Should have at least done it with the black myself early coppy. guys it is amazing
"Cyberpunk makes me want to CyberSPUNK!" - Kotaku
"It is clear CDPR are on the same pedestal with other gaming titans such as Acclaim, Midway, and... dare I say, 989 Studios. This is not a game, this is a labor of love." - RPS
"Will it crash? Sometimes. Will enemies walk on air? Maybe. Will you love every second of neon soaked pageantry that Cyberpunk 2077 offers? Absolutely." - Jim "FUCKING" Sterling
This one is gonna be a weird one for journos indeed. On one hand, they perceive it as transphobic, and CDPR shafted them for influencers. On the other hand, gamer chuds seem to hate what they're seeing of CP2077, and there's nothing journos love more than claiming a game is a masterpiece when the public hates it.
...someone please mod in an achievement for shooting x100 trannies in the game. Name it "Van Helsing Award".reeeeeeeeee
CP2077 is only game in which you can make Dickgirl with cut horse dick and don't feel bad about it. Game is about being degenerate in degenerate future.
Cyberpunk 2077 is sequel to Corruption of The Champions.
I'm just patiently waiting for CDPR to start accusing anyone critical of the game of being an alt-right, heteronormative, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, racist Nazi bigot.Cyberpunk 77 is not as bad as you histrionic nerds make it out to beI foresee lots of new codex members thanks to Cyberpunk. Will be glorious
Was there a precedent for CDPR accusing other of being *phobic, Nazi etc? Like, ever? ... Exactly.I'm just patiently waiting for CDPR to start accusing anyone critical of the game of being an alt-right, heteronormative, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, racist Nazi bigot.Cyberpunk 77 is not as bad as you histrionic nerds make it out to beI foresee lots of new codex members thanks to Cyberpunk. Will be glorious
Clearly the inly reason people in this thread dislike the game is that yhe feel threatened by a strong, independent woman with a penis. someone archive that prostitute sex scene?
1. Witcher 3 is considered one of the best games ever in the mainstreamBTW, does anyone have any idea as to exactly why, is this game so overhyped? And supposedly the greatest and biggest game evar?
I think not even Red Dead Redemption 2 was even 10% as hyped, and that was coming from every normie's favorite Rockstar Games.
BTW, does anyone have any idea as to exactly why, is this game so overhyped? And supposedly the greatest and biggest game evar?