I finished the "heist" on the big baddie base, it was less interactive than Kopeki Plaza and had a really deflating climax, what is a shame, you have all those weapons you wanna blow people up with but nope... cinematic forced sniper section for you and worse of all... all this cinematic bs for characters that feel paper thin. What is the point of casting Idris Elba for a character like Reed? Only marketing?
Sorry to say but everyone claiming this story is amazing are just smoking dope, it isnt the worst story ever but two characters that happen to have cyber-aids at the same time seems way too convenient for me, it isnt awful but I'm just bored. So Mi feels more like a plot device than a character so far because of that.
The main missions feel like a waste of time, if they kept Mayers in Dogtown with you being Snake Plissken having to shootdown half of Dogtown to rescue her, it would have managed to keep my adrenaline levels high enough for me to not fall asleep.
The good news is that the gameplay was updated from unfinished popamole to good for what it is popamole because on very hard:
1 - The Ai is alot more enviroment aware and will try to flank you more agressively.
2 - They also seem more agressive with granade use.
3 - You are made of paper even with 1000+ of armor unless you abuse sanderistan and berserk.
4 - Cyberware are more integrated with the perks now, crouch running while invisible, karenikov while air dashing feel good.
5 - Hacking feels nerfed until you realize the way you can make it OP again what is good.
6 - Trying to reach the right spot for big fry with Tech weapons is fun.
I still think they shouldnt reward perk points at each level up, that is too much, especially now with you reaching level 60.
A 30% to 50% XP debuff mod is required to keep the game entertaining for longer, right now, I'm obliterating fools with no effort, Laika and that sniper rifle you get from the heist demolish fools, so... the issue is... I'm not interested on the story, Ais, NUSA, So Mi... bleh, but I reached a level where there is no credible opposition and by credible opposition, something that doesnt melt in 5 seconds and the side missions arent exactly memorable for their characters so ... in terms of gameplay changes, the new iconic weapons, the new cyberware system the expansion was a big win, in terms of actual content, it is more of the same with barely more effort but still quite meh.
Ironically, I had more fun chasing Hansen air drops and getting to drive and go Allahu Snackbar with cars on enemy camps than with the story so far.