Joined barely last year and already spilling your wallet on this site? For what, so you can argue like an assburgers moron who thinks spouting random facts that were never contradicted to begin with is somehow a refutation? ‘Actually items are useful and take no time’ no shit, why don't you just repeat it a hundred times like that has anything at all to do with what I said. Yes, my bad, I'm so sorry, it's my fault autistic retards with no self-awareness keep taking issue with my posts because they can only think literally and have no idea how to connect the dots and read between the lines. Everything is just what it exactly says on the paper and anyone seeing anything else is clearly crazy. Please, tell me more. I just love poasting with the tards, every day for the rest of my life.Degenerate furry faggot doesn't know what it's talking about, thanks for trying though
Anyway those new smoakes are pretty knewl did you see