to be politically correct, hence instead of "enslave demon", is now "subjulgate demon which is pure BS.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Everything is shit in Cata
  • Low lv warlocks dominating high level demons
  • The dumbing down of talent trees
  • Enemies aren't a threat to players
  • No more tiers for skills
  • No more reagents for spells
  • No more quest specific quests with unique rewards like warlock quests
  • Armor design become even worse
  • Till WotLK, each expansion was implementing new abilities and interesting talents. Cata was the first expansion to start to remove fun stuff instead of giving more fun stuff.


Jul 4, 2018
I wonder if they're going to go pre-nerf route. I remember at launch Cata's endgame being somewhat hard (for pug standards at least) especially compared to the snorefest that was wotlk. Healers actually had to think about which type of heal to use and preserve their mana, tank couldn't just aoe pull the whole instance etc. Which resulted in constant bitching on the forums and as a result Blizzard caved and basically did a blanket nerf over everything.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Not entirely. If you are a healer, Cata is probably the best expansion past TBC. Healing is quantified by a ratio of mana to speed to numbers healed and Cata is considered to be the slowest expansion in this context (the slowest healing has ever been in WoW's entire run actually), which means all types of healing get to shine and mana management is extremely important on top of that. That is in direct opposition to WotLK, where only disc (or disc-heavy holy) Priests and holy Paladins are viable, there is no time for Druids and Shamans to shine due to their healing style apart from very select fights with constant, low raid-wide damage like Sapphiron (in which Priests with Empowered Renew are still the best anyway). Putting Cata dungeons and raids in WotLK will destroy that.


Feb 10, 2007
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Not entirely. If you are a healer, Cata is probably the best expansion past TBC. Healing is quantified by a ratio of mana to speed to numbers healed and Cata is considered to be the slowest expansion in this context (the slowest healing has ever been in WoW's entire run actually), which means all types of healing get to shine and mana management is extremely important on top of that. That is in direct opposition to WotLK, where only disc (or disc-heavy holy) Priests and holy Paladins are viable, there is no time for Druids and Shamans to shine due to their healing style apart from very select fights with constant, low raid-wide damage like Sapphiron (in which Priests with Empowered Renew are still the best anyway). Putting Cata dungeons and raids in WotLK will destroy that.
Nothing slow about shaman healing in WotLK, and Chain heal is a smart heal which chooses a needy target to jump to. I haven't really tried thinking too hard on optimal comps, but on Warmane's Lordaeron the basic 25-man healer comp people go for in ICC is 2 paladins, 2 shamans, 1 disco (before you start 4 or 3 (pala/shaman/disco) healing). Also, give me the rogue energy/DK runic power/etc you get from a resto druid over Empowered Renew any day.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
Getting tired of areas you have already quested at in the overland part of a zone being repurposed as an instanced dungeon. Its lazy and uninteresting. Been going on for far to long in a variety of MMO's.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Nothing slow about shaman healing in WotLK, and Chain heal is a smart heal which chooses a needy target to jump to. I haven't really tried thinking too hard on optimal comps, but on Warmane's Lordaeron the basic 25-man healer comp people go for in ICC is 2 paladins, 2 shamans, 1 disco (before you start 4 or 3 (pala/shaman/disco) healing). Also, give me the rogue energy/DK runic power/etc you get from a resto druid over Empowered Renew any day.
Low health targets get sniped immediately, so there's little room for chain heal to do any substantial healing. You'll only get good healing as a shaman if your priests and paladins suck. As for resto druid over Empowered Renew, almost nobody needs extra resources due to WotLK's design philosophy and it's better to bring another Priest with ER for those fights where it makes sense for it. Druids are notoriously shit healers in WotLK due to the meta. WotLK is not fun for healers at all, the only engaging one is a heavy-disc holy hybrid priest because straight-up holy priests suck.
Last edited:
Jun 13, 2019
What would be the best way to enjoy the pre BC WoW nowadays?

I would say private servers. They also don't have the wokization of Blizzard. There are genders instead of body types in char creation...
those servers are all either ran by retarded grifting third worlders or just plain old retarded third worlders. they also lie about population numbers and also make deals with chinese gold sellers to make money under the table. any vanilla server that opens inevitably becomes a ghost tong long before the final content hits, and an mmo isn't an mmo when there's nobody to play with


Jan 25, 2022
I would say private servers. They also don't have the wokization of Blizzard. There are genders instead of body types in char creation...
those servers are all either ran by retarded grifting third worlders or just plain old retarded third worlders. they also lie about population numbers and also make deals with chinese gold sellers to make money under the table. any vanilla server that opens inevitably becomes a ghost tong long before the final content hits, and an mmo isn't an mmo when there's nobody to play with
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