I'm getting seriously depressed when checking SteamSpy and there are still 50000 copies sold.
I'm getting seriously depressed when checking SteamSpy and there are still 50000 copies sold.
I'm getting seriously depressed when checking SteamSpy and there are still 50000 copies sold.
Steam's Black Friday is almost upon us, first sale for DE. I hope even tame 20-30% discount could give game some notorious boost in copies sold.
I'm getting seriously depressed when checking SteamSpy and there are still 50000 copies sold.
Steam's Black Friday is almost upon us, first sale for DE. I hope even tame 20-30% discount could give game some notorious boost in copies sold.
We need Sseth to review Disco Elysium so his Merchant Guild will invest in it. Hopefuly it could repeat Underrail review effects.
SteamSpy hasn't worked in a year or so why do you believe in it so much?I'm getting seriously depressed when checking SteamSpy and there are still 50000 copies sold.
SteamSpy hasn't worked in a year or so why do you believe in it so much?I'm getting seriously depressed when checking SteamSpy and there are still 50000 copies sold.
no. i find review amounts is a better indicator of sales majority of the time especially when it reach beyond 100. review amount x 50 - 100 assuming 1 in 50 to 100 people post review. when outward have announced 400k sales, the reviews are in around 4000 ish reviews. so give or take DE has sold 150k to 300k at the very best case scenario. i think KCD is also around 12-15k reviews when they announced 1 million sales or something.SteamSpy hasn't worked in a year or so why do you believe in it so much?I'm getting seriously depressed when checking SteamSpy and there are still 50000 copies sold.
Because I've been following it since the release and growth dynamics was pretty believable?
I'm getting seriously depressed when checking SteamSpy and there are still 50000 copies sold.
Steam's Black Friday is almost upon us, first sale for DE. I hope even tame 20-30% discount could give game some notorious boost in copies sold.
We need Sseth to review Disco Elysium so his Merchant Guild will invest in it. Hopefuly it could repeat Underrail review effects.
SteamSpy hasn't worked in a year or so why do you believe in it so much?I'm getting seriously depressed when checking SteamSpy and there are still 50000 copies sold.
Because I've been following it since the release and growth dynamics was pretty believable?
SteamSpy hasn't worked in a year or so why do you believe in it so much?I'm getting seriously depressed when checking SteamSpy and there are still 50000 copies sold.
Because I've been following it since the release and growth dynamics was pretty believable?
FWIW Steamspy is now showing 100,000 to 200,000 copies sold.
Folks, help a bröther out please. Does any of you have the phasmid photo saved somewhere? Preferably without logos and dialogue windows; all the versions I could find had either one or the other.
Folks, help a bröther out please. Does any of you have the phasmid photo saved somewhere? Preferably without logos and dialogue windows; all the versions I could find had either one or the other.
Its, like, two seconds in Google:
Its, like, two seconds in Google:
Thanks, but what I'm looking for is this picture
But I'd rather have its full version, without logo and the dialogue picture to the right.
try PM Kasparov, I guess?
try PM Kasparov, I guess?
I guess I will.
I'm just nervous he'll send me photos of somebody's mom instead.
Quick question, guys: I've already finished the game (and some will remember that I really, really liked it) but I'm curious about one thing.
In my playthrough I always tried to investigate and discover things about the murder case, the city, the district, the characters, etc. and the passing of days sold me on the impression that if I just went around doing nothing or if I fucked things up too much there would be consequences. But I still haven't find the time to replay the game and try other choices, so I'm asking: is it really like that? For example, if I simply choose to waste Harry's time while doing nothing at all would I have to face some kind of consequence for that? A game over, maybe, if too many days go on or something like that?
Quick question, guys: I've already finished the game (and some will remember that I really, really liked it) but I'm curious about one thing.
In my playthrough I always tried to investigate and discover things about the murder case, the city, the district, the characters, etc. and the passing of days sold me on the impression that if I just went around doing nothing or if I fucked things up too much there would be consequences. But I still haven't find the time to replay the game and try other choices, so I'm asking: is it really like that? For example, if I simply choose to waste Harry's time while doing nothing at all would I have to face some kind of consequence for that? A game over, maybe, if too many days go on or something like that?
Ask the phasmid.
I understand that in murder-mysteries the suspects is often revealed to be an someone unlikable, but wasn't making him an insane black, racist, communist incel a bit too much?