You know what I just realized that I'm missing?
A Codex.
You meet tons of people in the game, and you're expected to keep track of them, know their names, understand the references. But I'm absolutely fucking useless when it comes to names, and can forget the names of people while still talking to them immediately after an introduction. I went to school with people for 5 years or more and I still manage to forget their names.
For example, Logic just chimed in about a connection to something Easy Leo said.
I have absolutely no idea who Easy Leo is. Drawing a complete blank. I can open up the journal, the thought cabinet, the character sheet all I want, and it won't help, but what I really need is a codex with a few notes on each person that I meet, even if it's just their name, face, location, and something like "Chairman of such and such" or "Racist lorry driver".