There's an interview with Swen Vincke on talking with the CEO of Larian Studios on how "failure is important for creativity," though he also warns of the risks of too much failure, talking about the make-or-break release Divinity: Original Sin was for the company. Larian is still not playing it safe, as RPG Codex translates a portion of a French article outlining the company's plans to eventually make annual releases (thanks Gamer's Hell). Here's word:
Re: Larian Plans Annual Releases Apr 9, 2015, 23:46 garrywong
I think even google translate would have managed better...
Our awesome team of writers working on a secret project...
Focus Home Interactive Working With Larian Studios And Deck13 On New Titles
French publisher Focus Home Interactive has announced that it is collaborating with Divinity developer Larian Studios and Lord Of The Fallen dev Deck13 on new titles, which will be presented at E3 2015.
FOCUS HOME INTERACTIVE annonce aussi les collaborations avec 3 top studios européens qui viennent rejoindre la galaxie de studios partenaires. Ces partenariats renforcent le nombre de jeux en production à fort potentiel. La première collaboration concerne le jeu de rôle Vampyr, prévu sur consoles et PC, développé par le studio parisien Dontnod, à qui l’on doit 2 best sellers internationaux : « Remember Me » (Editeur Capcom) et plus récemment « Life is Strange » (Editeur Square Enix) qui rencontre un immense succès critique et commercial depuis quelques semaines. Deux collaborations d’envergure seront dévoilées à l’occasion del’E3 de Los Angeles, le plus gros salon international professionnel du jeu vidéo. Parmi elles, Focus présentera le nouveau projet du studio Deck13, consacré en Allemagne meilleur studio allemand en 2014, leur dernier jeu Lords of the Fallen s’est vendu à près d’un million d’exemplaires sur consoles et PC depuis Octobre 2014. Enfin la dernière collaboration, concerne le studio belge Larian, développeur à succès de la série Divinity. Focus et Larian, réservent une belle surprise aux joueurs et journalistes du monde entier, à l’occasion de l’E3 de Los Angeles.
Google Translate said:FOCUS HOME INTERACTIVE also announced collaborations with three top European studios who join the Galaxy studios partners. These partnerships strengthen the number of games to production potential. The first concerns the role of collaborative game Vampyr provided on consoles and PC, developed by the Parisian studio DONTNOD, to whom we owe two international bestsellers "Remember Me" (Capcom Publisher) and more recently "Life is Strange" (Publisher Square Enix), which was a huge critical and commercial success in recent weeks. Two major collaborations will be unveiled at the Los Angeles del'E3 occasion, the biggest international trade fair of gaming. Among them, Focus will present the new project studio Deck13 dedicated studio best German in Germany in 2014, their last game Lords of the Fallen has sold nearly a million copies on consoles and PC since October 2014. Finally the latest collaboration, concerns the Belgian studio Larian, successful developer of the Divinity series. Focus and Larian, reserve a beautiful surprise to the players and journalists around the world, on the occasion of E3 in Los Angeles.
Chinese films are even better. Where's my chRPG renaissance?Hey, pretty cool. Maybe this can spawn a sizable scene of Euro-RPG's that are better than their foreign counterparts, similar to how European cinema beats Hollywood handily.
Focus Home Interactive
Deck 13
So, Larian moved up from the two writers who worked D:OS to the seven working on the super secrect project™.Our awesome team of writers working on a secret project...
Storyfags. Storyfags never change.>playing Larian games for their writing
Well, the saving grace is the team is all men, so there won't be a lot of bullshit melodrama.Only one writer with pink hair?
Shit game detected.