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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM


May 13, 2007
Castle Rock
How much is there after Messmer fight? I'm not certein if I want to explore or finish the game for lore more. This place is like a fucking spoiler minefield.


Oct 24, 2019
How much is there after Messmer fight? I'm not certein if I want to explore or finish the game for lore more. This place is like a fucking spoiler minefield.
It depends on how much optional content you have done so far. But if we are strictly speaking about "mandatory" fights and levels, then one mandatory open world area, one Legacy Dungeon, one miniboss and two bosses (or 3 bosses depending on your interpretation) . Just as the base game, most content is optional.


Jun 15, 2009
Messmer down. Had a few moves that were hard to read, but it wasn't the insane bullshit I expected based on all the complaints. Overall was a fun fight. So far so good, Bayle was probably the best fight for me so far. Something about ascending a huge mountain with lightning and wind blasting from everywhere, only to reach the biggest dragon you've ever seen at the top... The fight is also very fun and rewarding to learn I felt like. I also liked Igon but didn't summon him during the fight as I want to do everything with no summons/ashes first. Altough I might have missed some quest rewards/developments in doing so, same with not summoning the Hornsent for Messmer.

Rauh ruins and Shadow Keep I feel like I missed stuff... but not sure. Now with Messmers defeat I can progress forward.
It's easy to miss some things in Shadowkeep. There's a certain ladder that allows access to a whole new zone. There are many secrets, and I probably haven't found everything yet. There's still a spot in the library on the first floor that I can't access. Then there's the back entrance of Shadowkeep with lots of stuff to do. The exploration is clearly as good as, if not better than, previous Souls games.In Rauh Ruins, there's a very cryptic quest involving a stone sword and altars, one of which is in the underground zone I mentioned.


Jul 14, 2023
So exploration is great, combat and bosses are shit?
I thought most of the bosses were fun, a bit of bullshit here and there at some point in most of their fights but plenty of very enjoyable parts too. A lot of people are frustrated with one specific boss rather than all the bosses, and I think the criticisms of that boss are fair but there are a lot of really fun fights too, with one of the ones tied to an NPC's questline being particularly memorable.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Exploration is a mixed bag. The zones are often vertical and link by hidden caves, but the caves make no sense. If you want to head north you have to enter a cave half the zone away facing east, head south for five minutes then go down a tunnel which bends north and takes you where you want to go. This also applies to how vertical some of the zones are where you can't get down or up except in 1 specific spot and no way to find it.

Exploration rewards are both better and worse. The DLC upgrades feel meaningful but the weapon material doesn't. The legacy dungeons are basically all reused assets and aren't very interesting while the side dungeons are the highlight of the DLC. Going through the Goals felt like demon's souls and they're really enjoyable.

The DLC has 4 bosses you must kill to finish it. Everything else is optional and you can collect 48 of the 52 upgrades without killing any of them so you can get yourself stacked if you want to.

So exploration is great, combat and bosses are shit?
I thought most of the bosses were fun, a bit of bullshit here and there at some point in most of their fights but plenty of very enjoyable parts too. A lot of people are frustrated with one specific boss rather than all the bosses, and I think the criticisms of that boss are fair but there are a lot of really fun fights too, with one of the ones tied to an NPC's questline being particularly memorable.
The complaints are heavily pointed at Radahn but the Lion and Boar riding faggot at getting their fair share of complaints. Both have sketchy hit boxes or move spam that's hard to manage. I would argue the pus knight is a problem as his horse can hit you at an angle you have to dodge into the riders attacks or the other way round. Can lead to taking nasty damage.


May 14, 2024
The DLC apparently also has dragon forms in it and they all look like shit, malnourished, retarded little baby dragons. Only DkS2 had the best looking dragon form. Who the fuck is designing these forms over there?
I feel like a recurring theme in these games, particularly with each new iteration of transdragon autism is how these attempts at human ascension are ill fated, pitiful and maybe a little blasphemous. It culminated with whatever the fuck Oceiros turned himself into.
At a gameplay level this "ascension" makes you squishy and poiseless with not a lot of benefit unless you're spamming dragon incants.
DS2 dragon form looked cool because it was a set of superglued armor, probably looked like a rubber chicken beneath. And besides weren't all the (alive) dragons in that game counterfeits too?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Been normal since DS3:

At least this time you get something. In the base game you get dragon eyes you can barely see that get overwritten by the other quests (blood and then frenzy in that order) and you can't even get them back. One of the reasons i picked the frenzy ending is that at least you get SOME form of physical alteration. The eye glow is actually pretty strong and you get those burn marks on your body.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Sekiro did have some copy pasta, and in fact i wouldn't be surprised if that's the game that started the ball rolling on this. Elden Ring is of course five times as big so the issue was bound to become much, much worse. The fact the issue is still present in the DLC is disappointing.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Sekiro did have some copy pasta, and in fact i wouldn't be surprised if that's the game that started the ball rolling on this. Elden Ring is of course five times as big so the issue was bound to become much, much worse. The fact the issue is still present in the DLC is disappointing.
...Dark souls hollows are copy and pasted Dreglings from Demon's souls. Sekiro didn't start any fucking thing you utter retard. Most of From's stuff reuses assets from earlier games. This DLC has Gundir's moveset given to a normal enemy and you can find almost every non-weird shaped boss using moves from previous games.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Sekiro did have some copy pasta, and in fact i wouldn't be surprised if that's the game that started the ball rolling on this. Elden Ring is of course five times as big so the issue was bound to become much, much worse. The fact the issue is still present in the DLC is disappointing.
...Dark souls hollows are copy and pasted Dreglings from Demon's souls. Sekiro didn't start any fucking thing you utter retard. Most of From's stuff reuses assets from earlier games. This DLC has Gundir's moveset given to a normal enemy and you can find almost every non-weird shaped boss using moves from previous games.

There's a difference betwen reskinning a model and reusing the exact same boss within the same game. Nobody noticed or cared about the reskinned bossed, only some of the more autistic people made any fuss about that it's not the issue in question.

Sekiro has like five encounters with that drunk guy and like six encounters with that ass fisting demon, two of which are underwater so i guess it's different but it's basically still the same boss. Sekiro also has mini-bosses that eventually become regular enemies and Elden Ring does that too, though sometimes it's the other way around (i met the bears as regular enemies before i met one as a cave boss. Same with those annoying bugs etc).

I don't know bro, it feels like you just seem hell bent on hating FromSoft for the sake of hating them, so your arguments just miss the point and it feels like you just want to throw shit at them for the sake of throwing shit at them. "Hahaha, they always recycled bosses Dark Souls was no different from Elden Ring". So why are we all bothered by the latter and we were never bothered by the first?
Last edited:


May 21, 2011
People complaining about reuse of assets are retarded. Almost as retarded as the AAA (soon to be AAAA) industry that in general does NOT reuse assets properly, wasting time and money. Which translates into projects having to be safe investments, which means cloning games or features that are "hot".


Feb 4, 2021
A company can reuse assets and do it in a meanigful way that wont bother the player as much e.g. yakuza series.(the story/sidequests/minigames are the focus)
Monsters can be the same or bosses can turn into normal enemies a good example would be the carpa demon in ds1. (you can 1-2 hit it latter)
But if the reused asset/monsters makes you waste 10 mins or so it's unfun and tedious nothing more.
Already gave the example here but while climbing the peak you need to fight how many dragons again?
If a new player starts elden ring and plays the main game with the dlc how many erdtree guardians or Tree wardens in total has he fought by the end?
It's just shit gamedesign.
If we keep defending bad decisions those might get too common after a while as you yourself admitted that they already did it in other fromsoft games.

If we compare all of this with DS 1 it's admittedly sad. Sometimes less is more. It's a symptom of open world games.
Make vast spaces and fill them which in turn means that you might need to put more things in it compared to something like ds1.
Repetition of quests/base takeovers are usually disliked by gamers nowadays.Why? Because all open world games started to do it.
The repetition of bosses might not bother you know but what about let's say an elden ring 3 or sekiro 2 that would even reuse bosses/enemies from the previous titles.
Nightmare fuel imo.
But you do you.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
There's a difference betwen reskinning a model and reusing the exact same boss within the same game. Nobody noticed or cared about the reskinned bossed, only some of the more autistic people made any fuss about that it's not the issue in question.
You mean the bitching about Demon firesage? That was happening at release and the Asylum demon 2 wasn't very popular either. But people accepted the other reused bosses are normal enemies because they weren't boss tough and the context mattered.

I hate From games so much I buy them week one and play through them blind. Discuss them for weeks after and comment on how good some of the areas are in them and how excited I was to use the new weapons.. But yea, I just hate from games while you're barely past the intro of the DLC lol.


Apr 16, 2020
I did the turtle build on the last boss too and just face tanked him the first phase was okay to do rolling but the second bruh I didn't even know what was happening most of the time it's unfortunate that they won't make more content for Elden Ring and go for something new :(

Strange Fellow

Jun 21, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
The second asylum demon is a brilliant boss all around, and no other uniquely created boss they could have placed there would have fitted better with the location and how the player experiences it.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
The second asylum demon is a brilliant boss all around, and no other uniquely created boss they could have placed there would have fitted better with the location and how the player experiences it.
It's a reused boss in a smaller arena that can has a shitty camera. I don't object to it but it's been complained about many times.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
You sound like a broken record now (muh shitty camera). The second asylum boss was awesome for me too. Not only that, but that boss also doesn't feel recycled because it was set up from the get go. In fact, the one you fight in the tutorial is basically just a neutered version of the "real" asylum boss which you can see prowl around right from the beginning, and you know from the start the second time around isn't going to be as easy as the first.

The one that felt recycled was the third one you meet in later on.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
You sound like a broken record now (muh shitty camera). The second asylum boss was awesome for me too. Not only that, but that boss also doesn't feel recycled because it was set up from the get go. In fact, the one you fight in the tutorial is basically just a neutered version of the "real" asylum boss which you can see prowl around right from the beginning, and you know from the start the second time around isn't going to be as easy as the first.

The one that felt recycled was the third one you meet in later on.
There's no set order to meet them in. So you can meet it 3rd and think it's more recycling.

You sound like a broken record because you make an argument, get completely blown out and come back to say 'why do you keep proving me wrong!? You just hate these games" over and over. Despite you knowing nothing about the games and nothing about the community response to them. But still want to argue your opinion is worth reading (which it isn;t)


Jul 16, 2009
Automatic content generation was stuff that helped me decades ago, and it immensely helped Bethesda in Daggerfall. It's not that difficult to make it right when you have team of 3 quality programmers and 1.5 years time, as long as you know what you need to develop, and can interact with game during development.

Different autogenerated FEDEX quests are still better than none. City with streets that was autogenerated properly can save months of work because assets were generated by algorithm. (and possibly finished by hand) Nowadays it looks like people are kinda risk avoidant, and they act as if 50 graphic artists would easily replace ONE proper in house researcher/programmer.

I think industry kinda lost some skills that are important for making large open world games.


Sep 4, 2015
so far i prefer short and fast fights like that doggo traitor over looooong and booooring like that lake dragon.
also cutting down horsemen wth 2h sword is very enjoyable.

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