Woman: Hey Mr. B.
Boyarski: What's up, *redacted*?
Woman: I've been researching FO1's art style as a reference, and I noticed it has many advantages over this new art style you've defined.
Have you thought about just using it instead of the new art style? You are after-all the best guy to teach how to do it.
Boyarski: No. Absolutely No. Laughs. My job as an artist is to keep advancing.
And the best way to do that is to let old themes die and try new ones hoping for similar success.
This is what progress is and will always be. Coincidences would have to happen for me to be inspired to do anything with FO1's art style anyway.
Woman: Yeah but I think FO1 art style does coincidentally have better visuals to it than TOWs current. It's for a couple reasons..
Boyarski: Ha! That's nice of you to say. But I mean this respectfully you're just not fully grasping how TOW's aesthetic will be received.
We need an aesthetic for the current era. That's why I joined Obsidian to make something original. The glory of the old days
died when Vampire shipped early. I won't go into that again. The past traumatizes me to even think about. Which is exactly why Rick & Morty meets No Man Sky
is the futuristic and best way to intelligently go about the whole aesthetic. Who cares what looks better? What's new is more important challenge.
Woman: Uh.. right. I understand where you're coming from but I just think the FO1 art style has some exceptional merits to it even today.
TOW's doesn't seem to have the same exceptionalism about it. If you could hear me out..
Boyarski: Oof. Listen *redacted*, putting side all subjective considerations, I already know that ok?
I wish you simply would read between the lines here. Laughs. What i'm trying to achieve is just different ok?
This game's aesthetic is about progress. We're not making Fallout. We just aren't.
The whole point of this new universe is it's not actually Fallout, but we're gonna pretend it can be.
You may as well bring up Arcanum's style, and that would be silly. Been there done that.
Woman: Fine, my mistake I thought you would be more open discussing my suggestion in detail, and I was wrong make that assumption.
Boyarski: Hey i'm sorry if I seem so closed to entertaining the idea. I just know for the game we're making,
it doesn't need FO1's art style to be good. FO1's art style is finished, and I don't see how to evolve it, I don't want to think about it.
What matters right now is I am a Co-Director with Tim, which makes me a designer first and an artist second. Trust me on this *redacted*.
Decision is made.
Woman: It's ok Mr B, thanks for hearing me out.
Boyarski: Sure anytime. Oh and remind Chris *redacted* to update the list of offensive character names.
Woman: Will do.