Iron Tower Studio
The new(?) stipulation that companions have at least 250$ worth of equipment to be dismissed feels weird. If you allow Evans into your party at the start, you can't dismiss him because even if you give him a lot of extra stuff he still won't get to 250$ total value.
Not sure what a clean fix would be, maybe base the requirement on the value of their starting gear?
Pretty sure that's what that number is. Let me open his character and sum it up:
Howler: $80
Rounder: $20
Protective Vest: $30
Regen Stim: $100
Worker Boots: $20
And I'm not even taking into account he also gives a Bolter Rifle, a Camp Knife, 5 meds and probably a bit of ammo. BTW, it's automatically calculated after the event, so if you used the regen stim during that fight it won't be taken into account, for example.