4. Warriors get anime moves like summoning swords from the sky
Man, it looks like warriors really get the short end of the stick here. They removed greatswords, weapon selection is pathetic, and weapon attacks have no weight -- they replaced it all with stupid anime moves, shield throws, magical effects, dancing, prancing, and other retarded gimmicks. Seems to me that you can't even play a proper fighter -- you're basically some kind of faggy twinkle-toes mage by default.
Yet another (really big) reason not to play this joke of a game.
Unforgivable. In Origins magic was the speciality of mages, and warriors and rogues never relied on abilities that could explicitly be counted as that - with the exception of those templar abilities that are presumably fueled by lyrium and some faith. Yes, it doesn't make much sense that the warden can be taught those abilities that only seasoned, addled templars could master, but that can't be helped. I would've preferred it the other way, that Alistair is your unique templar. Likewise for Morrigan's shapeshifting spec, since she's clearly not your average mage. The reavers can heal themselves on the battlefield assuming there are corpses to draw health from, but that may also be explained with other things.
They could've shaked off even those remnants of MMO ethos, but didn't because they wanted all classes to be equally flashy and fabulous in combat. Special snowflakes.
Apparently, the most terrible Blight happens in veilguard, the darkest and most desperate and all. It's the mother of all blights, and some of them lasted for centuries!
The catch? Most of the fun stuff happens in the south, Denerim has fallen, Kirkwall evacuated, Val Royeaux besieged! Ferelden and Orlais are barely holding back the tide
while you attend that critical pronoun lecture
Just like in real-life. Bioware drones are safe in their first-world ivory towers while the rest of the world burns. They can smell the smoke occasionally, but they think it's just their toaster pastries getting brown around the edges.
I noticed a lot of the redditor complaints about the game were how much the companions acted as a constant tutorial for the player. Basically walking guide posts tell them what to do.
What they wanted:
View attachment 57051
What they got:
View attachment 57052
Where it ends in their coomer brains:
So remember the main city of origins you spent a lot of time in and where the finale took place? Well lulz it got razed OFFSCREEN and your pc from origins did nothing and probably got steamrolled and is a cuck in general, that'll teach you to be a fan of the series!
It's been about 20 years since Origins so your warden might've already gotten "the call".
This game feels like it was written as someone weird vanity project, like some indie movie made by someone that isn’t really a director, actor, or writer but happens to have enough money to get a movie made; it doesn’t feel like a professional production.
I'd be curious to know just how much control "the gendermancer" had on this project.
This game can actually impress at times, visually:
Everything is a bit too 'shiny', though, and at times the colour palette looks like someone vomited a rainbow on your screen.
Unbelievably generic and inoffensive. Next time, post something edgier... if you can find any of that.
Ok here's one, there was another one but I don't have a savegame to access that NPC
She's as flat as a pancake obviously because women aren't allowed to have tits in this universe (like no joke haven't seen a single woman with actual tits) but honestly I don't think this NPC looks that bad.
I agree that the face looks good but this showcases one of the issues with the female NPC bodies quite well; the vertical line in the middle of the chest and the positioning of the breasts makes it look like they just edited the model for the male bodies (and not very well) with very little thought given to the fact that female bodies are structurally different rather than just smaller, slimmer men with breasts (and
Neve's chest is similarly odd looking so it's not just Bioware's weird elves striking again).
FWIW this sort of thing isn't something I normally care about, I'd be happy for games to have non-detailed models and have the camera stay in isometric view, but the cinematic dialogue really highlights any unrealistic aspects of the character models that would otherwise be easy to ignore.
That character looks like a femboy, but on the subject of chests - I've noticed the same. There's a distinct lack of cleavage, as in the tits never seem to be pressed together in a way that lets you see they're actual real tits. The all just hang loose and flat, leaving you guessing whether you're just seeing hidden padding under their shirts. No doubt even small tits being lifted up is seen as unnecessary objectification.
Just one clear signal that lets you know you're dealing with infantile radical leftists here. You don't get the same feeling from BG3 where even noblewomen show copious amounts of skin like common hookers. These Bioware types act like they've never had sex. They fear it for some reason, either that, or they hate what REAL women have. Maybe both.
From what I can see, DA:V is basically a little kid's fantasy. You know, that little bullied kid who dreams of showing his "bullies" his POWAH!!!, but end up being a shut-in, maladjusted creep in his mother's basement? That's the writers of this game, except instead of being bullied, they are trannies with fake oppressed CVs. This is them showing their POWAH!!! by forcing you to acknowledge their pain, which they claim is brought about by being oppressed by everyone else. The fact that they are schizophrenic paranoiacs never entered their minds.
It's easy to spot the self-inserts. One character is very, very much written in the "omg I'm so awkward and random but also endearing right omg aren't I please say yes
holds up spork" vein that made me want to immediately delete Undertale from my hard drive, memory and preferably reality altogether.
That's not a bad edit, that's her response to random nice thing you say, in a game where you are forced to say nice things to everybody (I swear to god this game is so exhaustingly positive it would have me fucking the furniture if the tech was there); she just starts spewing words about her relationships. Agonizingly pried from right out of the wish-fulfillment fantasy of an awkward teen, or one still mentally in that space, and who probably thinks Undertale is a masterpiece.
Just another Whedon trope. She's that mechanic from Firefly and Willow combined.