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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM


samsung verizon hitachi
Jan 30, 2015
hyperborean trenchtown
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Bayle was fucking awful but so cool at the same time. Hits you seconds upon entering the arena, can barely even cleanly summon anything and it’s dive-attacks/flying away and aoe-spam make the npc’s worthless. I had been RP’ing an (unaltered) Banished Knight set for the dlc but I immediately respec’d from the strength/faith build to a build around Dragon-Hunter’s Great Katana.. What a huge difference it made. :shittydog:

E: While I praised the verticality and layers to the world before; I actually haven’t enjoyed the DLC’s design as much as I should have. Half the areas have nearly nothing in them and it’s so unintuitive having them be spaghetti-spirals around the map to get anywhere you think you’re going. ER base at least had stuff hidden along the way. It’s a different mindset to the open world because there’s still things tucked away but picking the map apart most the time you don’t find much. Those who primarily went A to B until they couldn’t will probably enjoy this one more.
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Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
Anyway, I hate you people. I don't know if you just say "It's the easiest" because you really believe it
Idk what to tell you man. This game is more open and has less chokepoints for progress than other From Soft titles. That's just a fact. That means you can go somewhere else and come back with more levels and better gear. Past games made that much harder. There were many wall bosses that had to be beaten to progress. Some people never get past Capra Demon or Father Gascoigne.

Or you say "Just adapt," enabling.
Bruh I have used Greatsword + Shield in EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of these games. Works every time! Maybe you're just bad? Elden Ring showers you with so many levels it's very easy to dip into hybrid magic builds compared to older games though. You can play exactly like Dark Souls + give yourself more options while losing nothing. Why on earth would anyone complain about this?


Oct 24, 2019
Have made almost no progress in Elden Ring.
I would suggest trying to level Vigor above other stats, go for a bleed infused weapon and use a tanky spirit ash, if you haven't still. I think these 3 things can help you overcome earlier fights more easily and may make the experience smoother.

The reason people say is the easiest is that there are a lot of ways to break the game that don"t even require that much work to achieve; certain weapons, spirit ashes, spells, ashes of war, bleed builds, etc


samsung verizon hitachi
Jan 30, 2015
hyperborean trenchtown
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
I’d never tried the Bloodhound Step weapon Ash before; idk how much it’s been nerfed/buffed since release but the goddamn thing is crazy. I only used it for Jori’s fight but it made that chaotic mess way more palatable.


Jan 5, 2009
Bubbles In Memoria
I’d never tried the Bloodhound Step weapon Ash before; idk how much it’s been nerfed/buffed since release but the goddamn thing is crazy. I only used it for Jori’s fight but it made that chaotic mess way more palatable.
It's been nerfed but it's still very strong

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Would be really nice if faggots could stop joining the thread to say "I just started the DLC. I don't see the problems with it at all" as if the entire discussion isn't around late DLC bosses being bullshit not the tutorial stuff.

Almost beat big Mogh at SL1 tonight but it really shows how badly designed the systems are in Elden ring. Depending on where bleed and frost proc (using claws with both status) completely changes the fight. If they proc right phase 2 starts with him at 25% life at most. If it procs wrong it starts with him at 75% health. Doing exactly the same tactics with the same summons but it makes a world of difference. Phase 1 just doesn't exist with this build. You enter, hit the shackle once and you have him stun locked into doing his counting shit while you beat on him. He has to count every step before he can enter phase 2 so if you can keep procing the count down and don't stand in front of him he's completely defenseless. If you use the shackle to proc the first one you can get into phase 2 without you or your summon taking a hit. I'm positive with the right procs I could kill him before he enters phase 2. Maybe eating a +stamina item would give me the extra few hits to make it happen. Either way it's fucking ridiculous how much damage you can do at SL1 in this game. It sounds stupid but I'm having to do practice runs with the +blood damage talisman and the +damage at full health talisman to figure out which combo works best so I can get the best phase 2 health pool. Stacking both doesn't seem to be the way to go.

The problem is that this entire post is based on the assumption you can't get gud with this boss. Except you can. Again, "bullshit" design is a relative term if you gonna mix possibly legitimate criticisms to "i can't do it, therefore it can't be done" asinine assumptions.

I just killed that Logur guy, you can see in my blog thread, and already we are starting to see the same principles found in Elden Ring. That is, enemies are often just "puzzles" you have to crack. This Wolverine dude is very difficult to roll fu as he can just track you whereever you are which means a successful dodge can just land you right into one of his follow up combos. Yet, he is "weak" to frontal attacks by having very low poise as long as you stop his hyperarmor from kicking in. As i explained often, whenever the game does something that just seems unreasonable, there's usually a "trick" you are supposed to exploit.

Mohg, for the record, is not like that at all. He is the least unreasonable boss in the entire game. I guess the only "unreasonable" part is the Nihil thing but that's a non-issue. Either use the tear or just heal through it. You have so much healing by that point of the game it's impossible you are going to use it all anyway. He is either going to kill you or you'll kill him way before you run out in 99% of cases.

Child of Malkav

Feb 11, 2018
I've seen you done nothing but cry in this thread since the game released. And here you are, bought the DLC and finished it in 1 week.

Yeah, I totally believe you are done with FS.
I complained about one thing, the map and verticality is a plus and the rest is the same. Made that clear.
Yeah I'm done because this game and the next ones will be nothing but sonic anime retardation. Which is not the reason why I started playing these games. They switched genres practically.

Child of Malkav

Feb 11, 2018
I don't know if you just say "It's the easiest" because you really believe it, but you enable FromSoftware to keep doubling down on the BS, when they should be making a new system. Or you say "Just adapt," enabling. You can adapt to anything, but the inbred design will become more and more rigid if you just excuse it all with that attitude and consume.
It's the easiest if you cheese the bosses. If you don't....my condolences.
It's cheese or be cheesed.
Which is funny in a way, because Sekiro was advertised as do everything to win because shinobis at the time did the same. And it turned out to be the best and fairest game From has ever made. So no need for cheese.


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
After reading about bosses in the DLC, I think I'll be skipping it. Not interested in even more spastic bosses and delayed combos.

If From Soft wants to chase "pro" players, its their decision. Hope they don't mind loosing the "casual" crowd's money.

They chased the autistic crowd who think they can dodge everything pressing the roll button. If you use a shield, every boss is bearable. Asmongold killed the final boss in a couple of tries, under twenty minutes. Meanwhile, others have spent hours and hours trying to dodge everything.
Well, tough luck. My preferred combat style since DS1 is an Ultra / Colossal Greatsword, wielded two-handed. The weighty feel of such weapons was a part of the games' charm to me (I loved the Zweihander pancakes in DS1!).

No way I'm gonna hide behind a greatshield and poke with a spear or rapier now.


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
it's time to try something new.
They did try something new. They made Elden Ring into more of an RPG than an action game. It seems like what you're upset about is that they actually did try something new.
Well, nice RPG in the DLC I read about. Your stats mean jack shit (except for the gear/spell access). Gather those gimmicky blessings or your fucked.


May 13, 2007
Castle Rock
I'm afraid Shadow of Eldtree is a nail in the coffin for asian games translations. As you know, we got a problem with translations of japanese games recently. The industry is compromised by creepy faggots fulfilling their sexual desires. It turns out some queer degenerate just changed the whole story of DLC, by making it "appropriate for a modern audiance":

In official version they've made Radahn and Miquella a faggots, Radahn is Miquellas consort, he is a husband and Miquella is a wife. Not only Miquella is a faggot, he is also a fucking creep - he made Radahn his fuck boy by force, by enchanting him. Which is basically a rape. Miquella is a digusting degenerate and a monster.
In japanese version Radahn is Miquellas King/Lord. Miquella wanted to became a God and he has choosen Radahn to be his Elden Lord. Radahn wanted to be Miquella's Lord. They made a deal - he will be his Lord if Miquella bacome a God. That's why Miquella's done all those things to himself. Miquella is a lost child who means well. Nothing sexual/faggotry here

This is fucking ridiculous how those disqusting perverts can ruin someone's creative work and make you disbelieve of what you see. It's official - translations are dead.
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Mar 26, 2024
I'm afraid Shadow of Eldtree is a nail in the coffin for asian games translations. As you know, we got a problem with translations of japanese games recently. The industry is compromised by creepy faggots fulfilling their sexual desires. It turns out some queer degenerate just changed the whole story of DLC, by making it "appropriate for a modern audiance":

In official version they've made Radahn and Miquella a faggots, Radahn is Miquellas consort, he is a husband and Miquella is a wife. Not only Miquella is a faggot, he is also a fucking creep - he made Radahn his fuck boy by force, by enchanting him. Which is basically a rape. Miquella is a digusting degenerate and a monster.
In japanese version Radahn is Miquellas King/Lord. Miquella wanted to became a God and he has choosen Radahn to be his Elden Lord. Radahn wanted to be Miquella's Lord. They made a deal - he will be his Lord if Miquella bacome a God. That's why Miquella's done all those things to himself. Miquella is a lost child who means well. Nothing sexual/faggotry here

This is fucking ridiculous how those disqusting perverts can ruin someone's creative work and make you disbelieve of what you see. It's official - translations are dead.
There's literally no meaningful differences between the two, the English version is just more nuanced, as there's no suitable version of the word "consort" in Japanese.
Elden Ring is translated by FrogNation, a company based in Japan, and they worked with FS since Demon's Souls days. In one of the interviews Miyazaki even admitted that he sometimes changed the Japanese script because FrogNation localised (worded) it better.
It's the same thing with Ranni's ending "mistranslation", which was not mistranslated, just worded differently. In Ranni's case the fake outrage was because of fucking simps, in your case it's because you have read about DEI too much.


May 13, 2007
Castle Rock
I'm afraid Shadow of Eldtree is a nail in the coffin for asian games translations. As you know, we got a problem with translations of japanese games recently. The industry is compromised by creepy faggots fulfilling their sexual desires. It turns out some queer degenerate just changed the whole story of DLC, by making it "appropriate for a modern audiance":

In official version they've made Radahn and Miquella a faggots, Radahn is Miquellas consort, he is a husband and Miquella is a wife. Not only Miquella is a faggot, he is also a fucking creep - he made Radahn his fuck boy by force, by enchanting him. Which is basically a rape. Miquella is a digusting degenerate and a monster.
In japanese version Radahn is Miquellas King/Lord. Miquella wanted to became a God and he has choosen Radahn to be his Elden Lord. Radahn wanted to be Miquella's Lord. They made a deal - he will be his Lord if Miquella bacome a God. That's why Miquella's done all those things to himself. Miquella is a lost child who means well. Nothing sexual/faggotry here

This is fucking ridiculous how those disqusting perverts can ruin someone's creative work and make you disbelieve of what you see. It's official - translations are dead.
There's literally no meaningful differences between the two(..)
Can you see a meaningfull difference between this(quick edit to make it more distinguishable for you):

And this?
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Mar 26, 2024
I'm afraid Shadow of Eldtree is a nail in the coffin for asian games translations. As you know, we got a problem with translations of japanese games recently. The industry is compromised by creepy faggots fulfilling their sexual desires. It turns out some queer degenerate just changed the whole story of DLC, by making it "appropriate for a modern audiance":

In official version they've made Radahn and Miquella a faggots, Radahn is Miquellas consort, he is a husband and Miquella is a wife. Not only Miquella is a faggot, he is also a fucking creep - he made Radahn his fuck boy by force, by enchanting him. Which is basically a rape. Miquella is a digusting degenerate and a monster.
In japanese version Radahn is Miquellas King/Lord. Miquella wanted to became a God and he has choosen Radahn to be his Elden Lord. Radahn wanted to be Miquella's Lord. They made a deal - he will be his Lord if Miquella bacome a God. That's why Miquella's done all those things to himself. Miquella is a lost child who means well. Nothing sexual/faggotry here

This is fucking ridiculous how those disqusting perverts can ruin someone's creative work and make you disbelieve of what you see. It's official - translations are dead.
There's literally no meaningful differences between the two(..)
Can you see a meaningfull difference between this:


And this?
They wear them cowboy hats in the Japanese version as well. Marika was a god and her consort was her life partner. It literally mirrors the same concept.


May 13, 2007
Castle Rock
I'm afraid Shadow of Eldtree is a nail in the coffin for asian games translations. As you know, we got a problem with translations of japanese games recently. The industry is compromised by creepy faggots fulfilling their sexual desires. It turns out some queer degenerate just changed the whole story of DLC, by making it "appropriate for a modern audiance":

In official version they've made Radahn and Miquella a faggots, Radahn is Miquellas consort, he is a husband and Miquella is a wife. Not only Miquella is a faggot, he is also a fucking creep - he made Radahn his fuck boy by force, by enchanting him. Which is basically a rape. Miquella is a digusting degenerate and a monster.
In japanese version Radahn is Miquellas King/Lord. Miquella wanted to became a God and he has choosen Radahn to be his Elden Lord. Radahn wanted to be Miquella's Lord. They made a deal - he will be his Lord if Miquella bacome a God. That's why Miquella's done all those things to himself. Miquella is a lost child who means well. Nothing sexual/faggotry here

This is fucking ridiculous how those disqusting perverts can ruin someone's creative work and make you disbelieve of what you see. It's official - translations are dead.
There's literally no meaningful differences between the two(..)
Can you see a meaningfull difference between this:


And this?
They wear them cowboy hats in the Japanese version as well. Marika was a god and her consort was her life partner. It literally mirrors the same concept.
You just ingored the part about bad translation and move on, didn't you?

It doesn't mirror the same concept, Merika was a whore, she fucked literally everyone. Miquella abondoned all of his "imperfections" and primal instincts. That's how he wanted to do it better.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
E: While I praised the verticality and layers to the world before; I actually haven’t enjoyed the DLC’s design as much as I should have. Half the areas have nearly nothing in them and it’s so unintuitive having them be spaghetti-spirals around the map to get anywhere you think you’re going.
Felt the same way. The stuff you find is better but finding it is much harder. They need a better middle ground.
The problem is that this entire post is based on the assumption you can't get gud with this boss. Except you can. Again, "bullshit" design is a relative term if you gonna mix possibly legitimate criticisms to "i can't do it, therefore it can't be done" asinine assumptions.
No, the post has nothing to do with 'git gud' I've beaten the base game at RL1 so it's not 'git gud' problem faggot. I was talking about Elden Ring's spastic systems where doing the exact same thing can have widely varying results. Entering, shackling Mogh and then soft locking him into doing his spell counting can get you a phase 2 with 25% health or 75% health when you did literally nothing different. It's bizarre to have such wildly different results.
Mohg, for the record, is not like that at all. He is the least unreasonable boss in the entire game. I guess the only "unreasonable" part is the Nihil thing but that's a non-issue. Either use the tear or just heal through it. You have so much healing by that point of the game it's impossible you are going to use it all anyway. He is either going to kill you or you'll kill him way before you run out in 99% of cases.
"You have so much healing", sure you do buddy. When you can't take a hit at RL1 because you die. If he ever does the fire rain and you're attacking him you're dead because it kills you in 2 hits and your animations too long to get out of it. And it's totally fair and not unreasonable for the arena to have multiple environmental fire effects on the floor that blend in with his spammed attack fight in phase 2. Nothing unreasonable about having non-damaging fire look the same as damaging fire he leaves after most attacks.

Seriously, stop replying. You're so retarded even /v/ wouldn't want you. I'm better at this game than you and you will never come close to doing a RL1 run because you're too retarded to understand the game and make excuses for it to prop up your own micro penis inspired ego. If you got thread banned from all From games for a year the discussion would sky rocket in quality.
Well, tough luck. My preferred combat style since DS1 is an Ultra / Colossal Greatsword, wielded two-handed. The weighty feel of such weapons was a part of the games' charm to me (I loved the Zweihander pancakes in DS1!).
You can beat the whole DLC with those weapons. Last boss can be beaten to a pulp with big weapon heavy infused. Had a friend do it no problem. Keep on rocking your style bro.
It doesn't mirror the same concept, Merika was a whore, she fucked literally everyone.
Marika might not be a whore after seeing some of the new DLC stuff. I'm thinking the reason Radagon mingled with Ranni's mother was to learn more about rebirthing things and life creation. It seems demi-gods aren't made by fucking but some kind of ritual births them. It would explain why Marika and Radagon are able to have children together, it's not them fucking each other but it's them creating a new life together through ritual magic or whatever the fuck they do to make them.


Mar 28, 2018
Hope this is the last Souls sequel they make. The formula is a genetic dead end imo. The DLC bosses were interesting challenges but never as satisfying to master as, say, Genichiro or Isshin in Sekiro, largely because "mastery" in Souls games equates to simply learning I-frame windows and being extraordinarily patient. Dodge eight attacks in a row, hit the boss once, repeat until you're bored and they're dead. The ending was shit btw. They haven't learned a thing about storytelling in the last twenty years

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006

Seriously, stop replying. You're so retarded even /v/ wouldn't want you. I'm better at this game than you and you will never come close to doing a RL1 run because you're too retarded to understand the game and make excuses for it to prop up your own micro penis inspired ego. If you got thread banned from all From games for a year the discussion would sky rocket in quality.

Meh, this has to be a troll. Well played i guess.

Mohg was the easiest of the late game bosses for me:

Notice that you can also parry the blood shower with Carian if you are so inclined, which isn't hard to do if it bothers you that much, but it's really not that difficut not to get caught in it. As for the blood sprays he leaves everwhere, the pattern is always the same because he splatters them in an arc. But more importantly, they don't stay on the ground for very long. So when he flies just move towards him so you can create some distance between yourself and the blood flame splatter. He'll always land in the middle of them but by the time you run back to him they'll already start to disappear.

BTW, now that i'm playing the DLC, i already have some concrete proof you people are just retarded. Not even 20 seconds from the first site of grace there's a church that has a whopping TWO Scadutree fragments. So i don't understand how anybody can make it all the way to Messner without Scadutree blessings when the game literally throws two of them at you right off the bat. You have to be functionally retarded or chronically opposed to even the smallest amount of exploration to miss them.


Jan 25, 2022
i like the dlc scaling means i can easily roll thru everything w/ my low level twinks to get the good talismans and stuffs
actually the hardest part of the dlc so far for my low lvl was beating mohg, twinks can't do that lvl 1 cheese thing
second hardest part is finding things to spend all these damn runes on i now have like 999/999 of most merchant items

sucks that i can never summon anyone to co op with cuz everyone's doing this dlc at like level 420

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Mohg was the easiest of the late game bosses for me:
"Games so easy when I stack 15 buffs and 2 shot the boss" no shit faggot. Come back when you have an opinion you didn't get from watching Asmogold or whatever you Jewish people call each other. The point of doing RL1 runs isn't to stack the exact same set of buffs you can always nuke a boss down with but to use limited resources and find new strategies that aren't spamming your 14 healing flasks and your 15 buffs. You're literally /v/ incarnate and if you killed yourself the From fanbase would be 600% less retarded the moment you died.

RL1 Mogh dead. Rollo is the best summon ever and helped reset Frost build ups and with the right break points

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