Witcher 3 was an exception though. I never thought I would see characters and 'scenes' in a game that were at least the quality of a tv show until I played that game. Also Blackguards at least seemed like it was written by a professional writer. Every other game seems like they are written by a try hard game tester or programmer or someone who thinks they can try their hand at writing a story. They are too wordy, and too storyish. All the dialogue is written like it is part of a story, and not like it is something someone would actually say. There is no narrative, just endless monologue or dialogue. And every NPC not only has too much to say, but will be unrealistically chatty even when you first meet them. And obvious lore is obvious, and is shoe horned into every sentence. They have no clue what suspension of disbelief even is. I never feel like I am watching some guy tell me about his woes, I just feel like I am watching some low polygon video game character reading his script. The standards in gaming is far too fucking low.