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Cain on Games - Tim Cain's new YouTube channel


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
imo the best nusidian writer was Paul Kirsch(is he still there?), if they had a lick of sense they'd have given this guy a lead position instead of promoting talentless/agenda driven fucks
Being a decent writer doesn't necessarily make him a good lead. Fenstermaker was a solid writer, then they made him a lead and a mess resulted.


Dec 15, 2016
Being a decent writer doesn't necessarily make him a good lead. Fenstermaker was a solid writer, then they made him a lead and a mess resulted.
Well they made that game under the assumption that "the audience for this type of game loves to read walls of text", we coulda better judged his leading skills if he hadn't left early deadfire days. Anyway they can't do any worse, why not take the chance with the guy who wrote the most/only fun parts of deadfire & tyranny?
May 11, 2007
Belém do Pará, Império do Brasil
imo the best nusidian writer was Paul Kirsch(is he still there?), if they had a lick of sense they'd have given this guy a lead position instead of promoting talentless/agenda driven fucks
Being a decent writer doesn't necessarily make him a good lead. Fenstermaker was a solid writer, then they made him a lead and a mess resulted.
This is why making your corporate career progression lead into well, lead positions, is always a stupid idea. Not everyone is cut for leadership, nor enjoys doing so. It causes the Peter Principle to happen. Just give them good career progression through higher pay, a fancier title and maybe some more privileges and you're good. As an asocial programmer, I certainly have no interest in leading.


Oct 20, 2008
Merida, again
imo the best nusidian writer was Paul Kirsch(is he still there?), if they had a lick of sense they'd have given this guy a lead position instead of promoting talentless/agenda driven fucks
Being a decent writer doesn't necessarily make him a good lead. Fenstermaker was a solid writer, then they made him a lead and a mess resulted.
This is why making your corporate career progression lead into well, lead positions, is always a stupid idea. Not everyone is cut for leadership, nor enjoys doing so. It causes the Peter Principle to happen. Just give them good career progression through higher pay, a fancier title and maybe some more privileges and you're good. As an asocial programmer, I certainly have no interest in leading.
Many companies in all fields tie promotions and senior positions with ability to lead teams or at the very least some level of supervision skills. You are very likely to find yourself "stuck" without such skillset or the inclination to lead. It's just how it is. It's fine if you find a job of a certain level that you like and pays well, but one of the ways to avoid getting fired/replaced in the long run is to climb up in your workplace and get promoted. You can only get so far inside a company without getting promoted to some sort of leadership position with people under you. "Then I will just change companies or find another job". Good luck trying to apply for a well paying job at 40 when your CV shows that you have only been in one position with no indication of upward mobility. Such people usually turn into external consultants or some sort of freelancer.
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Dec 15, 2016
imo the best nusidian writer was Paul Kirsch(is he still there?), if they had a lick of sense they'd have given this guy a lead position instead of promoting talentless/agenda driven fucks
Being a decent writer doesn't necessarily make him a good lead. Fenstermaker was a solid writer, then they made him a lead and a mess resulted.
This is why making your corporate career progression lead into well, lead positions, is always a stupid idea. Not everyone is cut for leadership, nor enjoys doing so. It causes the Peter Principle to happen. Just give them good career progression through higher pay, a fancier title and maybe some more privileges and you're good. As an asocial programmer, I certainly have no interest in leading.
Being a lead in creative positions has to be different than being a lead in programming for instance, if you don't have strong opinions about your work and ultimately don't want to dictate your vision you must be doing it wrong as a creative, you'd end up not reaching your full potential.

And there is obviously different approaches how to go about it hence the obv example of Tim, Leo & Jason's skills complementing each other; they all were leads(maybe not in name in those days) but if they didn't have each other their games coulda been failures(not even unpolished gems), we could even wildly guess lacking Jason in TOW made the difference for the worse. Or Sawya lacking a strong creative lead challenging his ideas, which he had during developing New Vegas and probably PoE but not during Deadfire. You need good creative leads to do "idea battles" with, not talentless fucks who have "leadership skills" which some of us revere here for some reason lol. Or vice versa: Mitsoda probably lacked someone with leadership skillzZZ keeping stuff in line with Bloodlines 2.
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I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth

I talk about the best ways to accurately estimate the time it will take to do tasks, and what happens if you under (or over) estimate the time. Most of my examples are programming tasks, since that is the area in which I have the most experience.

Redshirt #42

Aug 13, 2009
For me, I estimate time by saying the most I can get away with, and then I do nothing until a few days before the deadline. If only Tim knew how bad things can really get if you're good at bullshitting management.


Jul 14, 2023
With regard to providing estimates to management I find it's easier to give accurate estimates for a task after you've been working on it for a bit and actually see what you're going to be working with. I'm not a programmer like Tim but I work a multidisciplinary field that requires input from a lot of other specialists, and you could have two superficially similar tasks on your desk only to find that one takes a week and the other takes months based on how good the information you start with is.


Oct 20, 2008
Merida, again
Probably because they are faggots.
The fuck knows really. People always have different motives. Could be that they simple have no idea how to properly work on a team project and think they can request major changes at any point. Maybe they are just assholes and started to dislike the project.


Dec 8, 2014
The Moon
RPG Wokedex

I talk about the best ways to accurately estimate the time it will take to do tasks, and what happens if you under (or over) estimate the time. Most of my examples are programming tasks, since that is the area in which I have the most experience.

Unreal. Tim should never have been in a management position. Instead of pushing back on a bad time estimate for fear of being the bad guy, he drops a feature knowing it will make players unhappy. What a stupid fucknugget.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Unreal. Tim should never have been in a management position. Instead of pushing back on a bad time estimate for fear of being the bad guy, he drops a feature knowing it will make players unhappy. What a stupid fucknugget.
I suspect he reached these conclusions because of the experiences he had when he was in a management position (at Troika).


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Selling a game design spec

"Don't bother" sums it up. Turn it into a demo or a book or tabletop rpg instead.

In the middle he also says that working with licensed IPs has always given him problems. On South Park, Matt and Trey had the Ken Levine syndrome where they'd allow a part of the game to be completely finished and then decide to throw it all away because it wasn't good enough for their liking. Tim thought these areas were perfectly fine and seethed over all the debugging he had to do that meant nothing.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
You can't put creative people and artists in management positions.

Or can you?
What's the alternative?
Some corpo douchebag?
Management is just a skillset, like everything else. It can be learned and mastered.

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