I think one of my completely on-topic replies was gibbed in the process. I have yet to participate in the off-topic squabbling about you-know-what.
Itemization continues to piss me off. I just cleared a certain dark coastal cave area on the Cyseal map, and none of the loot—including drops from some large/boss-like enemies—was anything I actually needed. The legendaries that dropped were two levels below my party's level (rigorous level-based balancing is part of the itemization problem). A diablo-style loot system has no place in this game. In Diablo clones, you can generally go farm up more loot in the event you don't get something you want. In D:OS, once an enemy is dead or a container is opened, that's it. Shops refresh only about twenty times during the entire game, once per main character level-up. You might be able to game this by allowing one character to fall behind in XP so you can essentially refresh shops twice per level-up, but that's as stupid as reloading until a chest has something you actually want.
The cherry on top? There's a special unbreakable, presumably unpickable chest in that area. It took me a while to find the key, and once I had, there was nothing but yet another fucking Loremaster +1 ring in it.
Don't get me wrong, I have some nice items for my characters that add to their customization as well as their strength, but I just cleared the largest dungeon on the map and got nothing particularly exciting.
I'm starting to think that Lockpicking is just as marginal as I'd originally suspected, since I'm approaching at least 25% completion of the game and can count the times I've needed to use it on one hand. Even in those cases, I probably could have just sneaked and picked up the entire chest, then bashed it open someplace else. I don't know if bashing chests destroys some of the items inside, though.
That got me to thinking about the ability to eventually respec (to get back points I've put in near-useless skills, for example), which the Internet says won't happen until about character level 16. Furthermore, you forget all skills when you respec, and on top of having to find or repurchase them all for every character you respec, some skills are "special" and can only be found once, or in a few cases only selected during character creation. Fortunately, there are mods you can install to alleviate this annoying phenomenon.
Gripes aside though, and relative ease of combat (though it is satisfying and tactical) even on Hard aside, the game's a great deal of fun and I'm enjoying it immensely. I haven't run into any really intractable puzzles just yet, but I'm still early in the game and they aren't insultingly easy, either.