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Diablo IV

Jul 8, 2006
whoa its coming to steam? Have they ever done that before? I thought I logged into the wrong thing when I clicked steam and Diablo IV popped up,,,I have no bought or played it, will it cost $70 dollars or some shit?
Overwatch 2 is on Steam too. Wouldn't be surprised if WoW and Hearthstone hits steam at Blizzcon this year. I'm guessing D4 will go on sale coinciding with the Season 2 launch for $54
lol, I have never played overwatch 2, just looked it up...WTF? What is with the reviews? Its like the worst reviewed game I have ever seen..nearly 200,000 overwhelming negative 10%....yet its obvious people are playing it..what is going on?

What type of game is it? It does not say its one of those Arena combat games, but sort gives off that vibe..I hate those games..I can't really tell WTF it is..


Oct 23, 2017
Overwatch was basically 6v6 Team Fortress 2 but much shittier where all the characters had MOBA-style abilities and it was entirely gated behind matchmaking. None of the custom content that Valve's multiplayer games have created by the community. It cost $40, all maps and characters were free and all of the cosmetics were unlocked through lootboxes that you could earn.

Now Overwatch 2 is just Overwatch 1 but 5v5 instead of 6v6, made free2play, the in-game lootboxes were taken away and all the skins cost >$20. Also one of the worst battlepasses in gaming. Characters are technically still free, if you grind your ass off and unlock it in the seasonal battlepass. They actually planned a PvE campaign with a hero progression system but they cancelled it after two years of development hell, then uncancelled it following the backlash and proceeded to sell what little they had developed for $15.

Combine all that and you get the worst reviewed game on Steam.


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
LOL, LMAO even, as the youngsters say nowadays.

RIP part 4 for Blizzort, let's see what M$ gonna do with them.

Kidding aside I really hate to see this kind of production values are keep being wasted like this. My inner child is still hoping for a decent Arcanum or Dark Sun game with D4 or Assassin's Creed kind of production values. But as a grown up I know I have to rely on The Colony Ship and Underrail 2.
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Jun 17, 2012
It's fine if some devs didn't touch a game in their life, but not in this case. Going by what they say in the video (which could be total lies ofc), the dyke playtests and then adjusts content based on that. She shouldn't be at that level of (in)competence.

This is the same company that put a guy who played WoW on a tablet as Lead PVP Designer. Honestly, none of this is new, Blizzard has been a pozzed up pile of shit since like... 2012? Or thereabouts. That's when the old guys started to get filtered out of roles that had actual real influence. Not like they were ever le epic hardkore gamerrrrrz, but it's definitely a big difference between what they've become and when Chilton was able to get 2000~ ranked or so in arena, that at least shows someone who knows how to play at an acceptably average level.
Feb 19, 2021
Dont think it has anything to do with sales, seems like concessions being made to get the merger approved, like Blizzard games becoming part of the Ubisoft+ subscription.
The concessions being made are for cloud services since that was the fake concern of the CMA.

Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV hitting Steam have nothing to do with those concessions. Blizzard is just trying to save their dying live service trash by tapping into the largest player base on PC.


Thought Criminal #3333
Apr 18, 2005
On Patroll
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech A Beautifully Desolate Campaign My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
So, a year-round of Steam sales milking, and next up, free-to-play?

Anyone who cares about Diablo won't care anymore at that point, so they'll be able to go full Immortal on this bitch franchise.


Oct 3, 2009
It's fine if some devs didn't touch a game in their life, but not in this case. Going by what they say in the video (which could be total lies ofc), the dyke playtests and then adjusts content based on that. She shouldn't be at that level of (in)competence.

This is the same company that put a guy who played WoW on a tablet as Lead PVP Designer. Honestly, none of this is new, Blizzard has been a pozzed up pile of shit since like... 2012? Or thereabouts. That's when the old guys started to get filtered out of roles that had actual real influence. Not like they were ever le epic hardkore gamerrrrrz, but it's definitely a big difference between what they've become and when Chilton was able to get 2000~ ranked or so in arena, that at least shows someone who knows how to play at an acceptably average level.
lol @ 2012 ... the last good blizzard game made by their original talent was probably WoW The Burning Crusade back in 2007. Since then it has been all downhill.


Mar 16, 2015
I am waiting until M$ buys it and puts it on gamepass, they I will try it once. Hopefully by then they also add some real content


Jul 27, 2023
All I would ever give a shit about is their older library coming to Steam. Just classic WC3 and D2 LOD, please. No need for anything else after.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
I just played D2R for the first time since playing D2 like, 15-20 years ago or whatever. Good god this game has aged well. (I mean I know it's a remaster but you know what I mean)

It's honestly pathetic that such an old game still holds up so well compared to modern ARPG games. I gave Last Epoch another try and got bored within 10 mins...again.

Tried D2R out and within 2 minutes I was completely hooked and now I know I'm going to spend the next 100 hours dying repeatedly as I try to play hardcore for the first time. It makes every other game in the genre look shit (POE aside).

Hopefully PoE2 can iterate on the genre and go somewhere interesting because if not I just don't know what to make of modern game development. 20 years and we still can't improve on D2's mechanics?


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Most games in this genre lack itemization and challenge mostly. Add stupid graphical choices, poor production values and non existent atmosphere, they quickly start to crumble.
PoE is the only game that pushed the genre forward a bit. Other than that maybe Titan Quest and Grim Dawn but they too become boring fast, unlike D1-2 and PoE. And maaaayyyybeee Torchlight 2, especially with mods but I can't stomach that graphics style anymore.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
If Twitch viewers are an indication of anything, the playerbase has indeed plummeted. Diablo 3 has more viewers than 4.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
With recent drop in playerbase Blizzard have enough power to make bigger stashes, which was impossible previously.
For free?????? Player count must've really cratered if so.
The game is boring af. The only things it has going for it besides its name is its colour palette and art style, YMMV on that also.


Jun 17, 2012
The environment art style is good, and some enemies, but it's pretty uneven. Suffers from the usual modernist problem of uglifying all the main player models. A far cry from D2 (although the remaster did also the same thing of turning all characters into sexless neuters so it furthers the theme of this just being How Things Are Now).


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
Yeah, no, I doubt Diablo 4 is a monumental flop because of the player character models.
It's valid criticism because it shows that Blizzard (or the dead husk that was formerly known as Blizzard) have learned all the wrong things from D2.

They failed to improve on, or even copy, the best aspects of D2, but fixed character models/genders is back because that was in D2!! Never mind that that was literally the last thing players wanted in D4

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