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From Software Dark Souls 3

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
Just hafäd 20 straight up duels against another guy using red eye orb and boy that was really really fun. Where do I find this red eyed orb :(

You get the red eye orb by delivering a pale tongue to tuxedo mask by the throne.

He gave me 5 cracked red orbs and disappeared :(

Also, I killed the 48274739 trashmob boss in the cathedral and received a doll. Is that all there is to do inside there?

Also getting sunbro coins for fucking some hosts world up is pretty ironic. Just noticed I have already 19 of them and dont know whom to give it :D


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Why the fuck can't I do any Watchdogs action? Sure I got a few +10 weapons but on NG+ everyone should have that. I'm in the area, I'm in ember, my icon is pulsing, I'm SL 110 so what the fuck is wrong?

They should've ditched the stupid matchmaking algoritm, everyone should've seen coming people will be just standing around with their dicks in their hands waiting for a match. Just match any invader with any host and just scale down the invader to the level of the host. Codex has all the answers again.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
In boss fights the difference is not that big, and mostly comes down to how many hits you can get in with a given weapon - I had the most success with UGS roll attacks against Nameless King, for example, as his openings are just long enough to get that in, and a faster weapon would just result in less damage. Against normal enemies though, fast weapons are much better than slow ones in this game. I'd like to learn more about these hyperarmor frames though, because I honestly haven't noticed any. Maybe at the very end of the animation, but that's honestly not very useful. I'm currently using an Estoc on my second playthrough and it's hilarious how easy the combat is with it compared to a greatsword.
Well that I can agree with, though I would say it's mostly because the estoc is a very very versatile weapon, and something like the greatsword is rather flawed in a lot of situations (cramped areas, enemies that won't flinch at all, highly evasive enemies) but I'd argue there are light weapons that are similarly flawed, like the paired curved swords or the really light weapons like daggers or mail breaker, etc. and there are heavy weapons that are very versatile as well. The moonlight greatsword was fucking amazing for PvE when I used it, the L2 attack would reliably bait those annoying double dagger zombie ninja whores into dodging early and then walking right into it, getting blasted the fuck away. And the charged heavy attacks firing projectiles was obviously very useful. And like I said, the large club was just massively powerful if you used it's special to get the damage buff on top of some other damage buffs. It was less about pancakes and more about the OHKO at that point when it came to trash mobs. I certainly found it more useful vs a lot of the endgame armoured knights, because a two hit combo would either kill or stagger them for a critical, and it's range was enough to avoid being parried or shield bashed.

I think you have some rose tinted glasses when looking on the usefulness of heavy weapons in the previous games too. I recall raging like a motherfucking in DS2 all the time because of enemies that were impossible to stagger (those fucking lion men were the worst) and while pretty much everything in DS1 got stunlocked badly by the heaviest weapons, the same was true of the smaller 'heavy' weapons, like a plain old reinforced club being twohanded. It was just that curved swords and rapiers did absolute garbage poise damage in DS1. Actually, they did in DS2 as well but they had the ring to prop them back up. DS1 was generally just very easy for aggressive melee play unless you were outnumbered.


Oct 21, 2015
To get the unlimited use Orb, you need one Pale Tongue. Then talk to Leonhard, he'll give you a key, use the key to unlock some passage in the High Wall of Lothric, kill the Darkwraith inside and bam, you've got it.


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
Why the fuck can't I do any Watchdogs action? Sure I got a few +10 weapons but on NG+ everyone should have that. I'm in the area, I'm in ember, my icon is pulsing, I'm SL 110 so what the fuck is wrong?

They should've ditched the stupid matchmaking algoritm, everyone should've seen coming people will be just standing around with their dicks in their hands waiting for a match. Just match any invader with any host and just scale down the invader to the level of the host. Codex has all the answers again.

I would rather no scaling.. let high level invaders rape fuck newbs.. It's usually 3 v 1 anyways. :D

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
And last, where is patches? For fuck sake I hate this hiding of NPC, despite me running through each area 6 times to make sure I havent missed somethung

Wolfe the guy isnt there anymore at firelink shrine


Oct 21, 2015
And last, where is patches? For fuck sake I hate this hiding of NPC, despite me running through each area 6 times to make sure I havent missed somethung

Wolfe the guy isnt there anymore at firelink shrine

Patches should be in the tower behind the Shrine, you need the 20k souls key. Use the elevator, then go back up, he'll be there. Also, I think Leonhard comes again once you give Rosaria one Pale Tongue.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
Ok he was there, killed the dickwraith in lothric castle. Jesus christ I must have missed so much.. first time I hear about rosalia too


Jan 30, 2016
Valley of Defilement
Alright, finally beat Nameless King on the 8th try. Hardest boss in the game for me going by number of attempts.

Having now played through all the areas DS3 has to offer, my opinion of the game has not changed. I don't think I'll buy the DLC if the mechanics stay the same.

And From: if I get hit as I press the roll button, don't force my character to roll when he gets out of stagger. You stupid fucks introduced input buffering problems with DS1 and haven't fixed them since.


Jan 30, 2016
Valley of Defilement
Ok he was there, killed the dickwraith in lothric castle. Jesus christ I must have missed so much.. first time I hear about rosalia too

The NPC questlines are obtuse as shit. I thought I was clever for finding the Darkmoon covenant but I'm sure I missed most of the NPC stuff. Joke's on me, too: I couldn't even join that covenant since I'd previously joined the fingers and therefore was locked out of the necessary gesture.

Cowboy Moment

Feb 8, 2011
In boss fights the difference is not that big, and mostly comes down to how many hits you can get in with a given weapon - I had the most success with UGS roll attacks against Nameless King, for example, as his openings are just long enough to get that in, and a faster weapon would just result in less damage. Against normal enemies though, fast weapons are much better than slow ones in this game. I'd like to learn more about these hyperarmor frames though, because I honestly haven't noticed any. Maybe at the very end of the animation, but that's honestly not very useful. I'm currently using an Estoc on my second playthrough and it's hilarious how easy the combat is with it compared to a greatsword.
Well that I can agree with, though I would say it's mostly because the estoc is a very very versatile weapon, and something like the greatsword is rather flawed in a lot of situations (cramped areas, enemies that won't flinch at all, highly evasive enemies) but I'd argue there are light weapons that are similarly flawed, like the paired curved swords or the really light weapons like daggers or mail breaker, etc. and there are heavy weapons that are very versatile as well. The moonlight greatsword was fucking amazing for PvE when I used it, the L2 attack would reliably bait those annoying double dagger zombie ninja whores into dodging early and then walking right into it, getting blasted the fuck away. And the charged heavy attacks firing projectiles was obviously very useful. And like I said, the large club was just massively powerful if you used it's special to get the damage buff on top of some other damage buffs. It was less about pancakes and more about the OHKO at that point when it came to trash mobs. I certainly found it more useful vs a lot of the endgame armoured knights, because a two hit combo would either kill or stagger them for a critical, and it's range was enough to avoid being parried or shield bashed.

I think you have some rose tinted glasses when looking on the usefulness of heavy weapons in the previous games too. I recall raging like a motherfucking in DS2 all the time because of enemies that were impossible to stagger (those fucking lion men were the worst) and while pretty much everything in DS1 got stunlocked badly by the heaviest weapons, the same was true of the smaller 'heavy' weapons, like a plain old reinforced club being twohanded. It was just that curved swords and rapiers did absolute garbage poise damage in DS1. Actually, they did in DS2 as well but they had the ring to prop them back up. DS1 was generally just very easy for aggressive melee play unless you were outnumbered.

My experience with trying to use great hammers or ultra greatswords vs knights in Lothric Castle/Grand Archive was that they'd walk into me while blocking, eat the first swing, and interrupt the second with a shield bash. In the end it's simpler to bait an attack and roll behind them or just kick. Haven't used the MLG, but it sounds like what you found useful about it was its particular special attack rather than it being a GS. And Estoc's just an extreme example, straight swords are really powerful in general, as they have just the right combination of range and speed to abuse the lack of poise.

And really, rose-tinted glasses when it comes to DS2, a game released two years ago that I've clocked 200 hrs in, almost exclusively in PvE? Heavy weapons were massively useful in DS2, precisely because so many enemies had high poise, and you needed some serious poisebreak to stagger them. Fighting against normal enemies in that game was much easier with a UGS than, say, dual wielded katanas/rapiers/straight swords. In fact, the lion men are one of the very few enemy types therein who simply couldn't be staggered, which wasn't a problem anyway, as they were really slow and predictable, and easily outranged with a Greatsword.

In DS1 it wasn't even a contest, Zweihander basically trivialized nearly all combat against normal enemies by pancaking them with the 2HR2 with a huge range, it was very much broken.


Oct 20, 2015
^^^ Stone ring kinda fucked up DS2, there were only a tiny number of enemies that had poise in the band where stone ring + two hand R1 with fast stuff didn't give one hit poise break but giant weapons did.

What is the "hyper armor" I keep hearing about?

It's from fighting games. In fighters a move having "armor" means that if an opponent hits you while you do it your armored move will absorb the hit and still finish instead of being interrupted (you still take damage). In fighting games an armored move usually only has one or two hits worth of armor, meaning it can absorb 1-2 hits before it fails and you get stunned. However, sometimes a move has "hyper armor", which means it can absorb any number of hits without failing. That's the term DS people took, and in context it means you can take any amount of poise damage during the period the move has hyper armor and it will still complete.


Nov 22, 2015
I hope you are joking. Those are the easiest enemies in the game because they turn so slowly and they die in 3 hits. The only annoying thing is facing those 5 ones in the same room because you need to pull them and wait for your health to restore.
if my argument was "the game is far too difficult" you would have a point, but since my argument is "this game has retarded design" you don't.

yeah, you can run up to them and then r1 rape them, because you can do that with basically every enemy in the game.

do yourself a favour and get some fucking reading comprehension.

Hahahah, you think I will fall for that shit? "This game has retarded design" is what people who get assraped in video games tell themselves to justify how shit they are. Rarely does it make any sense, especially in this case. There is nothing wrong with their design, you didn't even bring any arguments. "Run up to them and spam R1" is what you do to every single enemy in the game as you have said, even to the Silver Knights. In fact, that's the first thing you do to the first Hollows you encounter, so why didn't you stop earlier? Methinks you have garbage tier temper, and you think that the health drainage is "le artificial difficulty". Otherwise you wouldn't nitpick an enemy for which you use the same strats.

Do yourself a favor and get some fucking consistent logic.

And please do try to bring an argument and explain why the design is bad. Pointing out a game mechanic and stating that it sucks in an angry tone doesn't prove anything. I know that in your tiny skull simply being revolted about something translates into being automatically correct, but I assure you that it's not really enough. Make me understand why it's a bad mechanic, and how you're not just asshurt that it kicked your ass.
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Oct 12, 2006
Favourite "trick" in pvp:
Run away, charge a twohanded r2 with your back towards them, most fuckers cant help themselves and will rush to backstab you, release r2 for an instakill. :smug:
Works more often than it probably should.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
This is probably even more stupid than my previous questions... but how do I put down my red soap sign now? I keep hearing about purple moundmakers too waaaah...


Mar 28, 2014
Holy hell they changed a lot how bleed works.

First of all that puny bleed stat on weapon isn't bleed buildup. It is how much you will take off life once bleed hits.

So when you infuse bandit dagger with stone and it goes from 3x to 4x it means basically that once bleed hits someone going to loose almost half of the life.

Next is actual bleed build up. It is entirely LUCK based. So people with high luch will be able to quickly build up bleed , frostbite poison etc. Though there are items increasing that chance for a time.

Seems like some bullshit. Just made new char with 7 luck vs my old char with 25 luck and both get 4 strikes with bandit knife on that axe guy in lothric high wall, dogs 2

bleed seems to be finally viable pvp, maybe even to op:

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Dec 29, 2011
dark souls is a hardcore game for hardcore people, namco told me i am special for beating a HARDCORE game
yeah that's nice for you.

explain to me
while i am at it, want me to explain to you why people are butthurt about fallout getting turned into a shooter? or maybe where babies come from? if you don't know why pressing two buttons, without any thought whatsoever, is bad you should head back to gamefags. over there they love the people that spam "gid gud" over and over.


Mar 28, 2014
So, in two play through's I noticed that the Shrine Handmaiden reacted oddly to this ash in particular. I never understood why, until my third play through.

Item Description: "Umbral ash of one who dreamt of joining the Undead Legion. With this, the shrine handmaid will prepare new items. In the end, the dream chasers who wandered aimlessly in the rotted forest found a sense of fulfillment."

Shrine Handmaid Dialogue: "Ashen one, what woeful umbral ash this is. This barren dust, stuff of a fool, won't yield aught. Where did'st thou happen upon the stuff? Tell me, for the sport."

Tell her where you found the ash

"Oh, yes, I see....Clinging to lofty dreams in this dying world...more's the pity. It must come from one most foolish indeed. Would'st thou not agree?"

Why is this important? Well I'll tell you....In the items picture, it's holding The Pendant.



Nov 22, 2015
dark souls is a hardcore game for hardcore people, namco told me i am special for beating a HARDCORE game
yeah that's nice for you.

explain to me
while i am at it, want me to explain to you why people are butthurt about fallout getting turned into a shooter? or maybe where babies come from? if you don't know why pressing two buttons, without any thought whatsoever, is bad you should head back to gamefags. over there they love the people that spam "gid gud" over and over.

Yeah I gave the game a negative review on Steam and thrashed it quite a bit. Souls is not even near one of my favorite series of all time, in fact I believe that it's one of the most overrated ones ever.

If you are trying to paint me as a fanboy, good luck. That's the only argument pea brain faggots like you have anyway. I noticed the same patterns in hipster reviewers like "Worthabuy". ME ANGRY EDGELORD. ME POINT OUT GENERIC MECHANICS. ME CORRECT BECAUSE ME ANGRY

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