Don't get me wrong, this game nails a few things. The open world is honestly quite gorgeous, and the design and aesthetics is entirely on point with the cyberpunk universe! With great music on the radio, the insane detail in things like advertising, and the general vibe of the world, there was insane potential here.
But the rest of the game's features are simply lacking, or mediocre at best.
Your character's backstory barely matters. As a nomad 25+ hours in, I've gotten 5 dialogue options that did not affect anything significant. There was one case where I had the option to critique taking a mission from another nomad that had been booted from their clan - until my fixer told me "No, I trust them, so do the mission anyway" - well why the fuck do I even have that 'choice' then?
None of your character's choices matter for more than the mission you're currently doing. In the rare instances that I do have any choice on how to do things differently, it will affect the outcome of the mission - but nothing more afterwards. The only big thing I've experienced with my missions is that I pissed of the voodoo boys by my choices in a mission and they now appear to be hostile instead of neutral. Has this affected any of my other missions? Not really.
Dialogue 'choices' are some of the worst. Often times your three options are 'yes/no', angry or less angry 'yes/no', or ask about random related info. It also suffers a lot from the dialogue choices that pestered fallout 4 for example by not really letting you know entirely what you're going to say, so your response might be off from your intentions. Not that it matters anyway since there's no standings or anything, so..
Customizability is nonexistant. Cars? Nope. You can buy new ones and spawn them on your location, that's it. Houses? Nope. So much for working your way up and experiencing that luxury life as a high profile merc. Let's not start about your character. There's nothing that makes it feel special either. Dumb little things like RDR2's growing a beard when you went on a hunting trip just make it feel special - CP2077 has nothing in that sense.
AI is a total fucking shitstorm. Driving AI appears not to exist, which is why any mission involving driving is scripted entirely - and poorly. If you're forced to sit in the passenger seat during a mission, prepare for some nauseating shit as they take some of the weirdest corners. Any fight during these bits is so heavily scripted that it hurts. I had 3 drones chasing us, the first of which died in 2-3 hits. The other 2 took 100+ hits but didn't die since the other person needed to get injured in said mission at a specific point during the scripted chase. After that specific point, the other 2 drones also died in 2-3 hits. Let's not even talk about cops - there's enough clips of them literally spawning in elevators, on rooftops, etc.
Interactivity with the world is just nonexistent. I remember doing dumb shit like going bowling in GTA or going for fast food even if it's just to heal. I remember exploring the world for puzzles and random interesting loot in open world games like BOTW. I remember going out of my way to go to specific stores for clothing in my style in GTA. Plenty of games where you could at least do something at bars, maybe smoke, maybe actually interact with random NPC's. Cyberpunk has nothing like that. The only thing alike is the option to use certain vending machines, but only 1 specifc model.
The open world serves no purpose except as an environment for missions. See the point above for specific stores for example. Stores all sell a random inventory so you're best off going to whichever one is closest to you. There's also nothing to reward you for exploring the world. Every mission is specifically waypointed even when you're supposed to find something, so the world only serves as a means for you to travel through it. The game could just as well have been linear, but they added some random hotspots of gang activity that you can shoot up for the cops to pay you, just so the game has 'enough' content to fill an open world. Without those, there would be no reason to explore any places other than your mission waypoints.
Features like combat, implants, hacking are mediocre at best. Weapons are limited to something like 10-ish different weapons, on which you can put 10-ish different sights. there's a few supressors, and the rest is all random stat upgrades that are so uninteresting they shouldn't even exist. Negate vertical recoil or turn your weapon into non-lethal are the only two 'interesting' upgrades. Implants may as well be a copy from deus ex HR: you have melee, longer range melee, strong arm melee, or launch a projectile as your 'big' implants. Other than that, it's double jump, charge jump, slowmo dodge/spotting, or some random stat buffs like stamina and carry weight. It's..nothing new. Hacking is just a quick minigame to get money, or make quickhacks cost less ram. The quickhacks are dull. There's some 10-ish different hacks, which are 'do damage', disable their implants, blind them, make them group up or disengage, or see what devices are connected. There's no creative hacking like using vehicles as dyi weapons or anything. It's not to say that the combat, implants or hacking are bad, but that none of them went above the bare minimum to be considered a feature.
And my main concern with all the above is this: Performance and bugs can be fixed, given time. But the lacking AI, customization and interactivity, the absolute lack of reasons to explore the world? That isn't so easily fixed any time soon. Worse yet, the awful dialogue, choice and impact of your character's backstory and choices would require an entire different game when looking at the current setup of missions and the story, and that is what really breaks this game for me. As it stands, none of it's main features are anything above the bare minimum.
Again, don't get me wrong - the foundation of this game is a gorgeous open world that nails the cyberpunk feel. I've already played it a lot - It has the space and detail needed for the game to have all these features listed above and be an amazing, memorable experience - but it's going to take a damn long time for CDPR to the game there, if they ever will. Please don't let them get away with fixing performance and bugs in a few months and acting like that's 'good enough' to call it a day.
EDIT: I'm just going to go ahead and add more shitty/missing features:
Crafting is incredibly uninspired. You have common/rare/epic/legendary weapon/upgrade/item components. That's it. You can't see what the clothing you want to craft actually looks like. Often times, weapons look different ingame (colors) than their icon. Witcher 3 had insane amounts of different alcohols and plants for different potions.
There's incredibly janky 'buffer' areas around certain locations or mission objectives/people that just randomly make you stop your vehicle and get out because the game doesn't allow you to drive closer. There's no indication, you just lose control over the vehicle, even if you get back on you can only reverse, despite sometimes being miles from hitting anyone or anything.
Fast travel is literally just a little terminal where you select another point and boom you teleport there. There's no reason to explore the world and unlock new areas. No subway which I believe was promised, no taxi service even though there's a literal AI taxi service that you do missions for. Can't use the magtrains in any way.
Enemy levelling is incredibly random. It seems certain zones have certain levels of enemies, but there's no indication on the world map or way to know what you'll be up against in X area. Certain quests take you to areas where the enemy is just randomly so powerful that they'll oneshot you, even though they look just as geared as the gangers in other areas. Just magical RPG things where this enemy is dangerous because it has a skull icon above it's head.
Weapon variety is pathetic. There's something like 10-20 different weapons to my memory. Most 'rare' versions of guns seem to just be reskins. No weapons feel like they play in a new way except the smart guns that allow you to shoot around corners (which is neat), but it's not enough to be varied or interesting after 20 hours.