His voice is so incredibly shitty, it's like a westerner tried to do the most cliche Japanese accent.Best bromance
Bruh that's an actual japanese actor speaking english seems most stereotypes are based on reality.His voice is so incredibly shitty, it's like a westerner tried to do the most cliche Japanese accent.
Cliche Japanese accents sounds like that because, well...have you listened to Japanese people try to speak English? Younger people tend to sound less like that now, because English teachers try to teach them the 'L' sound and get them to accentuate it, but many speakers (especially older) still have that "choppy" sound and rhythm to their speech.Bruh that's an actual japanese actor speaking english seems most stereotypes are based on reality.His voice is so incredibly shitty, it's like a westerner tried to do the most cliche Japanese accent.
Ah yes Paul Denton San. I was really surprised at that last mission with him they don't even tell you about the secret ending. They at least tried it on its just a shame that the entire game wasn't like this. He is basically this games Paul Denton so I didn't mind him.Best bromance
Cliche Japanese accents sounds like that because, well...have you listened to Japanese people try to speak English? Younger people tend to sound less like that now, because English teachers try to teach them the 'L' sound and get them to accentuate it, but many speakers (especially older) still have that "choppy" sound and rhythm to their speech.Bruh that's an actual japanese actor speaking english seems most stereotypes are based on reality.His voice is so incredibly shitty, it's like a westerner tried to do the most cliche Japanese accent.
Not only that, but it takes them forever to say one short sentence. Yeesh.Cliche Japanese accents sounds like that because, well...have you listened to Japanese people try to speak English? Younger people tend to sound less like that now, because English teachers try to teach them the 'L' sound and get them to accentuate it, but many speakers (especially older) still have that "choppy" sound and rhythm to their speech.Bruh that's an actual japanese actor speaking english seems most stereotypes are based on reality.His voice is so incredibly shitty, it's like a westerner tried to do the most cliche Japanese accent.
i get all the money went into the city and all the set pieces, which have an unbelievable level of detail, but damn, the rest is barely a playable beta.
Yea its already been said here but it does feel more and more like they spent 8 years working on graphics/art design/aesthetics and then maybe 1 or 2 years madly crunching out the actual game systems...
Very curious to see if we get an expose on Cyberpunk development at some point and it is revealed that the game was completely rebuilt from scratch sometime during the process. Cos its looking more and more like that happened. Or maybe its just a bunch of lazy AF Polacks?
This game looks and plays like a mixture of a looter-shooter with retarded bullet sponge enemies, floating damage numbers, fucking "legendary" items, lots of useless items to loot. Also, a bit of a poor man's GTA, mixed with Deus Ex. It claims to be an RPG and yet doesn't allow any role-playing. I have not seen a single moment that the player is allowed to have a tangible effect on the behavior of the PC. Aside from their superficial appearance, everything about them has already been established. They already know what they want and like it or not, you are simply pushed forward in the story the game wants to tell you. How is this role-playing? Also, how does one role-play in a game with no karma/morality/relationship system anyway? This isn't a bloody tabletop game which you play with other people who observe and judge your actions, in the absence of other players, you must have some system to track the effects of the player's actions on the PC as well as NPCs. How can you claim that you're "role-playing" if no one in the game reacts to what you've been doing? Even retarded Bethesda games have a simple relationship system that the player can influence FFS. Having multiple options to tackle a quest is NOT "role-playing" by the way, let's get that straight. Just because I have multiple transportation options to choose from to go to work, it doesn't mean that I'm "role-playing" every morning.
This game looks and plays like a mixture of a looter-shooter with retarded bullet sponge enemies, floating damage numbers, fucking "legendary" items, lots of useless items to loot. Also, a bit of a poor man's GTA, mixed with Deus Ex. It claims to be an RPG and yet doesn't allow any role-playing. I have not seen a single moment that the player is allowed to have a tangible effect on the behavior of the PC. Aside from their superficial appearance, everything about them has already been established. They already know what they want and like it or not, you are simply pushed forward in the story the game wants to tell you. How is this role-playing? Also, how does one role-play in a game with no karma/morality/relationship system anyway? This isn't a bloody tabletop game which you play with other people who observe and judge your actions, in the absence of other players, you must have some system to track the effects of the player's actions on the PC as well as NPCs. How can you claim that you're "role-playing" if no one in the game reacts to what you've been doing? Even retarded Bethesda games have a simple relationship system that the player can influence FFS. Having multiple options to tackle a quest is NOT "role-playing" by the way, let's get that straight. Just because I have multiple transportation options to choose from to go to work, it doesn't mean that I'm "role-playing" every morning.
Male V is much better listen to his dialogue in the heist mission very convincing.Started a male Nomad - man, the male voice acting for V is so much better than the female. I feel sorry for the female actress because it feels more like bad direction - she's trying to pump too much emotion into the lines too often, when really VO in games should, I think, be quite neutral in tone, because players' heads are going to read their own emotional tone into the voice acting. The director should have caught that, because she's obviously capable of delivering good lines in places.
Male V is much better listen to his dialogue in the heist mission very convincing.
Also, why do people keep saying "bullet sponge enemies?"
i get all the money went into the city and all the set pieces, which have an unbelievable level of detail, but damn, the rest is barely a playable beta.
Yea its already been said here but it does feel more and more like they spent 8 years working on graphics/art design/aesthetics and then maybe 1 or 2 years madly crunching out the actual game systems...
Very curious to see if we get an expose on Cyberpunk development at some point and it is revealed that the game was completely rebuilt from scratch sometime during the process. Cos its looking more and more like that happened. Or maybe its just a bunch of lazy AF Polacks?
From what I've read in the dim mists of the past (so I could be wrong) they had an earlier try at the game (when that really cool CGI teaser with the mantis claw girl came out) but scrapped it, so what we have now may not have been in 8 years of development. More like 3 or 4 probably.
Again, this is one of the complaints about CDPR's working practices - that they bin huge amounts of stuff and start over again quite often. I recall reading that the boss guy claimed it as a virtue, but to me it seems like bad management.
I am pretty sure they are going to cancel the multiplayer to work on Witcher 4.
It s a great game if you don't overanalyze things, like most AAA.