The technical aspects are pretty hit and miss, too. The game's loading times (or lack of them) are very impressive, sure. But the graphics range from pretty, to downright ugly at times. The NPC simulation is utterly pathetic, to the point where it is bested by a mobile game. Driving is just terrible, and there are invisible walls that stop you from entering certain areas. The game's difficulty curve is non-existent after a certain point during the mid-game; it's pretty much pick any talent and autowin.
I mean I could go on, but... where have you been the past month? This game has already been destroyed in so many videos online it makes Jenna Jameson's pussy look fresh.
But surely that sort of stuff is pretty superficial and fixable? The question is whether they'll be bothered to fix it, or whether they'll just smooth out the worst bugs and call it a day. I'm inclined to think that they'll
have to fix it (i.e. finish the game properly) if they want to make a multiplayer game of it, but who knows, they might just want to move onto the next Witcher game - but the problem there is whether the public is going to be too wary of them from now on for them to get away with that.
I can't say that I didn't enjoy large chunks of the game, despite its faults (mainly for me the OP-ness beyond a certain point, and the brokenness of the quest-giving system). There's a good game in there with bags of atmosphere and a good story (with profound themes) and good voice acting - a game not really much different from TW3, essentially, in terms of quality. The question is whether they'll actually fulfil that potential.