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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
booooring like that lake dragon.
Ancient dragon man's sword is super effective against dragons. It's weapon art chunks the HP bars of them like every hit is a bleed proc. It's ridiculously powerful.


Sep 4, 2015
booooring like that lake dragon.
Ancient dragon man's sword is super effective against dragons. It's weapon art chunks the HP bars of them like every hit is a bleed proc. It's ridiculously powerful.
i'm playing base game and only started it yesterday. my only weapons are what soldiers in limegrave carry + some very basic boss stuff, like doggo sword.


Sep 4, 2015
also drop rate is kinda suspicious. like i have 5 knight helmets from that guy with the spear patrolling near the gate and that's all. no other set pieces. horse people dropped 6 swords, 5 pairs of gloves and nothing else.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Crayll You can meet her in the DLC. Don't rate me fake faggot.

I'm being retarded again. I need to beat Big Mogh and do SL1 DLC. I think it's pretty doable and I want to see how far I can get. I know everything including the mooks will 1 shot you in the DLC but that's fine with me. I'm going to face fuck that lion and there's nothing any one can do to stop me!

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
You can interact with her in the DLC only if you haven't in the base game, like at all. She has no DLC specific content or dialogue.
Correct. You can trigger some cut scenes to happen in the DLC. Which does mean she's in the DLC and there's work to try and fuck with the games logic to make her forced scenes happen in weird spots. There is dialog you trigger at any grace and you can do that in the DLC too.


May 13, 2007
Castle Rock
Sometimes FS pisses me off with their trolling. I have just beaten Messmer, totally forgot there was an NPC, who wanted me to summon him so he could have his vengence. Can someone tell me why this fucking sign is at the battle arena and not before the "boss wall" as always? How was I suppose to notice it, while dodging his stab attacks like I was a polish guard at Belerus border?

Child of Malkav

Feb 11, 2018
Finished it. Fingerprint shield and blood antspur rapier and talismans boosting HP and stamina so I can keep poking some more.
Overall, the map and world verticality is incredible. Exploration is good. New tools to play with.
Bosses.....they crossed a new threshold with the final boss. That's all I'm gonna say.
I'll keep playing for a bit, testing some things out, go to NG+, use cheat engine for some shenanigans etc.
Whatever. This is it for me playing FS games from this point forward.


Jun 30, 2021
You can interact with her in the DLC only if you haven't in the base game, like at all. She has no DLC specific content or dialogue.
Wait what. How would you even progress in the base game without meeting Melina? Doesn't she like, give you Torrent?
Basically you can get the dialogue about turning Melina into firewood if you haven't gotten it in the base game (before the fire giant).

I'm not entirely sure what point is trying to be made here, but it's....odd.


Mar 2, 2017
Sometimes FS pisses me off with their trolling. I have just beaten Messmer, totally forgot there was an NPC, who wanted me to summon him so he could have his vengence. Can someone tell me why this fucking sign is at the battle arena and not before the "boss wall" as always? How was I suppose to notice it, while dodging his stab attacks like I was a polish guard at Belerus border?

It's inside the arena so that boss HP doesn't scale. I almost missed it too.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
They did it once in DS2 too. I mean not the missable summon sign, but the NPC you need to summon to further his quest (which is annoying if you don't want to use summons during boss fights).

Anyway, this thread is now my Elden Ring blog again. Deal with it figgits. Finally decided to go with this for the DLC:


All weapons and armors will be found gear for however long i feel like doing it, but i'm going to go all out with talismans, spells and ashes of war right off the bat because i enjoy the variety and strategic aspect of those things. This is about the fun not doing any kind of challenge. I just thought since i ended up with the frenzy ending i may just enter the DLC as a crazed lunatic, running around naked just spreading madness everywhere. The idea is that eventually i'll regain my sanity over time and possibly end up with a full holy build we'll see.

For stats, i decided to stick with what i had:

Vigor: 40
Mind: 28
Endurance: 28
Strenth: 26
Dexterity: 25
Intelligence: 7
Faith: 45
Arcane: 30

This is basically a jack of all trades kind of set up that can hit all the various soft caps in turn with the right equipment combination plus Godrick's Rune i guess (so if i'm using a dex weapon, i can maximize dex and so forth). This was made for multiplayer (so i could try all sorts of things. Not optimal but it allowed me to use a variety of styles) and i don't plan of moving out of SL150 (unless the DLC changes the PvP meta, which i doubt. I actually think i should have capped it at SL125 given my experience with the PvP), so i'm going to just finish the DLC like this.

Itz coming.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
That's kinda what I'm going for with my character as well, I'm planning on starting off as DEX/FTH and using the Godslayer Greatsword, which has been massively buffed apparently, for a hybrid FTH caster/martial build. Then later I'll add Arcane and use the Dragon Incantations which are apparently insane but I never used them on my first character.

I'm waiting a while to play though cos I am just swamped with games right now, I just started playing Armored Core 6 which is turning out to be pretty damn awesome

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
You can interact with her in the DLC only if you haven't in the base game, like at all. She has no DLC specific content or dialogue.
Wait what. How would you even progress in the base game without meeting Melina? Doesn't she like, give you Torrent?
Basically you can get the dialogue about turning Melina into firewood if you haven't gotten it in the base game (before the fire giant).

I'm not entirely sure what point is trying to be made here, but it's....odd.
Point is it's funny to know niche things that prove someone wrong despite them technically being correct. There's 3 potential cut scenes you can trigger for her in the DLC.
Then later I'll add Arcane and use the Dragon Incantations which are apparently insane but I never used them on my first character.
There's a lot of new armour sets with nice buffs on them to look out for. They have +2-8% damage increases on different damage types or the fire knights helm is a poor man's erdtree tailsman. There is a dragon one you can use to up the damage by quite a bit.

Was mucking around in the arena last night. The kung fu fists both need a serious nerf. They're completely chew people up for almost no stamina and their fast weapon arts instantly poise break a blocking greatshield. If they get in on someone they are almost impossible to get off you and they attack so fast you can't get in first. Range is obviously the issue but you're so stamina efficient it's not an issue getting in and staying in. Their "long" animations in PvE are an issue if an enemy doesn't stagger but there's not an issue present in PvP the same way. Putting on bird feet and 2 handing hits as hard as a normal weapon each hit and those feet fly.

There's some really nasty roll catch combos as well. Specifically built in where your character can do a full 180 during the swing and will hit right as the roll ends. The weebs katana that increases your damage taken Rakshaga I think it's called's weapon art uses barely any FP and it roll catches and creates very hard to dodge situations.


Aug 3, 2017
Finished it. Fingerprint shield and blood antspur rapier and talismans boosting HP and stamina so I can keep poking some more.
Overall, the map and world verticality is incredible. Exploration is good. New tools to play with.
Bosses.....they crossed a new threshold with the final boss. That's all I'm gonna say.
I'll keep playing for a bit, testing some things out, go to NG+, use cheat engine for some shenanigans etc.
Whatever. This is it for me playing FS games from this point forward.

I've seen you done nothing but cry in this thread since the game released. And here you are, bought the DLC and finished it in 1 week.

Yeah, I totally believe you are done with FS.

Stoned Ape

Jan 9, 2018
The belly of the whale
Was mucking around in the arena last night. The kung fu fists both need a serious nerf. They're completely chew people up for almost no stamina and their fast weapon arts instantly poise break a blocking greatshield. If they get in on someone they are almost impossible to get off you and they attack so fast you can't get in first. Range is obviously the issue but you're so stamina efficient it's not an issue getting in and staying in. Their "long" animations in PvE are an issue if an enemy doesn't stagger but there's not an issue present in PvP the same way. Putting on bird feet and 2 handing hits as hard as a normal weapon each hit and those feet fly.

There's some really nasty roll catch combos as well. Specifically built in where your character can do a full 180 during the swing and will hit right as the roll ends. The weebs katana that increases your damage taken Rakshaga I think it's called's weapon art uses barely any FP and it roll catches and creates very hard to dodge situations.
Speaking of utterly broken shit in PvP, did you notice the backhand blade Swift Slash ash of war stupidity with its virtually zero start up time, long range, and virtually undodgeable, unblockable hitboxes of doom?


Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Do weapon arts let From be lazy with boss design? If you can chunk bosses for huge parts of their bar is there's a need to worry about unavoidable damage the same way as if a player has to wittle bosses down hit by hit? Worth pondering why your screen gives you a sun tan in the DLC.

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