New patch is going to drop any second now, but i want to talk about a few things.
I think they are doing good work improving the aeshetics and other design aspects of the game like sound design (which valve does a superb job every single time in my opnion). Game still is an alpha but little by little, the game is taking shape to match their vision.
The devs are really listening to player feedback and bug reports. This has been both good and bad. What is bad about it?
First: the game has huge discord community (and you know how the average discord user is). Thankfully, they use an forum for feedback/bug reports most of the time, but there have been quite a few cases of them taking talk from discord to make changes (and also revert changes).
Second: Valve takes playtesting serious and they sometimes take feedback from
absolute retards which obviously can be detrimental for a few aspects of the game.
Most of the problems I experienced about this are mostly related to game balance tho, so nothing too egregious have happened so far with them taking advice from imbeciles.
The player base has shunk significantly since the game got officially announced. From 171k players to about 50k daily players for the past couple of days.
What is the cause of this? Honestly I think is too soon to really tell, and I mean this literally because its an alpha. Game being an alpha does not help with increasing and mantaining player numbers.
From the graph you can tell the game got a hold of at least +150k players for 4 weekends (2 big patches) and after that the player count started to drop. To my knowledge and experience, nothing really bad happened on those 2 patches, so what I can think of about this drop is that most of those people who got into the playtest got tired of the game OR got tired of the lack of content. The game still has no "progression"/grind systems like battle passes and player levels, something that most zoomers these days really love, so this might be one reasson for a few people giving up on the game. Theres a ranked matchmaking, but it feels underdeveloped for now. So the game still has no big hook for competitive tryhards.
Its too early to doompost about the game and "old games good, new game bad" stuff. I like what they are doing with aesthetics and design, but Im concerned about them taking the wrong advice and feedback from the community.
Also they droppped
the patch as I was writing this post, but theres nothing major on the patch. Just balance, map changes and stuff.