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Dark and Darker

Mebrilia the Viera Queen


shadowplay didn't capture my audio, went something like this:

me, when his buddies were dead: it's all over for you buddy
him: can you fuck off, suck a dick

he hits me with chain lightning, i say "cute spell, where do you think you're going?"

he dies, i do the evil cartoon villain laugh :positive:

Death by pika. ahahaha


Sep 5, 2019
you can literally crouch and look down before the arrow hits you and it will go over you with a pretty good deal of consistency, same with avoiding player swings. you can also abuse corners and go in when it's not shooting
Oh great. Reminds me of the insane contortions people would perform in Mordhau.

I do not at all care for the Tarkov-esque skinner box loot-and-manage part of the game, but the dungeon delving intrigues me, as well as the slower pace. Are the maps randomly generated?
Jun 13, 2019
you can literally crouch and look down before the arrow hits you and it will go over you with a pretty good deal of consistency, same with avoiding player swings. you can also abuse corners and go in when it's not shooting
Oh great. Reminds me of the insane contortions people would perform in Mordhau.
from what i've heard about that, it's nothing like it. just because you can duck under a common attack doesn't mean you will dodge like you're Neo during bullet time. all you have to do is actually look at whoever you are trying to hit. if you don't compensate for someone essentially ducking, you deserve to miss.


Oct 28, 2019
Wolne Wilno
Played some Goblin Caves solo, but it's like a different game, kinda boring map. Good to level up classes and farm currency tho. Usually 5-6 players die from PvE in first two minutes and it comes to one encounter or a guy simply crouch emote you "we good pal, let's just keep our loot and go" kind of thing.
I guess farming a Cave Troll is good way to go, I already have seen some videos and it does not look that hard, but I rarely play Ranger tho.

Also: Ale is freaking powerful buff, the hell!
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Jun 13, 2019
Played some Goblin Caves solo, but it's like a different game, kinda boring map. Good to level up classes and farm currency tho. Usually 5-6 players die from PvE in first two minutes and it comes to one encounter or a guy simply crouch emote you "we good pal, let's just keep our loot and go" kind of thing.
I guess farming a Cave Troll is good way to go, I already have seen some videos and it does not look that hard, but I rarely play Ranger tho.

Also: Ale is freaking powerful buff, the hell!
the solo map is incredibly easy, definitely the way to go if you are solo and actually want to use gear. i just walk around 2-3shotting people and i keep having to mule gear over to my 2nd account, because i run out of space. constantly finding true magic/physical pieces. the only guy who killed me in a straight up fight was a tricked out fighter with a halberd, and i was a zerogear cleric :lol:
loot seems very easy to get there too due to how often you find people, and i actually found a blue 2hander (it seems to be a specific spawn, not random) at the top of the biggest room with all the stairs/walkways.

and yeah, there is really no reason not to buy the cheapest ale, 1 gold a piece and gives you 7 strength for 15 seconds. you can pop it for every fight every game and it will never be unprofitable. bop yourself some ez heads

in other news, there's a hack out there that actually allows you to disconnect enemy players, crazy shit:



Jul 2, 2022
Played some Goblin Caves solo, but it's like a different game, kinda boring map. Good to level up classes and farm currency tho. Usually 5-6 players die from PvE in first two minutes and it comes to one encounter or a guy simply crouch emote you "we good pal, let's just keep our loot and go" kind of thing.
I guess farming a Cave Troll is good way to go, I already have seen some videos and it does not look that hard, but I rarely play Ranger tho.

Also: Ale is freaking powerful buff, the hell!
the solo map is incredibly easy, definitely the way to go if you are solo and actually want to use gear. i just walk around 2-3shotting people and i keep having to mule gear over to my 2nd account, because i run out of space. constantly finding true magic/physical pieces. the only guy who killed me in a straight up fight was a tricked out fighter with a halberd, and i was a zerogear cleric :lol:
loot seems very easy to get there too due to how often you find people, and i actually found a blue 2hander (it seems to be a specific spawn, not random) at the top of the biggest room with all the stairs/walkways.

and yeah, there is really no reason not to buy the cheapest ale, 1 gold a piece and gives you 7 strength for 15 seconds. you can pop it for every fight every game and it will never be unprofitable. bop yourself some ez heads

in other news, there's a hack out there that actually allows you to disconnect enemy players, crazy shit:

Lovely, I got dc’d in high roller and wondered WTF happened.
Jun 13, 2019
Played some Goblin Caves solo, but it's like a different game, kinda boring map. Good to level up classes and farm currency tho. Usually 5-6 players die from PvE in first two minutes and it comes to one encounter or a guy simply crouch emote you "we good pal, let's just keep our loot and go" kind of thing.
I guess farming a Cave Troll is good way to go, I already have seen some videos and it does not look that hard, but I rarely play Ranger tho.

Also: Ale is freaking powerful buff, the hell!
the solo map is incredibly easy, definitely the way to go if you are solo and actually want to use gear. i just walk around 2-3shotting people and i keep having to mule gear over to my 2nd account, because i run out of space. constantly finding true magic/physical pieces. the only guy who killed me in a straight up fight was a tricked out fighter with a halberd, and i was a zerogear cleric :lol:
loot seems very easy to get there too due to how often you find people, and i actually found a blue 2hander (it seems to be a specific spawn, not random) at the top of the biggest room with all the stairs/walkways.

and yeah, there is really no reason not to buy the cheapest ale, 1 gold a piece and gives you 7 strength for 15 seconds. you can pop it for every fight every game and it will never be unprofitable. bop yourself some ez heads

in other news, there's a hack out there that actually allows you to disconnect enemy players, crazy shit:

Lovely, I got dc’d in high roller and wondered WTF happened.

to be fair this does just randomly happen too. i've seen people dc against me midfight and become invincible (not always) but mobs can still kill them where their body is really standing. probably just bad luck, i don't think that many are using the hack


Oct 28, 2019
Wolne Wilno
Played some Goblin Caves solo, but it's like a different game, kinda boring map. Good to level up classes and farm currency tho. Usually 5-6 players die from PvE in first two minutes and it comes to one encounter or a guy simply crouch emote you "we good pal, let's just keep our loot and go" kind of thing.
I guess farming a Cave Troll is good way to go, I already have seen some videos and it does not look that hard, but I rarely play Ranger tho.

Also: Ale is freaking powerful buff, the hell!
the solo map is incredibly easy, definitely the way to go if you are solo and actually want to use gear. i just walk around 2-3shotting people and i keep having to mule gear over to my 2nd account, because i run out of space. constantly finding true magic/physical pieces. the only guy who killed me in a straight up fight was a tricked out fighter with a halberd, and i was a zerogear cleric :lol:
loot seems very easy to get there too due to how often you find people, and i actually found a blue 2hander (it seems to be a specific spawn, not random) at the top of the biggest room with all the stairs/walkways.

and yeah, there is really no reason not to buy the cheapest ale, 1 gold a piece and gives you 7 strength for 15 seconds. you can pop it for every fight every game and it will never be unprofitable. bop yourself some ez heads

in other news, there's a hack out there that actually allows you to disconnect enemy players, crazy shit:

Lovely, I got dc’d in high roller and wondered WTF happened.

I never got a DC, but had few laggy games today. But for real, imagine cheating in online games, especially when we are talking about some beta playtests, what a losers :V
And yeah, the game is still in beta so there are bugs, today I lost some good items due to one :C got trapped by bear trap, oopsie my bad, but the worst thing I could not even free myself because trap was untargetable.


Aug 14, 2008
Make the Codex Great Again!
One of the best multiplayer gaming moments I had was in a Goblin Caves match, where it was just down to me, a rogue, and a wizard (more on the wizard later). The death swarm was closing and the rogue came into the passage that I was in, and we both made peace, each of us dropping a peace offering for the other (he offered me a plate helm first, I threw him a golden circlet). However, we never turned our backs on each other the whole time, and we just kept teabagging the floor the whole time :lol:. Finally, we ran our separate ways trying to find an extraction point. There was only a minute to go before the zone closed completely.

During this last minute, I heard a grinding noise and legged the fuck to where it came from, only to find the rogue and wizard in a stand off, and in-between them was an escape portal stone. We were all down to around 10% health (I spectated them later to confirm it). The rogue was opening it, all the while eyeing the wizard. The portal opened, I used Sprint, and took it before either of them could. That feeling of snagging the extraction from two other players was indescribable.

Anyway, the rogue made it out too. I think neither wanted to get into a fight, and the wizard used Haste on the rogue as a sign of good faith. The rogue made off and found the extraction point at the last minute. Wizard never did :(


Aug 14, 2008
Make the Codex Great Again!
the dungeon delving intrigues me, as well as the slower pace. Are the maps randomly generated?
Sadly, no. Neither are the spawns and traps so you'll know where they are after playing for a bit.

This is one of the areas I hope the devs will improve on when the game's out of playtest, otherwise it will get old fast.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
I myself was very happy when I realized that the maps aren't randomized. The solution to variety is simply having a good selection of maps. Sure, a few of those minor elements could be randomized and I'd still be happy, but I'm very glad that the map layouts themselves are static.

Hunt: Showdown is a great example of how to make this work well.
Jun 13, 2019
the dungeon delving intrigues me, as well as the slower pace. Are the maps randomly generated?
Sadly, no. Neither are the spawns and traps so you'll know where they are after playing for a bit.

This is one of the areas I hope the devs will improve on when the game's out of playtest, otherwise it will get old fast.
i wouldn't mind randomized dungeons, IF, they made significant changes to how blue portals spawn. it's bad enough to play these static levels and not know them, so you don't know where to go looking for one. even if you know them, sometimes you'll be in big trouble due to the game ending on the maze, or getting cockblocked by other players

i've heard rumors about early access in march/may but i haven't seen any confirmations. in the meantime, i have tons of clips to go thru... :hmmm:

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
Seems to be a bit of drama going down with the game. Nexon might sue Ironmace for stealing company assets to make this game.


Oct 28, 2019
Wolne Wilno
Seems to be a bit of drama going down with the game. Nexon might sue Ironmace for stealing company assets to make this game.
yeah i read about that too, basically Dark and Darker's devs are people fired from Nexon company and looks like they took some assets when leaving.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
how are you playing this game? Checked steam and there isn't even release date


Aug 12, 2021
Will maybe release in 2 years unfinished, have 1 week of overloaded servers, 1 more week of a dwindling playerbase and then die. Not worth getting invested in if you ask me. Not to mention the god awful presentation.


Jun 19, 2021
I think it'll probably follow the same trajectory as Escape From Tarkov. Perpetually unfinished, but highly popular. It'll likely be the kind of game I'll play on the side for years, like I did with World of Tanks & more recently with Tarkov.

Extremely successful on Twitch btw. (I bring it up to annoy the Codex). Whenever there's a playtest, it ranks ranks in the top 5 games played.


Oct 28, 2019
Wolne Wilno
The next Dark and Darker playtest will run from 14 April, 2023 until 19 April, 2023.
probably extended, just like the previous one


Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Have had an absolute blast the last two playtests. There's definitely issues with the game, and cheating has become more and more rampant during the last couple of days of the last playtest, so hopefully they'll have smth to address that for the next PT (disconnect hacks and aimbots for rangers made playing HR almost impossible for a while).

I genuinely hope they'll focus more on the PvE aspect of the game, instead of the PvP one. Otherwise it'll just keep inviting cheaters and require regular resets, because with the way itemization and stats work right now, playing in a somewhat fully decked out build is just way too powerful. Oneshotting fully blue/epic geared players with unique weapons is fun for a few games, but it's a lot more fun when all parties involved have really shitty or no gear at all instead. Fights take longer, you can't just two-shot fully geared players, and with how janky (in a good way) the game and combat is, it's just a lot more enjoyable.

Unfortunately almost all enemies are extremely cheesable atm (every demon centaur has a spot nearby where hes unable to attack back, skelington champions you just have to duck and look down and hit their toes while they cannot hit you, etc.) but I'd definitely prefer more interesting PvE combat with a higher risk/reward ratio. Hopefully the planned changed to the different floor will address that to some extent. Also looking forward to some new classes, but I'd rather they flesh out the current ones a bit more, instead of feature-bloating their game with more classes, quests etc. At least their road map is not shoving way too much content into each quarter, instead focussing on individual changes for each release.

I'll probably get bored of the game pretty quickly if it comes out and stay up permanently. Right now the Playtests generate just enough hype to make me wanna no-life the game, but I don't think it's a game you can really play regularly on a daily or weekly basis without lsoing your sanity.

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