Scout, MP9, Mac-10, P250, Dual Berettas, CZ/Tec 9/Five-Seven, etc. are all very important guns. Galil to a lesser extent.
Oh c'mon man
Most of those weapons are literally just the cheaper variants of the "real weapons" - people only use them to save up some money
Then weapons like the Dual Berettas exist solely for the memes - its like people picking Tachanka in Siege
Fighting games get less fun because no one wants to memorize 800 button combos.
Actually combocrafting is a big part of the appeal
And the current decline in figthing is due to the fact that tournaments have shifted the design emphasis towards accessibility and spectacle
Can you give an example of something they could add to the game (mechanics wise) that would make it "more fun" without fucking up what makes CS great?
Besides other game modes - what the fuck happened to "hostage rescue"?
How about truly significant distinction between weapons - different firing modes; scopes with unique capabilities (like thermal vision); maybe a grenade laucher attachment to one of the shittier assault rifles; a blured vision effect for the LMG when its bullets whiz by, that would at least make it not totally useless; speaking of useless, why not have the shotguns interrupt any action for about 1 second after a hit, that would be cool property that somewhat justified their existance...
How about re-adding items like the Shield, Night Vision Goggles and Gas Mask from previous games - you could design whole new maps thanks to these items and even improve existing ones (imagine Assault map at night, but there's a fuse box you destroy kill all light in the warehouse); or even make new game modes (Inflitration - terrorists have to get inside a compund being guarded by the CT's and steal of item or server data and then get to the evac point)
How about proximity voice chat - have the game detect a microphone being used and make it always enabled in competive matches, so that way the players have to be carefull when and how they communicate
The point is: 20 years later, 4 games released (on the way to a 5th) and not fucking once has there been any significant change or inovation
Oh sure, the tech is improved (a bit subjective as the video comparasion in the previous page proves), the netcode is more efficient and some small adjustments are made (a buff here, a nerf there, some item/map is replaced, some item/map is removed)
But nothing truly substantial is ever made - at the end of the day, you're still pretty much playing the original Counter Strike