Once you get yourself into the mindset of playing these games cautiously, they're not that difficult so the only way to uphold that reputation of being difficult is to ramp up the bullshit. I blame the subhuman fanbase for the state of some of these Elden Ring bosses.
It's pretty obvious the game is Dark Souls 4 and DS became a parody of itself at this point. I blame DS 3 mostly, DS 2 brought a lot of "cheap" level design, but enemy patterns were fundamentally simple. DS 3 started the trend of blenders and spastic movesets and Elden Ring took everything to a ridiculous extreme. Combat doesn't feel like a "fight" anymore, it feels very, VERY gamey, like every single enemy is going for a "HAHA, GOTCHA!!! You think you're good because you played DS1-3? You aren't! Eat shit, hahahahahahah" moment, instead of presenting a fair challenge and all that. It's no longer intuitive, everything now works via pure trial and error. Big guy slammed his weapon into the ground? It
might be an opening, but he might also just pull "I AM HELICOPTER-MAN!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" and hit you 5 times during a single stunlock. WAY too many enemies attempt to roll-catch you, WAY too many attacks can't be blocked unless you give up your "turn", WAY too many enemies have instant punish moves and the non-stop attacking feels INCREDIBLY cheap since the player is constricted by stamina at all times, while enemies just scoff at the notion of attacking 2-4 times and then stopping.
Has anyone else seen that thing in the poison castle with many limbs and whatnot? Similar to a grafted scion, but doesn't wield any weapons? That thing has a 6 gorillion hits combo with near perfect tracking. How tf is anyone supposed to melee that? Insanely cheap.